The nasal spray should begin to take effect quickly with the effects being cumulative over long do you have to take cromolyn nasal spray for it to start helping? I heard a long time ago that it takes a long time, but i"m not sure if I'm remembering correctly... thanks.
Welcome @Lolinda!
Welcome @Lolinda!
After 6 months, I stopped the Cromolyn because I didn't see enough difference to make it worth the hassle.
It went fine for me though after the initial ramp up.
Now I'm only taking holy basil but I have taken quercetin as well (along with the antihistamines).
There is also a TCM blend that is supposed to be effective,, but I have not tried it myself yet.
It's an H2 blocker and a mast cell stabilizer.Is holy basil an antihistamine?
It's an H2 blocker and a mast cell stabilizer.