Data from 6 studies show that COVID vaccines cause more harm than good in chronic illness patients


Well-Known Member
Hearing on my news source, repors from the Young people on Cognitive issues and these people did the covid shots.

Yale Study on Self Reported Symptoms from Covid Shots

I was reading about a Yale study stating that the most common self-reported symptoms of the vax are: exercise intolerance, excessive fatigue, numbness, brain fog, and neuropathy. Participants reported a median of 22 symptoms, with a ceiling of 35. The median age of the participants was 46, and 80 percent were female.

Here is the 32 page pre-print, pending full peer review. The leads of the study state that no causal link can be firmly established, but inferences are strong.

What prompted this search are many and just the other day I heard on my news station, younger generation are complaining about cognitive issues....

I;m so thankful our family refused the covid jabs....grandson even dropped out of college for 2 yrs as he refused the shots... So thankful they could refuse them.


Active Member
It's been a 3 yr Nightmare for the People and Bonanza for Pharma and Govt Criminals.

So so terrible on the side effects and continuing damage from the Forced Shots.

I took none and have NOT take any shots in general for about 30 or more years.

KEEP YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM STRONG. We can All Do that without Govt.....
During the lockdowns ordinary people faced the most intensive pysop in history. Thankfully my wife and I resisted the tidal wave of propaganda and public shaming of those who questioned the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. Now more and more evidence is coming out proving that the Covid shots were never able to prevent transmission of or infection by the Sars-Cov2 virus.
As Professor Paul Marik, who was sacked from his job as head of the ICU at EVMS for using Ivermectin to successfully save lives, has repeatedly stated the vaccines could never have been granted emergency use authorization if there was a viable existing alternative. Hence why Ivermectin and other potent anti virals were demonized by quackademia, the MSM and governments the world over. And all just to make sure big pharma raked in billions in profit to make their shareholders even richer.


Active Member
Most of my good friends are antivaxers and anti government. I’ve lost THREE friends to Covid. All antivaxers. One of them had a 5 year old child and was healthy as a horse. Another had fibromyalgia.

In addition to that my best friend got Covid and almost died. She died a year and a half later from a heart condition that was likely made worse by Covid.

I have 2 other very good friends who now have Long Covid - one developed symptoms similar to Parkinson’s and she’s young.
So, I don’t believe all the hype against vaccines. I think it was all the unfortunate result of political nonsense.

I’ve had 5 Covid shots. My ME/CFS is severe but the shots didn’t make it any worse. Actually, they gave me a temporary increase in energy.
My cousin who was a very healthy had to go to hospital with heart issues after taking the first shot. I know other people whose family who were healthy and below 50 who have died from taking the shots. There is now a growing body of scientific evidence to show how the covid shots weaken the immune system. We were all lied to with the false claims that the shots prevented infection and transmission of the Sar-Cov2 virus. All BS and now disproven. The shocking levels of excess deaths since the mass roll out of the covid shots also should be a wake up call to society that the shots have done immense damage to large numbers of people who believed the lies they were told about the shots being safe and effective. I would refer you to the ongoing court case in the Uk against Astra Zeneca where its shots has been labelled 'defective'.


Well-Known Member
I'm happy to report that I waited for the Novavax vaccine, got it a month ago, and have had no reactions at all! OK, a sore arm for a day. It's amazing to get so much protection from such a small inconvenience


Active Member
The study misrepresent stuff. He failed to compare chronic-illness-patients, unvaccinated who caught COVID against those that chronic-illness-patients, vaccinated who caught COVID. I believe there is a significantly higher death rate for the unvaccinated.
I guess that DEATH is not a significant factor for his review.

Now, 47% of people who got the original strain of COVID went on to get Long COVID. The incidence for the vaccinated was less then 10%
There are gut alterations from COVID and milder changes with the vaccinated.

For more information see.
I am unvaccinated like many of my family and we sailed through covid no problems and did not give in to the mass hysteria generated by the MSM regarding getting the big pharma shots.
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Hi Jamin,

As you might guess given what's happened the effectiveness of masks against long COVID have been assessed in scientific studies many times.

As a conclusion, the recent evidence in COVID-19 pandemic is consistent with the previous studies which have shown association between face mask use and decreased risk of viral infections, and medical face mask use should be encouraged both for the community and healthcare facilities along with other infection control measures such as hand hygiene, during outbreaks when there is widespread community transmission.

For the healthcare workers group, masks were shown to have a reduced risk of infection by nearly 70%.

The preponderance of evidence indicates that mask wearing reduces transmissibility per contact by reducing transmission of infected respiratory particles in both laboratory and clinical contexts.
I'm sorry Cort but the so called evidence in favour of masks is dubious at best. Masks made no difference to myself or family catching covid. Masks like the 'safe and effective' big pharma shots were all a complete waste of time. Much better use of public money would have been to promote good diet, exercise, good sleep hygiene and getting vitamin D levels up to optimal levels.


