My Detox with Infrared Sauna Journal.


So I've decided that 2016 will be the year of DETOX.

After years of all sorts of meds and supplements, I think it's time to try to improve my detoxification pathways. So I decided to buy an infrared sauna. The decision was not a small one, given the cost, but hopefully it will be a good investment in a healthy future.

I've been using it on and off for a couple of weeks now but as usual, I think I started with too much enthusiasm. So now I'm starting over, just 10-15 min a couple of times a week.

Wish me luck, please!

Beth from Oz

Active Member
Good luck Remy!

I'm kinda jealous (in a nice way) that you get a whole sauna. My acupuncturist husband has a similar heat lamp, about the size of a dinner plate, that helps when put over my kidneys and belly. I can't imagine how nice a whole sauna would feel.

Like you say though it's easy to be over enthusiastic, so pace yourself. I made myself sick once by staying under the heat lamp too long. It felt so nice at the time, but I overdid it and paid the price.

I hope it all goes well and helps you feel better.

Beth from Oz

Active Member
I was using it every day for a while. I knew when it was too much after I accidentally fell asleep under it. It felt so nice. But I was under it for an hour- not good. I ended up puking for the next few hours and I felt horrible, I couldn't get out of bed for a day or two. I thought at first it was a virus, even though I was the only person in the house to get it. But I didn't use it again for a week.

Then stupidly I did the exact same thing and the same thing happened. I didn't set the timer to automatically turn off, fell asleep, then ended up with the same awful vomiting. So I stopped my overdosing.

My husband has taken the lamp into his clinic now. It's safe in his hands. I use a small electric blanket now, that fits comfortably over my belly. I've had no bad side effects so far. I find warming my belly to be helpful for belly pains. It's also relaxing and soothing for some reason.

Sorry if your question was directed at Remy!
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Well-Known Member
I've been using it on and off for a couple of weeks now but as usual, I think I started with too much enthusiasm. So now I'm starting over, just 10-15 min a couple of times a week.

Hi @Remy,

I think that's a very wise strategy to go slowly, and closely monitor how you do. The owner (DC) of the spa where I used to do regular FIR saunas said he learned 10 minutes at a time worked better for him than longer sessions--and he was healthy. He felt the "sweating effect" is often over emphasized, and that shorter (and cooler to the body) saunas were more effective for detoxification than longer ones. He and his wife have given in-depth training on helping people detox their bodies, so his advice on shorter, cooler saunas had a lot of credibility with me.

Wish me luck, please!

Good luck!!! :)
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He felt the "sweating effect" is often over emphasized, and that shorter (and cooler to the body) saunas were more effective for detoxification than longer ones.
Hiya @Wayne!

I'm glad to hear that (again) and maybe one of these times it will make its way into my apparently pea-sized brain. There's almost an emotional release for me that comes with sweating so it's hard not to try for it, but I've regretted it every time I've stayed in too long.

The first few times I used it, I went into it cold and let myself warm up with it. So I was in it a LONG time as it warmed up from 65ish to about 115. Too long. I felt shaky later on that night, like I'd been run over with a Mack truck. I also get this weird headache pressure behind my eyes that almost feels burning. So now I've backed off and I go into it warm also.

I've also learned that clothes or a robe can shield the infrared somewhat so you actually warm up faster the more skin that is exposed.

I hope lots of people will reply to this thread with their experiences too, so not to worry, @Beth from Oz !


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
View attachment 968 So I've decided that 2016 will be the year of DETOX.

After years of all sorts of meds and supplements, I think it's time to try to improve my detoxification pathways. So I decided to buy an infrared sauna. The decision was not a small one, given the cost, but hopefully it will be a good investment in a healthy future.

I've been using it on and off for a couple of weeks now but as usual, I think I started with too much enthusiasm. So now I'm starting over, just 10-15 min a couple of times a week.

