After 26 Years of Hell, the Pridgen Protocol Does it for X

After 26 Years of Hell, the Pridgen Protocol Does it for X


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Cort submitted a new resource:

After 26 Years of Hell, the Pridgen Protocol Does it for X - Decades of severe illness are largely wiped away in 8 months on Pridgen Protocol

Patient “X” was living high when he got ill. A course creator and director for an enterprise delivering transformational experiences, X thrived on his 100-hour work weeks. From the U.S. to lndia to Australia to Germany, he made his living making a difference with people, and he loved it.

X was extremely productive by society’s standards but it mattered not one day in 1990 when he was exposed to an ungodly amount of toxins and suddenly went from a force of nature to a twitchy,...

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Well-Known Member
I’m glad to read of a successful effort after such trials.

Coincidentally, I came upon Skip Pridgen while doing some viral research. Valcyte had been too harsh for me so I was looking into Famvir and found Dr. Pridgen,a local Alabama surgeon, of all things and saw his success record. So, I read the details and was intrigued. I joined the protocol at the minimum levels about 3 weeks ago but plan to double up at 30 days.

To date, I can say I seem to be feeling better Systemically, and no downside. It may be placebo effect so soon after starting but I’ll take it. I’m curious if others are on the Famvir and Celebrex combo and how they’re faring.


New Member
I recently started the protocol. It feels hopeful to me. How long before you noticed feeling better? How are you feeling now if you've doubled your doses?


Well-Known Member
I recently started the protocol. It feels hopeful to me. How long before you noticed feeling better? How are you feeling now if you've doubled your doses?
I’ve only tries doubling the dose on several occasions but it didn’t seem to add any further upbeats so I’ve kept it steady at 1 x daily. I’m now at ~6 weeks in. Here’s my recent post from elsewhere, directly related:

FYI, I take 200 mg Celebrex and 250 mg Famvir, 1 x daily. I don’t notice their effect or how long they last each day. It just seems to be working. I have tried 2x daily on occasion but with same effect. So, I just keep the dose low. I take so many other pills, about 20 supplements 2x daily and 5 x 2 daily for CAD (coronary heart disease), there may be some interactions of which I’m not aware???

Funny, but professional information says Famvir (Famciclovir) is to relieve symptoms of herpes simplex and does not kill the virus, only stops it’s replication! I don’t know why it works in combo with Celebrex?

All in all, this researched protocol keeps me up and about, at about 30%-50% on the sofa ~3 days a week, walk~10” daily, and out for

drive/eat out a couple times weekly. I’ve really gotten lax on exercises and stretching for 5-10” daily but I used to add that to daily routine. The other 50%-70% (sometimes) is due to the limitations of MECFS = must go slow and rest or the percentages in my favor decrease.

I hope this summary helps with planning your ‘comfort zone’ rx intake and overall activities. I consider myself in the moderate, not severe and not minimal category. It’s definitely limiting but has been worse in years past. It’s otherwise progressive, with caution. BTW, I gave up using docs a few years back, except for practical cardiologist for heart. The rest is from DIY research over ~30 years.


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for the detailed, concise report. How are you doing now
3 weeks later??
Thanks for asking. I guess I’m ~2 months in on the Pridgen protocol.

Regrettably, I’m swinging through a low cycle. It’s due to mental stres, negotiations closing on selling a house and all the related hassles to get it done. The buyers are less than optimal so
I have to stay in stealth detector mode. I get amped up and sleep suffers, followed by demise.

It’s been a burden buying before selling. I’ll settle down when it’s over.

...You sound chipper?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for explaining. I don't know where I am. I spend time with grandkids, then am completely couch ridden. Acupuncture seems to help a little for a while, then not. But I just tried the strangest therapy yet. Will detail this if it works. Hugs. Such a journey. Be sure to read Laura Hillenbrand's A Sudden Illness from the New Yorker. Her onset was very strange. More on this, pending what happens next.


Well-Known Member
I just tried the strangest therapy yet. Will detail this if it works. Hugs. Such a journey. Be sure to read Laura Hillenbrand's A Sudden Illness from the New Yorker. Her onset was very strange. More on this, pending what happens next.

Interested to learn of new therapy. Best wishes on that.

I did read Laura Hillenbrand's account when her first book came out - long narration, probably the NY piece is a reprint. She went through a greater hell than many other PWCs.


Active Member
Reading this thread months later. My daughter and I have more severe ME, and she has been taking Celebrex and FAmvir now for several months. Finally, it seems her energy is improving some, but not sure if from Pridgen's pro. She switched from Valcyte (3 mos, no effect) to Famvir 2 months ago. 1X daily each, AM 500 mg Fam. and 200mg Cel. generics.
How are you guys on it doing now? Are you also on an antidepressant, which I believe was the third med Patient X took? Daughter takes 150 mg Welbutrin, has for some time.
Appreciate updates.


Well-Known Member
I found Prigden protocol provided some relief for 3 months, but not Valcyte, after 2 1-month efforts. I arbitrarily gave up Prigden on a positive note. I also gave up Zoloft after taking it for 30 years (and with Pridgen’s protocol), after convincing myself it was likely not so effective. It was hard withdrawing but no significant differences with or w/o it 8 - 10 months later.
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Active Member
Thanks, Zapped. I'm sorry it did not help flip your switch, as it did with Patient X. My daughter had nigh hopes this would kick her ME/CFS and Fibro. I may try as well.... I hear some don't find improvement from anti-virals for many months. I wish you better luck with another treatment approach!


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I'm on Pridgen's protocol - he gave me Valtrex and Celebrex; I;ve been on it for six weeks. I'm also on Sinol and tramadol if need be. It's definitely helping. We'll see how far it goes.


Well-Known Member
I'm on Pridgen's protocol - he gave me Valtrex and Celebrex; I;ve been on it for six weeks. I'm also on Sinol and tramadol if need be. It's definitely helping. We'll see how far it goes.
You saw him in person? Just much Valtrex x daily did he start you on?


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
You saw him in person? Just much Valtrex x daily did he start you on?
Yes I did. Really enjoyed him. I'm obligated not to say, though. I will say that it was substantially more than the usual suppression dose listed on websites for herpes simplex


Well-Known Member
One more question Cort. Do you know if he will treat based on symptoms or do you have to test positive for virus?

I'm excited for you and hoping for a good outcome!


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
One more question Cort. Do you know if he will treat based on symptoms or do you have to test positive for virus?

I'm excited for you and hoping for a good outcome!
Symptoms were all I needed; no viral testing...

Thanks! Me too! Wouldn't that be something?


Active Member
Yes I did. Really enjoyed him. I'm obligated not to say, though. I will say that it was substantially more than the usual suppression dose listed on websites for herpes simplex
I remember you started the protocol, glad to hear it's starting to help. I just noticed Dr. Lerner's protocol called for over a gram of an antiviral.... was it 1.4 grams? That's almost three times what my daughter's taking. The docs we have don't know how much to prescribe... I'm guessing Dr. Lerner didn't keep someone on that high a dose for an extended period?? Or is that what it takes??? I understand why you can't say what your dose is... Hope I can get to Flagstaff and see Theresa within 6 months... she will know.


Well-Known Member
I'm on Pridgen's protocol - he gave me Valtrex and Celebrex; I;ve been on it for six weeks. I'm also on Sinol and tramadol if need be. It's definitely helping. We'll see how far it goes.
Cort, I forgot to ask................why he put you on Valtrex vs. famvir?


Active Member
My daughter has been on the protocol (no supervision) for about 7-8 months now and the past couple she has had an increase in energy. Still sick, but can be up around the house more now.

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