Success treating multiple infections with Chlorine Dioxide

Hello all, I was diagnosed with CFS/ME 15 years ago and found out two years ago that it was caused by Lyme, bartonella, babesia, EBV, mycoplasma and mold and I just wanted to report that I've been doing really well on MMS/CD (chlorine dioxide).

I've seen a lot of big improvements in the four and a half months that I've been on it. Here are the differences I've noticed so far:
Big reduction in brain fog
Big reduction in mast cell/histamine intolerance reactions
Reduced food sensitivities
MUCH better energy and stamina-- I'm working full time and started doing cardio and weight lifting again in addition to having energy and motivation to do chores
MUCH better mood
Big reduction in tinnitus (ear ringing)
Big reduction in eye floaters/flashes of light
Better sleep
Less anxiety
Air hunger gone
Night sweats gone
Joint pain gone
Adrenal symptoms/POTS much better
Was able to get off of many herbs and supplements I relied on to get through the day

I have had some herxing but it's been very slight compared to other antimicrobial protocols I've tried. It was mostly some histamine flashing and flushing, slight headaches and occasional fatigue/sleepiness. It was very managable. I just reduced my dose until I felt better again.

This is the first time in a long time that I feel 100% confident for a full recovery soon.

I also eat a raw vegan diet and do daily castor oil packs to help support detox and those help a lot but I think that the MMS/CD is what has helped me the most.

I strongly encourage anyone dealing with chronic infections to give it a try. It is so cheap and easy to use. I'm thrilled with the results from something so inexpensive.

I'm using Kerri Rivera's protocol as described in her book "Healing The Syptoms Known as Autism" (autism and Lyme have a lot in common...both stemming from chronic infections, toxicity and immune and nervous system dysfunction). There is a Facebook group for those on the protocol called CDHealth.
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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Hello all, I was diagnosed with CFS/ME 15 years ago and found out two years ago that it was caused by Lyme, bartonella, babesia, EBV, mycoplasma and mold and I just wanted to report that I've been doing really well on MMS/CD (chlorine dioxide).

I've seen a lot of big improvements in the four and a half months that I've been on it. Here are the differences I've noticed so far:
Big reduction in brain fog
Big reduction in mast cell/histamine intolerance reactions
Reduced food sensitivities
MUCH better energy and stamina-- I'm working full time and started doing cardio and weight lifting again in addition to having energy and motivation to do chores
MUCH better mood
Big reduction in tinnitus (ear ringing)
Big reduction in eye floaters/flashes of light
Better sleep
Less anxiety
Air hunger gone
Night sweats gone
Joint pain gone
Adrenal symptoms/POTS much better
Was able to get off of many herbs and supplements I relied on to get through the day

I have had some herxing but it's been very slight compared to other antimicrobial protocols I've tried. It was mostly some histamine flashing and flushing, slight headaches and occasional fatigue/sleepiness. It was very managable. I just reduced my dose until I felt better again.

This is the first time in a long time that I feel 100% confident for a full recovery soon.

I also eat a raw vegan diet and do daily castor oil packs to help support detox and those help a lot but I think that the MMS/CD is what has helped me the most.

I strongly encourage anyone dealing with chronic infections to give it a try. It is so cheap and easy to use. I'm thrilled with the results from something so inexpensive.

I'm using Kerri Rivera's protocol as described in her book "Healing The Syptoms Known as Autism" (autism and Lyme have a lot in common...both stemming from chronic infections, toxicity and immune and nervous system dysfunction). There is a Facebook group for those on the protocol called CDHealth.

This is an absolutely new one for me. I have never heard of chlorine dioxide.

You what really gets my attention? When someone says they're weight lifting! That REALLY gets my attention..

And you've had this for fifteen years and this protocol is working...I'm sure that you've tried a lot of stuff. That gets my attention as well.

I must say the two words Chlorine Dioxide are a bit scary. :chicken::chicken: I'm sure they sound scarier than they are.

Is this the same thing -


Well-Known Member
I strongly encourage anyone dealing with chronic infections to give it a try. It is so cheap and easy to use. I'm thrilled with the results from something so inexpensive.
I'm not sure it's a good idea to strongly encourage people to try this treatment until there's more information in this thread about the cons of this treatment. Every treatment has some cons, conditions that it's contraindicated for and so on. As I understand it, this treatment is not universally safe. I'm guessing it's also not as deadly as some people would have us believe. We need the big picture, warts and all before we could make a well-informed decision about trying this treatment.

