Isn't that weird - an anticonvulsant increases or starts tinnitus! Mine was worse a couple of months ago....I was starting to get worried it was so loud.My tinnitus started after I begun taking Gabapentin. Then stopped after I quit and then started again when I begun taking it again.
Changed to Lyrica to see if it helps but it stayed the same. Strangely it's only on the left ear. I went to a doctor and he suggested some exams to tell me what's wrong which I'm gonna do in a couple weeks. He said that Lyrica/Gabapentin might agravate what I already had but not create the tinnitus so he think's there's something to fix... I'll let you know how it turns out.
Tinnitus can be associated with poor blood flows. I wonder if when you overexert yourself - that drives blood flows away from your ears...I've had tinnitus 24/7 since I first became ill. Mine is totally constant and fairly high pitched, like a dense swarm of mosquitoes perhaps. The more I overdo it - especially physically - the louder it gets! This morning it's very loud.
I'm always surprised that my husband can't hear it but he assures me that he can't! I'm kind of used to it now.
Tinnitus can be associated with poor blood flows. I wonder if when you overexert yourself - that drives blood flows away from your ears...
It's a pain that's for sure.
My tinnitus - at a dull roar for the most part - really ramped up a couple of months ago. Now it's a bit better. I don't guess theres anything you can do about this other than live with it?
Laura, the cortisone may also increase spinal fluid volume? I expect that CSF and blood drainage from the cranial system is a problem for many of us. So, more blood and CSF, more drainage and 'congestion' issues at the craniocervical junction. Have you tried Diamox? Read at Michael Flanagan's, DC ( a chiro trained in neurology and physical anthropology) - The Downside of Upright tinnitus increased when I started fludrocortisone. As a result I only take it intermittently. One would think tinnitus would decrease since fludrocortisone increases blood volume. Any ideas why I'm experiencing this? Thanks!