Tinnitus - Ringing in the Ears


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Minx, yes. Mine gets worse when I have viral infection ( with runny nose, etc the usual stuff) and when my neck is really off. Plus, I can not wear earrings because they are too painful. I get very painful outer ear on the right. My acupuncturist ( orthopedic surgeon in China - 10 years doing neck surgery/ now acupuncture here in U.S. - pretty amazing) says this painful ear comes from a problem in the neck.

But also there is an important functional relationship between the neck, the jaw and the ear. The sacrooccipital chiropractors and craniosacral practitioners discuss this. They attribute ear ringing to a lower jaw that has slipped posteriorly into the mandibular fossa. (Sorry I can not post the drawing I have in front of me) Thus ear ringing can be part of a TMJ dysfunction. Yes, my jaw has continued to slip 'backward' since the injury in 1998. My lower jaw is also rotated - I hit on the right side first. Gee, back to structure and function. So important.

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But also there is an important functional relationship between the neck, the jaw and the ear. The sacrooccipital chiropractors and craniosacral practitioners discuss this. They attribute ear ringing to a lower jaw that has slipped posteriorly into the mandibular fossa. (Sorry I can not post the drawing I have in front of me) Thus ear ringing can be part of a TMJ dysfunction. Yes, my jaw has continued to slip 'backward' since the injury in 1998. My lower jaw is also rotated - I hit on the right side first. Gee, back to structure and function. So important.

This is interesting. I'll have to go back and look at my notes to see when I was having so many back, neck TMJ issues. I know my tinnitus has been going on longer than I when I first noticed it in October because I had fans going all the time. It is on the side where I have the TMJ (which is generally ok if I'm careful)

It's weird, feeling like there is pressure in your ear. And I hate when I can "feel my pulse" in my ear. One time I was sure my brains were leaking into my ear canal.


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Yes, I have pressure in my ears - especially on one side and can hear/ feel the pulse when lying on my side - usually right side. Sounds are always louder when vibrations can be carried by a 'tight' medium - ie like a drum. So, are the vertebral or carotid arteries stretched in certain positions? Is the dura very tight.?

I was dx by a geneticist as having 'hemifacial microsomia. WHAT I asked. One side of my face is slightly smaller. Also, I have the mild scoliosis, rotated pelvis, lack of normal curve in neck/ lumbar, a cleft on the side of L-5 ( ie mild spina bifida occult), bladder/ uterus in left part of abdomen. Okay - excessive asymmetry here. Think this is important, but how? This stuff runs in my maternal line - along with severe viral problems ( grandmother lost 4 kids to measles/ my son very ill with EBV - 1986/age 5), neuro symptoms and CFS/ ME type problems. Is there a twist in the neural tube as well as the spine and body?

Finally I found ( through my physical medicine doc) a brilliant sacro- occipital chiropractor - Dr. c. Curtis Buddingh. Wow - ordered the big, detailed book : Chiropractic: The Anatomy and Physiology of SacroOccipital Technique by Jonathsnd MP Howat. At first I thought they had crazy ideas. How could the occiput cranial bone reciprocate with the sacrum? Then, I began to appreciate the evolution of vertebrates and the central nervous system. ( from college days - biology degree). Plus, Dr. Buddingh brought me back from death's door - restored my sleep, helped my neck immensely. But, he could only get me to a point - and I keep slipping backwards. He moved.

So sorry to go on - had some Nuvigil. But if you are interested, I can summarize how the system works according to these brilliant functional anatomists. Should write another article.I have one published in Fibromyalgia Frontiers,2008, " Pelvic and Sacral Dysfunction : a Facet of Fibromyalgia? " Dr. Alan Pocinki (researcher/ NIH affiliate) EDS expert) wrote to me, " Kudos on you excellent and thought - provoking article. S-I and pelvic instability are of course associated with hyper mobility and ligament laxity, but your observations about their CNS effects are very 'cutting edge.' " But these are not my observations. They come from the neurosurgical literature ( ie sacral position and tethered cord ) and many other specialities.

After all these years I still think that structure and function is indeed extremely important for most of us. As well - immune function and viruses. These factors seem all linked somehow??? Whew. I sound like a broken record. I need a tough moderator to tell me to stop getting on forums on Nuvugil days.
@Cort I've noticed that my tinnitus is worse when I'm tired, sleep deprived, PEM'd. To me, and this is purely my guessing is that when my brain inflammation is worse the tinnitus is worse.

I've read tinnitus is neuro in origin so that makes sense. I know @Aaroninoregon has tinnitus.

Tinnitus is my friend that has overstayed its welcome. :)

I think we are stuck together until the end. Certain things do make it worse...caffeine seems to intensify it.


