Data from 6 studies show that COVID vaccines cause more harm than good in chronic illness patients


Well-Known Member
Just Know the shots are NOT vaccines, they are experimental drugs.... it's all been an experiment
to reduce world population.....and look where we are today, the U.S. for sure a recession and growing deeper.


Active Member
Just Know..
Everyone already knew, that these shots haven't been tested for long-term harm. Therefore experimental in all respects. This technology has never been approved by the untll now very precautionary approval process. That has changed. Nobody needs to be convinced about that.

And the world population has increased.

'everyone is the architect of his own fortune'

I asked a co-worker why he got it after already having been through Covid, and therefore already much comprehensive immunity. The answer was 'I wanted my freedom back only'.

'everyone is the architect of his own fortune'
I believe it is possible for some people to be damaged by vaccines, but it is rare.

I have CFS, fibromyalgia, IBS, asthma, allergies and constant cold intolerance. After my dad and sister died of Covid in 2020, I was eager to get the vaccine but wary because of my health. However, I felt with my recent family history, my chances of surviving Covid were low without a vaccine. I didn’t want my family to have to bury anyone else so soon.

Having had three doses now - of different vaccines - the worst side effect was an anching arm (barely anything) and a mild fever for a few hours. The jab itself was barely perceptible (and I’m a needle phobic!). Would I have felt worse after the jab if I had been a Covid sceptic or anti-vaxxer? I don’t know. I just know I am relieved to have had the chance to protect myself and my family. We have two massive holes in our lives now, with the losses we suffered before the vaccine became available. My best friend, cheerleader, and inspiration, is gone, leaving behind a husband and a niece and nephew who will never have her support again. This is the hard reality of Covid.

There is a lot of misinformation out there - all this stuff about controlling people with chips and altering people’s DNA. It is worth bearing in mind that most of us had many vaccines as a child, to protect us from smallpox, typhoid, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and TB. Did they alter our DNA or allow ‘world elites’ to control us? Well if they did, I haven’t noticed it in all my 65 years. I am aware that I haven’t caught any of those diseases though!


Active Member
It is worth bearing in mind that most of us had many vaccines as a child, to protect us from smallpox, typhoid, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and TB.
It is also worth bearing in mind that when I was born with a pneumonia, I did get some rudimentary vaccines, but not some others considered too dangerous by MDs to my compromized immunity at that time. I didn't get for example against measels or mumps, but experienced both as mild childhood illness at age 7, and thereafter lifelong immunity from.

TB vaccine I got as a child, and already with 18 years got tuberculosis.
Did they alter our DNA
They were no experimental mRNA vaccines, so any of the previous vaccines in no way could alter our DNA, as mRNA through reverse-transcriptase possibly are able to.

Yes - there is a lot of misinformation out there. Even my co-worker with accademic training insulting me as an idiot, because I alledgedly did have yellow fever and malaria vaccines for my Africa travels before. In fact, not even the slightest aware there isn't any vaccine against malaria yet, and the low side-effect ratio of yellow fewer vaccines, very well established since many decades.

Which is still not for the case for the mRNA, and wont be for long time side-effects for an other decade. Some are just too risk aware for such gambling.
I appreciate what you are saying and it has to be your choice. Having seen my dad and sister die of Covid in short succession, I know the dangers of Covid. My sister worked in healthcare and was almost certainly exposed at work. Others in my family have caught Covid some time after being vaccinated and all have been ok, with some sicker than others. If you are young, with no long-term conditions, your chances of mild disease are better than those over 50. Although a teacher at a local school in his 40s died last year from Covid. With my health problems, I doubt I’d have survived without the vaccines. They have saved many lives and, prior to Covid, the Ebola vaccine did too and that is a similar type


Active Member
They have saved many lives and, prior to Covid, the Ebola vaccine did too and that is a similar type

Approved Ebola isn't similiar, in that it isn't an experimental mRNA vaccine at all. But since you already don't see a difference of mRNA to all other traditional vaccines having undergone regorous security testing for up to ten years, you simply wont agree..

