I've known I should try the Paleo diet for quite some time. It's pretty clear really; I've always craved sweets but they wipe me out. I always had to eat peanut butter with a power bars I have such a bad reaction to sweets...So I've known something is up for decades and my sweet intake relative to most people was pretty low...
But going very low carb? That would mean giving my mid afternoon energy bar/p-nut butter snack and most of all my late night cereal binge which helped me get to sleep.
I found that smothering vegies in some sort of fat helped but I learned that I really need protein on this diet or I get really spacey....That happened again and again.
Then I would walk up in the middle of the night and not be able to go back to sleep unless I ate something and sometimes eating something wouldn't help much.
That seems to be past and I do feel more stable, clearer, less twitchy and with a bit more energy. My craving for carbs is definitely down.
Hopefully that will continue to improve and in a couple of weeks I'll be cured!
I'm not following any particular diet by the way = just eating lots of vegies, avocado's, fat and meat...
Thanks Remy for your encouragement by the way. After one morning in which felt I was reduced to a blithering idiot I almost gave up...
But going very low carb? That would mean giving my mid afternoon energy bar/p-nut butter snack and most of all my late night cereal binge which helped me get to sleep.
I found that smothering vegies in some sort of fat helped but I learned that I really need protein on this diet or I get really spacey....That happened again and again.
Then I would walk up in the middle of the night and not be able to go back to sleep unless I ate something and sometimes eating something wouldn't help much.
That seems to be past and I do feel more stable, clearer, less twitchy and with a bit more energy. My craving for carbs is definitely down.
Hopefully that will continue to improve and in a couple of weeks I'll be cured!
I'm not following any particular diet by the way = just eating lots of vegies, avocado's, fat and meat...
Thanks Remy for your encouragement by the way. After one morning in which felt I was reduced to a blithering idiot I almost gave up...