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I take a pretty weak NMDA antagonist (DXM) and when I take it, the noise decreases significantly. Next week I will try to get my hands on a stronger one (Memantine or Atomoxetine) because DXM in high doses is not kind to the brain.
I've not noticed any effect on my tinnitus from taking amantadine.


Well-Known Member
I have tinnitus as well. For the first time in most of my adult life, about three months ago, it stopped. But I took 30MG of zinc and it came back.
I am certain that tinnitus is the result of too much glutamate and possibly having sensitive NMDA receptors.

zinc will increase glutamate release:

While gabapentin will reduce glutamate in one area of the brain it might raise it in another.


Well-Known Member
Promising results. I would love to get rid of my tinnitus.

So how long do large clinical trials typically take? I assume we are years away from this being an accepted form of treatment?

These pulses change the levels of glutamate in the brain. I think there may be an easier way to do this. One way would be to stop eating to much of it.


Well-Known Member
Ringing/ hissing etc in ears can also be caused by TMJ dysfunction. Here are other TMJ symptoms: clenching/ grinding of teeth, ear pain, itchy, clogged ears, dizziness,neck stiffness/pain, shoulder aches, arm/finger pain / numbness, involuntary biting of cheeks, more. Also, " With a retruded mandible ( jaw pulled backwards) a forward head posture results and changes to the lordosis of the cervical spine into a kyphosis primarily at the level of C3, C4, and C5." (Chiropractic: a The Anatomy and Physiology of SacroOccipital Technique by Jonathan Howatt).

There is published research by Robert Katz, MD, Rush Univ., that Fibro people have a 'straight' cervical spine - they have lost their normal curves. Yes, true for me - dx by physical medicine doc. However, not many people realize how important the cranial/ dental/ sacral complex is to function of the entire central nervous system.

I do not have TMJ pain , but have an abnormal MRI of the TMJ, constant jaw tremor, abnormal bite. This mystery was solved by Brendan Stack, DDS. My TMJ discs have slipped inward, not forward. People like me tend to have neurological problems, and little pain. The other group gets lots of pain and not many neuro problems.

There are many trees in the forest ( ie many chemical/hormonal imbalances) but it may be worthwhile to step back and look at the entire forest. And appreciate how the nervous system functions on the grand scale. How does spinal fluid get from the sacrum in the pelvis back to the brain - against gravity? It doesn't just slosh around. There is a sophisticated pumping mechanism - evolved over millions of years, beginning with the first vertebrates.


Well-Known Member
Okay, just been reading. Tinnitus can be another symptom of dysautonomia. And dysautonomia is very common in mitochondrial genetic disorders. hmmm.

Hi @Merida, @Cort, @Seanko,

Just discovered that same tidbit yesterday. I've discovered another interesting thing that could explain the connection between CFS and tinnitus. There's been much discussion about the role of vagus nerve dysfunction(s) with CFS, and I recently discovered there's an "auricular branch of the vagus nerve". So if somebody's vagus nerve is contributing to their CFS, then that same "disharmony" could be migrating to the ears via that auricular branch.

That said, I've discovered there's numerous things that can cause tinnitus, including certain heart conditions, disharmonies between various organs, anything going on in proximity to the ears, such as gum disease, ear infections, sinus issues, eye issues, neck and upper cervical issues, various trigger points in the neck and head area, irritation of certain nerves in the head area, etc. that can then conduct disharmonies to the ears and auditory cortex. Cell phones and other wireless devices can also cause or aggravate tinnitus.

I'm making my first visit to a physical therapist tomorrow to see if we might find something obvious that's causing my tinnitus. Mine seems to be centered around the TMJ on my right side, with sensitivities emanating out from there to my checkbones and eyes. -- Wish me success in my Sherlock Holmes undertaking! :)

Whew. I sound like a broken record. I need a tough moderator to tell me to stop getting on forums on Nuvugil days.

LOL :D -- And btw, I love that you write on your Nuvugil days! ;)
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I went to Mayo with the ringing. It's in both ears and happened when I flew with a cold. Couldn't clear ears going up or coming down. Lost hearing ranges in both ears equally. Doc said the loss is filled in with our brain causing a ringing at place that hearing is lost. So apparently deafness isn't really quiet. I still can't clear my ears going up or coming down, even in a car. He said he could put tube in ears to help clear - but it would mean I couldn't swim and that's my most loved thing to do. So just living with it. Have to use Afrin nose spray on ascent and descent and no other time. It worked in car. Hope it works in a plane.