To try to make my point clearer --
My family members have had great success with long-term, pretty high dose Valcyte. I think the stuff is great... for us. I encourage people to look into it. I would NOT strongly encourage everyone to try it. It's not right for everyone for a lot of reasons. Without careful monitoring you could get very serious side effects. Some people just feel awful on it. Quite a few patients have an IRIS-like reaction from it which some patients could not tolerate for various reasons. It's not safe to take if you're pregnant. It's pointless if you don't have the infections it treats. Lots of reasons it wouldn't be good for everyone.

My family took Valcyte with very little problem and great success. That doesn't mean everyone will. The same situation applies to chlorine dioxide. It was great for you. It is very likely not good, and perhaps even dangerous, for some other patients. By all means, encourage everyone to look into it, but it's probably not the best idea to strongly encourage everyone to take it. :)

I'm thrilled to hear you've had great success in improving your health! Congratulations! Most patients don't find the thing that works that well for them.... or haven't yet, anyway.


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I was diagnosed with CFS/ME 15 years ago and found out two years ago that it was caused by Lyme, bartonella, babesia, EBV, mycoplasma and mold and I just wanted to report that I've been doing really well on MMS/CD (chlorine dioxide).

I've seen a lot of big improvements in the four and a half months that I've been on it. Here are the differences I've noticed so far:
Big reduction in brain fog
Big reduction in mast cell/histamine intolerance reactions
Reduced food sensitivities
MUCH better energy and stamina-- I'm working full time and started doing cardio and weight lifting again in addition to having energy and motivation to do chores
MUCH better mood
Big reduction in tinnitus (ear ringing)
Big reduction in eye floaters/flashes of light
Better sleep
Less anxiety
Air hunger gone
Night sweats gone
Joint pain gone
Adrenal symptoms/POTS much better
Was able to get off of many herbs and supplements I relied on to get through the day

I have had some herxing but it's been very slight compared to other antimicrobial protocols I've tried. It was mostly some histamine flashing and flushing, slight headaches and occasional fatigue/sleepiness. It was very managable. I just reduced my dose until I felt better again.

This is the first time in a long time that I feel 100% confident for a full recovery soon.

I also eat a raw vegan diet and do daily castor oil packs to help support detox and those help a lot but I think that the MMS/CD is what has helped me the most.

I strongly encourage anyone dealing with chronic infections to give it a try. It is so cheap and easy to use. I'm thrilled with the results from something so inexpensive.

I'm using Kerri Rivera's protocol as described in her book "Healing The Syptoms Known as Autism" (autism and Lyme have a lot in common...both stemming from chronic infections, toxicity and immune and nervous system dysfunction). There is a Facebook group for those on the protocol called CDHealth.
I've recently had this suggested to me.
Did you also do all the enemas with it? For reasons connected to family issues, I don't believe in enemas unless there is a blockage or something. Seems repeated enemas would imbalance things in the colon and from experience of one of my family members - chronic enemas caused her colon to stop working. Would the treatment work without the enemas? It does sound scary. But the person who told me about it, also is in the 90% improved catagory. I do feel cleanses and elimination of parasites is important. What do you feel caused your improvement? What is the science behind it? I'm not being critical, just want to learn more. I trust the person that told me about it and trying to explore things that have helped others with these issues.



Well-Known Member
@Audrey Walker
Thank you for this post. There is a lot of science behind chlorine dioxide ! I remembered using it to purify water on back packs ( in the old days). And yes, it is absolutely effective against Giardia, cryptosporidium, and other gut parasites! Often these unicellular organisms are just not identified by labs. ( case in point - I did ova and parasite studies at a big lab in the 1970s ! - long story)

And, I believe there is group of us that are susceptible to inability to clear these organisms - those with a long, redundant, tortuous colon. Been dx with this - on colonoscopy.

Lisa Schicht

New Member
Hello all, I was diagnosed with CFS/ME 15 years ago and found out two years ago that it was caused by Lyme, bartonella, babesia, EBV, mycoplasma and mold and I just wanted to report that I've been doing really well on MMS/CD (chlorine dioxide).

I've seen a lot of big improvements in the four and a half months that I've been on it. Here are the differences I've noticed so far:
Big reduction in brain fog
Big reduction in mast cell/histamine intolerance reactions
Reduced food sensitivities
MUCH better energy and stamina-- I'm working full time and started doing cardio and weight lifting again in addition to having energy and motivation to do chores
MUCH better mood
Big reduction in tinnitus (ear ringing)
Big reduction in eye floaters/flashes of light
Better sleep
Less anxiety
Air hunger gone
Night sweats gone
Joint pain gone
Adrenal symptoms/POTS much better
Was able to get off of many herbs and supplements I relied on to get through the day

I have had some herxing but it's been very slight compared to other antimicrobial protocols I've tried. It was mostly some histamine flashing and flushing, slight headaches and occasional fatigue/sleepiness. It was very managable. I just reduced my dose until I felt better again.