Active Member
I feel bad for the people caught up in the battle between vaxx or don't vaxx who don't know who to believe. I'd suggest Googling "covid deaths " then put in red, blue, GOP, Dem etc and read through the articles that come up. Death rates in Red states are much higher than Blue states. Why is that? Here is a good, balanced report. Here's some facts:

1. Vaccines help, masks help, distancing helps, but NO Vaccine is 100% effective.

2. Dose of virus matters. If you are in very close contact with a person who is taking no precautions, is at the peak of infectiousness and has a version of Covid that is very contagious - your likelihood of getting sick is very high, even being fully vaxxed and wearing an N95 mask.

3. Genetics, age, sex, health, etc all play a role! How strong is your immune system? Many people have Covid and no symptoms, while others die.

4. ALL VAXX HAVE RISKS. EVERY SINGLE ONE that you've had in your life! Whether you have a severe reaction to ANY Vaxx depends on #3.

Vaccines save billions of lives a year all around the world and have since well before 1796 when Dr Jenner started vaxxing people for smallpox.

What we are seeing now with the anti-vaxx movement is a culling of the human gene pool. Some anti-vaxxers will live through getting Covid repeatedly, but many, many will die. Those that do survive this culling have the genetics to not get mortally sick from this ONE disease.

Only you can decide whether you want to take the infinitesimally small chance that you will have a severe reaction to what is an obviously safe vaccine for hundreds of millions of people worldwide OR whether you will risk getting a possibly severe case of Covid which has killed millions of people, even here in the US.

I have MCAS, ME/CFS (mild), POTS, viruses, etc, etc. Do I feel crummy for 2-4 days after a Covid vaxx? Yes. But I no long term issues from the vaxx even with genetic predisposition to possible issues. I've done Pfizer and Moderna. FYI The worst vaxx by far was the shingles vaxx #2. I'm not sure I'd get a #3. I hope you make the right decision! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
OH Calif is at it again, pushing Masks....claiming so many sick....Many are sick from all the Spike Protein from the fake vaccines....and they are FAKE...

Vit, Vit D, zinc and other powerful antioxidants are the answers, and stay out of crowds for a while, is that asking too much?????


Well-Known Member
Went on holiday not long ago because my health is better in warm countries. OH refused to wear a mask, caught covid and gave it to me. Now my OH has a blood clot, likely to have been caused by covid. Both vaccinated but his had not really had time to kick it - because I wore a mask I caught it later and it was milder. Got my flu vaccine after having covid - the immune booster in it made me feel better.

My health is definitely worse post covid, the covid vaccines certainly didnt make my health worse, if anything a little better. If I could get another flu jab I would.

I'll take all my vaccines, wear masks in any crowded environment and be thankful for them. My kids young and healthy friend died in the first wave, pre vaccines being available.

A local anti-vaxer is moaning about the demise of their business - unsurprisingly people didnt want to shop where they had a higher chance of infection.


Well-Known Member
Went on holiday not long ago because my health is better in warm countries. OH refused to wear a mask, caught covid and gave it to me. Now my OH has a blood clot, likely to have been caused by covid. Both vaccinated but his had not really had time to kick it - because I wore a mask I caught it later and it was milder. Got my flu vaccine after having covid - the immune booster in it made me feel better.

My health is definitely worse post covid, the covid vaccines certainly didnt make my health worse, if anything a little better. If I could get another flu jab I would.

I'll take all my vaccines, wear masks in any crowded environment and be thankful for them. My kids young and healthy friend died in the first wave, pre vaccines being available.

A local anti-vaxer is moaning about the demise of their business - unsurprisingly people didnt want to shop where they had a higher chance of infection.

The covid jabs made everyone WORSE who did them, maybe not my friend who took one JU&J in the very beginning and none after.....she's complaining more about her feel bad but she did a hip repacement from a recent bad fall. She's having a hard tim


Active Member
I feel bad for the people caught up in the battle between vaxx or don't vaxx who don't know who to believe. I'd suggest Googling "covid deaths " then put in red, blue, GOP, Dem etc and read through the articles that come up. Death rates in Red states are much higher than Blue states. Why is that? Here is a good, balanced report. Here's some facts:

1. Vaccines help, masks help, distancing helps, but NO Vaccine is 100% effective.

2. Dose of virus matters. If you are in very close contact with a person who is taking no precautions, is at the peak of infectiousness and has a version of Covid that is very contagious - your likelihood of getting sick is very high, even being fully vaxxed and wearing an N95 mask.

3. Genetics, age, sex, health, etc all play a role! How strong is your immune system? Many people have Covid and no symptoms, while others die.

4. ALL VAXX HAVE RISKS. EVERY SINGLE ONE that you've had in your life! Whether you have a severe reaction to ANY Vaxx depends on #3.

Vaccines save billions of lives a year all around the world and have since well before 1796 when Dr Jenner started vaxxing people for smallpox.

What we are seeing now with the anti-vaxx movement is a culling of the human gene pool. Some anti-vaxxers will live through getting Covid repeatedly, but many, many will die. Those that do survive this culling have the genetics to not get mortally sick from this ONE disease.

