Thanks! Have you noticed any benefits in energy etc Or is it too early to tell? I think I'm going to give it a go
Im definitely feeling better and more active. Occassional pem but a day of rest and im fine. If 10 is normal, im about an 8 or a 9. Sleep still needs medicating but im sleeping more soundly. Im not totally symptom free but symptoms are easy to deal with.
Im trying to recall how long i have been on tenofovir. I initially did 3 months and improved but wasnt sure if it was arvs or an antibiotic combo i was taking or a few other things i was trialling. But stop tenofovir after 3 months and my condition went down hill. I was off maybe 4 or 5 months and then restarted tenofovir again. I think ive been back on it for about 7 months and improvement seem to happen much quicker the second time around.
Its a subtle improvement over a few months. I cant just say it increases energy etc. Its just a lessoning on most cfsme symptoms, which does mean more energy but its a more wide spread effect.
90% of my blood work if shown to a dr they would say oh it looks like you have a virus, you should be ok in a week or two. That 15yrs this year. I fit into the viral sub group with ebv/cmv, varicella virus and they were also cause of my cfs onset. 95% of my tests show low neutrophils and my total lymphocytes are high if not on antiviral/famvir. T cell sub sets always high but its been awhile since i have had that tested. I also tested very low in natural killer cell function testing.
I just mention the above to try and give people an idea of what i personally was dealing with. Many cfsers are dealing with different infections or combination of infections. Theres no way to know who will respond to tenofovir other then trial and error. I really cant say if theres an underlying retrovirus or if tenofovir modulates the immune system as some research has shown. But if i was going to make a bet it would be we have some unknown retrovirus or maybe it is known by the medical authorities but they have chosen to look the other way.
My opinion is its worth a shot but give it a few months. I will say i had a similar experience with antivirals but couldnt sustain the full effects for longer then 12 months but was better then originally was. So i continue with avs as well as arvs and occassional abx for sinus infections, which have also eased of late.