How many lifes are saved or harmed by covid mRNA-therapy isn't really known, since the original trials were unblinded. And severe adverse events already then simply excluded from the data. Every safety signal from the beginning of the roll-out ignored or talked away. However, many countries experienced their biggest waves after the mRNA injections, like Israel. The latest official summary from GB I saw published by the government, ICU patients were about ninty-five percent from injected patients. After which they quit to publish official data.

Not really the plandemic of the unvaccinated. And how they manipulated everyone without scientific data to line-up for the potential gene therapy.


Active Member
If you are young, with no long-term conditions, your chances of mild disease are better than those over 50.
I had all three co-morbitities, like all ninty-something percent who died from or with covid. I'm well over fifty, had diabetes, COPD, a walking-disability from PAD..

All in remission, including the ME/CFS symptoms of constant PEMs. Simply because I started to learn to verify original pharmaceutical study-data, and thereby realizing those wouldn't improve any of my chronic conditions, and despite still had to be taken till the death-bed. What a ruthless business-model.

I went the natural route instead, and what was considered irreversible chronic-conditions by standard of care, turned out very easy possible to effect multiple remission with natural means only. And as more and more natural means against covid infections have been studied, it turned out I already took all of them plenty for fourteen years of my health-odysee.

So no surprise to me, despite all my co-morbitites, I suffered covidnot even once. Of course, throughout exposed to all vaccinated co-workers in an essiental social services job, who all got it anyway.
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New Member
Hi Jamin,

As you might guess given what's happened the effectiveness of masks against long COVID have been assessed in scientific studies many times.

As a conclusion, the recent evidence in COVID-19 pandemic is consistent with the previous studies which have shown association between face mask use and decreased risk of viral infections, and medical face mask use should be encouraged both for the community and healthcare facilities along with other infection control measures such as hand hygiene, during outbreaks when there is widespread community transmission.

For the healthcare workers group, masks were shown to have a reduced risk of infection by nearly 70%.

The preponderance of evidence indicates that mask wearing reduces transmissibility per contact by reducing transmission of infected respiratory particles in both laboratory and clinical contexts.
Do whatever feels right for you but take some time and read the FrontLine Doctors on all this covid PROPAGANDA... Yep, that is what it is.
Frontline doctors? Most were not really qualified in the field. One was an optometrist! I lost more than 10 people I personally knew to covid all unvaccinated. I got covid and was vaccinated and it barely moved the needle for me. All my problems were before COVID from lyme and other tickborn infections. Does masking work? Studies that are naysayers of masking just include people who were hostile about mask use or wearing lame masks such as a bandana or flimsy material that was touched cavalierly or not arises properly. That will make them look like they don’t work. You know the type of people who wore something on their faces because it was required but they really didn’t want to???
YES! Masks work if worn properly and of the correct type eg N95. I worked in environment where everybody was anti-mask pro Trump anti-VAXor‘s. Most of entire work group got Covid multiple times some hospitalized and other coworkers died from Covid. I worked for a year and a half wearing N95 every day properly and did not expose myself in anyway, I used other prophylactic measures such as essential oils inside the mask and fans around my desk cubicle and I never contracted Covid. I later got it because my children brought it home from school.

Ken Lassesen

Active Member
The study misrepresent stuff. He failed to compare chronic-illness-patients, unvaccinated who caught COVID against those that chronic-illness-patients, vaccinated who caught COVID. I believe there is a significantly higher death rate for the unvaccinated.
I guess that DEATH is not a significant factor for his review.

Now, 47% of people who got the original strain of COVID went on to get Long COVID. The incidence for the vaccinated was less then 10%
There are gut alterations from COVID and milder changes with the vaccinated.