Well-Known Member
@Wayne Wonderful comments from you on tinnitus - vagus nerve - yes. Seems logical. And since the vagus nerve branches from the lower brain area excessive pressure via high intracranial pressure or direct nerve pressure could do the trick. I am having worse tinnitus after flying in plane and being at higher altitude (6-8,000 feet).

@Issie - always good to get your input. Your tinnitus onset was dramatic. These observations are always important, I think. Appreciate that flying in a plane also influences pressures in the central nervous system. I get all kinds of odd symptoms on planes - like extreme sleepiness and weakness at first. I can tell when they close the plane doors. I can tell the difference in pressurization between jet manufacturers. Boeing is good, Air Bus, not so good. Talked to air mechanic who confirmed that these pressure systems are very different.

I have trouble breathing thru my nose if I lie on my right side . it just closes up, especially if my neck is off. If I roll to new position, nose opens. So all of this seems under nervous system control.

Anyway, been off forums for a while. Just too discouraged. Would love to meet you both and have long discussion. If you are near Northridge, CA you are invited for coffee. God Bless.


Well-Known Member
I'm lucky to not yet have tinitus. But I saw the subject highlighted on the forum and took a look. When reading I extracted:
* can be triggered by anticonvulsant; looking up anticonvulsant said "Anticonvulsants suppress the excessive rapid firing of neurons during seizures."
* can be triggered by hearing loss
* can be increased by ear infections, exhaustion, PEM...
* "Doc said the loss is filled in with our brain causing a ringing at place that hearing is lost. So apparently deafness isn't really quiet."

-> There may be some sense in all of this.
* Imagine you skype on a laptop without headset, so only internal laptop speaker and microphone.
* Imagine you hear the person you call speaking, but to softly.
* You turn up the volume of your speakers.
* Now you hear the voice louder, but an anoying loud beep pops up.
* You turn down the volume, beeps gone but the voice is too silent again.

-> The brain may do the same thing:
* poor signal from the ears due to hearing loss, reducing signal transmission by using anticonvulsants, blockage of the ears, ???few energy for hearing or low signal transfer when PEM???,...
* brain turns up the amplification/signal strength
* higher amplification leads in technical systems often to "feedback" causing a nasty loud sine tone.

* using white noise, having more signal, turns down amplification and hence tones
* as someone wrote on this forum, noise is often at frequencies of hearing loss if there is hearing loss
-> maybe noise at these frequencies (or the frequencies of the tones) (rather then all frequencies) could do the trick to reduce the beeping just as much, allowing to still hear good (with less noise) at the other frequencies? Could be helpfull if the sine tone is at high frequencies.

Just in case someone would find a use for it...


Well-Known Member
Just in case someone would find a use for it...

-> so maybe increased (chances for) tinitus may be a side effect of many things reducing neuron signal strength (like probably many drugs turning down the nervous response are). Something to look out for when choosing and dosing meds?
-> slowly stabelizing blood flow might at first increase tinitus, but when the body adapts it may soon after decrease it; at least if it responds anything like pain in my body.
Stabelizing blood flow by doing tiny series of very very low intensity mobilization exercises of upper back, neck and limbs spread over the day did wonders to my pain levels. Pain levels went down in less then a week, but anxiety/adrenaline went up for months before it slowly decreased and kept decreasing significantly below the levels when I started these mobilizing exercises
For neck mobilization exercises: ask advice of a good physical therapist; poor exercises may block key nerves in the neck.

* every time when I tried to "force" blood flow into higher gear by either meds or things like hot-cold-hot-cold showers it ended up either in disaster or at least bad.
* I believe this mobilizing did much for me because I had tight muscles further squeezing already tight blood vessels and it increased hart prefill due to better returning to the hart of used blood. Succes may depend on having tense (upper back and neck) muscles and/or having blood pooling issues.
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Well-Known Member
I don't deal with this issue and I'm 80 and take otc pain meds...I think I may have had some ringing in ears a while back but in recent years upped my magnesium intake...so this could be why. My hearing is clear as a bell.


And to I take antioxidants: grape seed extract 23 yrs, Vit C higher doses daily and some others along the way.

Many seem to have this challenge and the mag deficiency could be a real issue. j


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Croatoan, post: 12171,

zinc will increase glutamate release:

This is an excerpt from this article:

Zn2+ inhibits glutamate release via activation of presynaptic ATP-dependent potassium (KATP) channels [46]. Zn2+released from zincergic neuron terminals may serve for negative feedback mechanisms against glutamate release in both the extracellular and intracellular compartments.

I always had understood that zinc actually inhibited glutamate release. Zinc along with P5P is used in pyroluria to modify an over sympathetic tendency in people. The article seems to support this.

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