Well-Known Member
Ryan attended the CDC Grand Rounds presentation on ME/CFS yesterday. He spoke to some presenters and audience members, including patients and CDC staffers, and handed out dvds of Forgotten Plague.
--My previous ME/CFS event with CDC had dismal attendance and had lifted up some of the older bad research that had been conducted in previous decades. I had left depressed. Today was much different. Grand Rounds attracted a crowd. There was a sense that real science is going on, and I left with positive feelings.
--Dr. Nath, the newcomer to the field, seems a man of integrity and industrial-strength intellect. His comments about listening to patients instead of textbooks were well-received. Listening to patients is an idea championed by renowned scholar William Osler in the 19th century, and which is gaining more credence again in the 21st century. He seems particularly open to hearing from patients and said he'd be happy to have me at NIH to show what they're doing.
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