For more information see.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
While the vaccinations can cause severe problems for some people with ME/CFS in particular NUMEROUS studies now show they can help ward off long COVID and recent studies show they are even reducing the incidence of autoimmune diseases. No one is saying they cannot be hurtful for some but the idea that they are patently harmful for everyone simply doesn't wash - that is if you believe scientific studies. IF you don't you are on your own.


Active Member
No one is saying they cannot be hurtful for some but the idea that they are patently harmful for everyone simply doesn't wash - that is if you believe scientific studies. IF you don't you are on your own.

What I learned with my health Odyssey (PAD, COPD, ME/CFS symptoms) already 15 years ago: Natural medicine can't be patented, the studies can't be afforded and won't ever be proven effective against diseases.

Approved and effective most well studied medications, like as I was prescribed for my PAD, are so only for 5 years with lots of RCTs, at the most: Aspirin - 333 NNT, Statin - 83 NNT, Stenting - none (number needed to tread to save just 1 life after 5 years of medication). After 5 years, just as unproven as any natural medicine. So in 15 years I would have taken 10 years standard 'effective and save' medication, just as unproven as vitamin C by now.

Obviously with no more of an effectiveness than Russian roulette.

PAD, COPD, ME/CFS are all considered incurable by 'effective' medicine. But went all into remission with natural means (lifestyle and supplementation). I would also have been on my own if I went the studied route, but without remissions.

Not once treated with the mRNA therapeutics, I never had covid. All around me treated with this before covid considered gene-therapy against a rare cancer, but for obvious reasons never approved: got it all multiple times and most severe with most booster.

With my working place, a nighttime homeless shelter, that n=1 becomes a n=330.

True, all by their own decision. Also 5, 10, 15 years from now, when all the long-term effects are becoming apparent. - Some just prefer to gamble with their health, especially long term. And will have to live with the outcome of gambling, all on their own.
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Active Member
No one is saying they cannot be hurtful for some but the idea that they are patently harmful for everyone simply doesn't wash - that is if you believe scientific studies.
Who is saying that? What I see in the data is that a small minority of ME/CFS and Long C patients get better after COVID vaccination, but that's overshadowed by those who get worse after vaccination.

And certainly the survey data is conflicting... there are 2 surveys which suggest the opposite.


Well-Known Member
The covid s hot deaths continue to arrive in my mailbox. Just today, got one from the Frontline Doctors again and t his time I believe it was directed toward Matthew Perry, he was a staunch pro covid s hot. I will find the long article and post it here.....

From Frontline

Dear Friend,

Last week we wrote to you about the many ‘unexplained’ deaths we document that are dismissed as “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)” by unethical doctors and the biased media.

This week, we find ourselves once again compelled to add another prominent name to the list – actor Matthew Perry.

Perry was a staunch proponent of the Covid vaccine, known for wearing and selling Covid vaccine related T-shirts, Could I BE any more vaccinated?

And right on queue, you have a national publication demonizing anyone who would dare suggest a link between his death and the vaccine. From Rolling Stone:

“Twisted Anti-Vaxxers Rush to Blame Matthew Perry’s Death on Covid Vaccine”

This type of sensationalism is meant to draw attention away from the real concerns, the skyrocketing excess mortality in people in the prime of life. Let us remind ourselves: it has always been very uncommon for people to suddenly drop dead.

The most misleading headline immediately after the star passed was “Matthew Perry drowns in jacuzzi.” No. An able-bodied adult male does not just drown in his home jacuzzi. Something happened. It is alarming that the media finds more comfort in speculating that Perry had overdosed (he has been clean for years) than that he had a sudden unexplained cardiac event.

According to Our World in Data, 104,000 more Americans died than expected for the year ending on April 30, 2023. Across the world in the same time period, 52,427 more Britons; 81,028 more Germans; and 17,731 more French died than expected. And no one disputes any longer that the shots are linked to sudden cardiac death.

While the world is grappling with countless issues, the silence surrounding this disturbing trend is deafening. We refuse to stand by and watch as the rising excess mortality of those in their prime goes unnoticed and unaddressed.

It's a crisis that demands our attention.

