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I’ve been afraid to talk about this because of backlash against anti-vaxxers, but I do feel that all the vaccines I’ve had in the past couple of years has really taken a toll on my health. 5 Covid and 2 flu vaccines. There were no immediate side effects other than sore arm for a day or two. In the first couple of years after acute Covid (March 2020) I could still do stuff: garden, kayak, swim, skate. Not all the time but enough to keep my spirits up. Now I am almost completely bedridden. It’s hard to sort out cause and effect and simple association, but I definitely have my suspicions. I never considered myself an anti-vaxxer before, but I am wavering now.
Hi Jamin,Well, it's all Blind Faith on this Gene Therapy...Rushed thru shots. You don't know how you would ahve been today with good amounts of Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, Quercetin and others....
I wore a mask 2 times in the last 3 yrs, and both times at doc appts, in 2021 and 2022.
Masks are Worthless....You must have missed this information....The FrontLine doctors and researchers said this from day 1, March 2020....
The preponderance of evidence indicates that mask wearing reduces transmissibility per contact by reducing transmission of infected respiratory particles in both laboratory and clinical contexts.
I have had cfs three decades and always was told not to do vaccines. I haven't had flu or cold for thirty years as our immune is in overdrive. Just my experienceI’ve been afraid to talk about this because of backlash against anti-vaxxers, but I do feel that all the vaccines I’ve had in the past couple of years has really taken a toll on my health. 5 Covid and 2 flu vaccines. There were no immediate side effects other than sore arm for a day or two. In the first couple of years after acute Covid (March 2020) I could still do stuff: garden, kayak, swim, skate. Not all the time but enough to keep my spirits up. Now I am almost completely bedridden. It’s hard to sort out cause and effect and simple association, but I definitely have my suspicions. I never considered myself an anti-vaxxer before, but I am wavering now.
None here. Almost all of my about thirty co-workers got the mRNA therapeutic repeatedly, all on sickness leave after being injected. And all got covid, partially very severe and repeatedly. The only co-worker, insulting me for choosing not to vaccinate for my very good reasons, suffers from long-covid now. All co-workers had to wear N95 masks during working in councelling settings. All got it despite. Our maybe about 300 clients in that time period - homeless people never wearing mask when allowed to - none experienced severe covid.I’ve lost THREE friends to Covid. All antivaxers
To be more precise: a sixty pecent walking-disabilty from PAD, COPD stage one, prediabetic and constant PEMs due to still working part-time. All those symptoms are gone, though still not able to work full-time. Otherwise just general fatigue and backpains, quite acceptable and a huge increase in life-quality.Despite having all co-morbitities for being at risk, all being in remission through life-style changes and comprehensive orthomolecular supplementation - so practically everything nutrient-wise known to be effective against covid - didn't have even one covid episode.