Only you can decide whether you want to take the infinitesimally small chance that you will have a severe reaction to what is an obviously safe vaccine for hundreds of millions of people worldwide OR whether you will risk getting a possibly severe case of Covid which has killed millions of people, even here in the US.

I have MCAS, ME/CFS (mild), POTS, viruses, etc, etc. Do I feel crummy for 2-4 days after a Covid vaxx? Yes. But I no long term issues from the vaxx even with genetic predisposition to possible issues. I've done Pfizer and Moderna. FYI The worst vaxx by far was the shingles vaxx #2. I'm not sure I'd get a #3. I hope you make the right decision! Good luck!
Keep pushing the big pharma agenda if it makes you feel safe.
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Active Member
Went on holiday not long ago because my health is better in warm countries. OH refused to wear a mask, caught covid and gave it to me. Now my OH has a blood clot, likely to have been caused by covid. Both vaccinated but his had not really had time to kick it - because I wore a mask I caught it later and it was milder. Got my flu vaccine after having covid - the immune booster in it made me feel better.

My health is definitely worse post covid, the covid vaccines certainly didnt make my health worse, if anything a little better. If I could get another flu jab I would.

I'll take all my vaccines, wear masks in any crowded environment and be thankful for them. My kids young and healthy friend died in the first wave, pre vaccines being available.

A local anti-vaxer is moaning about the demise of their business - unsurprisingly people didnt want to shop where they had a higher chance of infection.
My family have not had any of the Covid jabs and sailed through the pandemic. It is my friends who have had the jabs who appear to get sicker. I have an immune system which is nurtured by good diet and taking powerful anti virals, anti inflammatories such as Vitamins D and C along with Zinc, Quercetin amongst others. Pro jab advocates such as yourself ignore the fact that many of those who died during the pandemic had multiple co-morbidities, had low vitamin D levels and were predominantly aged over 60.


Active Member
I have still not accepted any Covid vax.
COVID Spike Proteins Help Cancer Cells Survive, Resist Chemotherapy: Brown University Preprint Paper
Spike protein from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, potentially promotes cancer by interfering with anti-cancer activities, according to a recent preprint cell study from Brown University.
The preprint authors, led by Dr. Wafik El-Deiry, director of the Cancer Center at Brown University, exposed cancer cells to spike protein subunits. They found that the spike subunits may promote cancer survival and growth by blocking a cancer suppressor gene known as p53.

The gene—the most commonly affected by cancer—stops cancer cell growth and encourages DNA repair.
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We really need to stop injecting politics into ME/CFS. That's how all the GET and CBT nonsense happened.

A very small number of people improved significantly following COVID vaccination. A small number of people worsened dramatically following COVID vaccination. Can we not have a nuanced discussion without politics?


Active Member
We really need to stop injecting politics into ME/CFS. ... Can we not have a nuanced discussion without politics?

With ME/CFS one still has to become aware how politics injected preconceptions is affecting its care. So one can take precautionary steps against maltreatment.

Therefore, a discussion about ME/CFS without awareness of political assumptions affecting treatment isn't nuanced. But maybe I understood you wrongly?

A very small number of people improved significantly following COVID vaccination. A small number of people worsened dramatically following COVID vaccination

Net effect: Zero? - How such a zero effect was brought about by political agitation?

I watched it closely. The lab-conditions of the diamond process cruise ship showed the risk of covid to those who asked clearly, already in the very beginning. In the worst affected age above 60 just 1% died on the ship, around age 80, the end of life-expectancy. Not worse than any strong flu seasons before, usually passing without any political agitation (lock-downs, vaccination mandates, ruining so many small businesses and peoples lives, etc.) at all.

In retrospect, the net effect on population growth decrease happening since the sixties, with the last 6 exemplary years:

Yearly growth​
Diff. to procceding year​
Only costs? Even more in lives after the introduction of vaccines? All for politics? - One has to become aware of such to without censorship to have a nuanced discussion about this political event. And only to be protected from such the next time around.
Last edited:


Active Member
Therefore, a discussion about ME/CFS without awareness of political assumptions affecting treatment isn't nuanced. But maybe I understood you wrongly?
Sorry what I meant was that discussions about vaccines and masks tend to be very polarizing. They're either 100% good or 100% evil.


Active Member
Thanks for explaining.

Sadly, simple black/white thinking is the norm with the majority of humans. All what one can do is to keep arguing rational, without fallacies in discussion.

By the way, the last time we saw such a population growth drop as in 2020/21 was in 1991/92, when the whole western world celebrated the economic down-turn of the SU. Now we've got the mess we obviously wanted, out of such naive polarizations.

Guess the real long-term result of our messy pandemic management will also come apparent in further 30 years only.


Well-Known Member
We really need to stop injecting politics into ME/CFS. That's how all the GET and CBT nonsense happened.

A very small number of people improved significantly following COVID vaccination. A small number of people worsened dramatically following COVID vaccination. Can we not have a nuanced discussion without politics?
I don't agree, Politics are important! Look at how downhill this (USA) country has gone down in 3 years!


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