While Matthew Perry's tragic passing may or may not be linked to the vaccine, we won't be silenced by media attempts to quash discussion. We stand for the freedom to ask tough questions and demand evidence-based answers.

Your support is vital as we continue to champion responsible journalism, credible research, and the truth about vital health issues, including vaccine safety.


Well-Known Member

Dear Friend,

Last week we wrote to you about the many ‘unexplained’ deaths we document that are dismissed as “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)” by unethical doctors and the biased media.

This week, we find ourselves once again compelled to add another prominent name to the list – actor Matthew Perry.

Perry was a staunch proponent of the Covid vaccine, known for wearing and selling Covid vaccine related T-shirts, Could I BE any more vaccinated?

And right on queue, you have a national publication demonizing anyone who would dare suggest a link between his death and the vaccine. From Rolling Stone:

“Twisted Anti-Vaxxers Rush to Blame Matthew Perry’s Death on Covid Vaccine”

This type of sensationalism is meant to draw attention away from the real concerns, the skyrocketing excess mortality in people in the prime of life. Let us remind ourselves: it has always been very uncommon for people to suddenly drop dead.

The most misleading headline immediately after the star passed was “Matthew Perry drowns in jacuzzi.” No. An able-bodied adult male does not just drown in his home jacuzzi. Something happened. It is alarming that the media finds more comfort in speculating that Perry had overdosed (he has been clean for years) than that he had a sudden unexplained cardiac event.

According to Our World in Data, 104,000 more Americans died than expected for the year ending on April 30, 2023. Across the world in the same time period, 52,427 more Britons; 81,028 more Germans; and 17,731 more French died than expected. And no one disputes any longer that the shots are linked to sudden cardiac death.

While the world is grappling with countless issues, the silence surrounding this disturbing trend is deafening. We refuse to stand by and watch as the rising excess mortality of those in their prime goes unnoticed and unaddressed.

It's a crisis that demands our attention.

While Matthew Perry's tragic passing may or may not be linked to the vaccine, we won't be silenced by media attempts to quash discussion. We stand for the freedom to ask tough questions and demand evidence-based answers.

Your support is vital as we continue to champion responsible journalism, credible research, and the truth about vital health issues, including vaccine safety.

Ken Lassesen

Active Member

"The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance is a group of physicians and former journalists formed in April 2020 that has advocated for various unapproved, dubious, and ineffective treatments for COVID-19. The group is led by Paul E. Marik and Pierre Kory." Wikipedia
They cherry pick isolated events (that may be cause by other things) and use it for their political agendas.
I’ve been afraid to talk about this because of backlash against anti-vaxxers, but I do feel that all the vaccines I’ve had in the past couple of years has really taken a toll on my health. 5 Covid and 2 flu vaccines. There were no immediate side effects other than sore arm for a day or two. In the first couple of years after acute Covid (March 2020) I could still do stuff: garden, kayak, swim, skate. Not all the time but enough to keep my spirits up. Now I am almost completely bedridden. It’s hard to sort out cause and effect and simple association, but I definitely have my suspicions. I never considered myself an anti-vaxxer before, but I am wavering now.
Hi Anne, in 2021 I took 2 COVID and 1 flu vaccines and I had a significant downturn in my functionality after each one for a duration of 7 months in total. I am a huge believer in vaccines and worked as a public health nurse for 20 years. The realization that vaccines were making me more ill was quite the pill to swallow. I haven’t taken one since though I still plan to look into how I could safely…once I have enough energy to do so. I still believe that vaccines are important but not for everyone.


Well-Known Member
The Front Line Doctors are working hard to Expose the allopathic docs who are killing so many with their drugs....I left allopathic docs over 30 yrs ago. I am not a lover of vaccines, too much unknowns on what they do to all bodies and don't get me started on the babies.....

Personally I know some MD's who were stripped of their license for helping their patients outside the medical world so called standards...

I question them all and I am my best doctor with Dr. Google......

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