This is the first time in a long time that I feel 100% confident for a full recovery soon.

I also eat a raw vegan diet and do daily castor oil packs to help support detox and those help a lot but I think that the MMS/CD is what has helped me the most.

I strongly encourage anyone dealing with chronic infections to give it a try. It is so cheap and easy to use. I'm thrilled with the results from something so inexpensive.

I'm using Kerri Rivera's protocol as described in her book "Healing The Syptoms Known as Autism" (autism and Lyme have a lot in common...both stemming from chronic infections, toxicity and immune and nervous system dysfunction). There is a Facebook group for those on the protocol called CDHealth.

Lisa Schicht

New Member

I read Kerry's book as well..and wanted to try it. Its confusing though because Dr. Cheney wants me to do somewhat alkaline water...and not be acid. I am wondering...will this make us more acid? Also, I am curious to know what doseage you worked up to.



Well-Known Member

I read Kerry's book as well..and wanted to try it. Its confusing though because Dr. Cheney wants me to do somewhat alkaline water...and not be acid. I am wondering...will this make us more acid? Also, I am curious to know what doseage you worked up to.

Lisa, I have read Kerri's book and have taken MMS for a short time. During that time I learned something about it that I don't think is given enough attention. MMS is an oxidant, which means it kills through oxidation. That does take care of some pathogens, but it also burns up your antioxidants. That's why in the book it says to not take any antioxidants any time near taking a dose of MMS. If you do it the baby bottle method that Kerri prescribes, you will not have much time during the day to eat anything high in antioxidants or take supplemental antioxidants. That's why people who have gout get worse while taking it, it burns up your body's antioxidants. I don't know what it does to the necessary bacteria in the gut, a study on that from a neutral source would be helpful. I don't think Kerri or Jim Humble would be considered a neutral source.

I am not saying you shouldn't take it, but that is something you might want to take into consideration. I mean we are even talking about eating an apple or taking Vitamin A or E! It's a very different approach, and will have a long term effect on your body.

I am glad you're doing well on it, Audrey, and I know you only share because you are trying to help others. I just want to make sure that people understand that part of using MMS before they get into it.
Lisa, I have read Kerri's book and have taken MMS for a short time. During that time I learned something about it that I don't think is given enough attention. MMS is an oxidant, which means it kills through oxidation. That does take care of some pathogens, but it also burns up your antioxidants. That's why in the book it says to not take any antioxidants any time near taking a dose of MMS. If you do it the baby bottle method that Kerri prescribes, you will not have much time during the day to eat anything high in antioxidants or take supplemental antioxidants. That's why people who have gout get worse while taking it, it burns up your body's antioxidants. I don't know what it does to the necessary bacteria in the gut, a study on that from a neutral source would be helpful. I don't think Kerri or Jim Humble would be considered a neutral source.

I am not saying you shouldn't take it, but that is something you might want to take into consideration. I mean we are even talking about eating an apple or taking Vitamin A or E! It's a very different approach, and will have a long term effect on your body.

I am glad you're doing well on it, Audrey, and I know you only share because you are trying to help others. I just want to make sure that people understand that part of using MMS before they get into it.

Hi RuthAnn,

Yes, MMS is an oxidant therapy. It is much less expensive than ozone therapy which many people with chronic lyme do and is safer than hydrogen peroxide in my opinion. I feel so well on it that I no longer need to take all of the high antioxidant herbs and supplements I used to have to take to get through the day. I do not limit antioxidants in my diet. I eat a very high antioxidant diet as a 100% raw vegan and MMS still worked very well for me. I'm sure that I get all the antioxidants I need from all the fruits and veggies I eat.


Well-Known Member
Hi RuthAnn,

Yes, MMS is an oxidant therapy. It is much less expensive than ozone therapy which many people with chronic lyme do and is safer than hydrogen peroxide in my opinion. I feel so well on it that I no longer need to take all of the high antioxidant herbs and supplements I used to have to take to get through the day. I do not limit antioxidants in my diet. I eat a very high antioxidant diet as a 100% raw vegan and MMS still worked very well for me. I'm sure that I get all the antioxidants I need from all the fruits and veggies I eat.

Yes, it is much less expensive than the other oxidant therapies.

Your diet is probably the best way to do it. That's good that it works along with a diet high in fruits and vegetables. I am glad you are doing okay with it. You probably realize that Kerri says it won't work if you eat a lot of antioxidant foods, and you can tell by looking at her and her kids that something else is going wrong for them. Also, they then rely on hyperbaric oxygen chamber, which is totally off the charts with respect to price, and also is known to cause other problems down the road.

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