Wish me luck, please!
I love saunas! I love the heat and the feel of sweat just drip, drip, dripping away. I underwent Dr. Rea's 4 week I think it was sauna treatment about 20 years ago. It was murder but then two days later driving home I felt better than I had in years. Those were the days of the scorching hot sauna.

I actually got one. It really wiped me out but I would step out of one and the colors would be so bright and I would feel great and then I would PEM'd big time. I never had the guts to push myself like I did at Dr. Rea's....

I think I would do better with the infrared sauna and would give it a shot if I could get one. Pace yourself well - this is a marathon not a sprint. Dr. Rea had his patients take some coldpressed oil, psyllium fiber to soak the detoxing chemicals going into your gut, vit C, vit E I think and probably a few other things. He uses it for his MCS patients.


Dr. Rea had his patients take some coldpressed oil, psyllium fiber to soak the detoxing chemicals going into your gut, vit C, vit E I think and probably a few other things. He uses it for his MCS patients.
So take these things prior to getting in?

I'm taking something called PectaClear at night now and I also have some Bulletproof Charcoal and MicroChitosan waiting in the wings.

I've also been using Brain Octane oil...not sure if it is cold pressed or not though. The description doesn't make it clear.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
So take these things prior to getting in?

I'm taking something called PectaClear at night now and I also have some Bulletproof Charcoal and MicroChitosan waiting in the wings.

I've also been using Brain Octane oil...not sure if it is cold pressed or not though. The description doesn't make it clear.

Hmm. Yes I think so... Rea believed that most of the toxins actually got dumped into the gut during the sauna. I imagine that Charcoal and PectaClear. Taking them just before you get in would make sense.


Well-Known Member
To briefly mention, I've had limited success in the past using different methylation supplements, often getting intense detox. symptoms. Since I started supplementing with iodine, I can handle methylation supplements far better. I've seen testimonials online of people with Lyme being unable to handle Lyme detox symptoms, but being able to do so after supplementing with iodine.

My best guess is this dynamic would likely be similar for any kind of detox protocol, including using FIR saunas. I started supplementing with iodine late last year, and it's making a big difference in my functionality and sense of well being. I expect this will continue, as I continue to depend on it as I do more aggressive detoxification. I have our spring time dandelion leaves in mind for some healthy detoxing.
@Cort, I'm just starting to post here on HR, and haven't been able to locate a "blodk indent" feature for editing. I use it a lot, and am wondering if it's not available, or if I'm just missing it. Thanks, and thanks also for having this forum available. Interesting how people are starting to come over here from PR, similar to how ProHealth members made an exodus to Phoenix Rising 6 years ago.

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I've seen testimonials online of people with Lyme being unable to handle Lyme detox symptoms, but being able to do so after supplementing with iodine.
I'm getting interested in iodine to share your dosage and experience? Perhaps in a dedicated new thread?


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
To briefly mention, I've had limited success in the past using different methylation supplements, often getting intense detox. symptoms. Since I started supplementing with iodine, I can handle methylation supplements far better. I've seen testimonials online of people with Lyme being unable to handle Lyme detox symptoms, but being able to do so after supplementing with iodine.

My best guess is this dynamic would likely be similar for any kind of detox protocol, including using FIR saunas. I started supplementing with iodine late last year, and it's making a big difference in my functionality and sense of well being. I expect this will continue, as I continue to depend on it to do ever more ever more aggressive detoxification. I have our spring time dandelion leaves in mind for some healthy detoxing.
@Cort, I'm just starting to post here on HR, and haven't been able to locate a "blodk indent" feature for editing. I use it a lot, and am wondering if it's not available, or if I'm just missing it. Thanks, and thanks also for having this forum available. Interesting how people are starting to come over here from PR, similar to how ProHealth members made an exodus to Phoenix Rising 6 years ago.

Thanks Wayne....

Was it six years ago - it seems like a lifetime! Isn't that something. Wow....

I will find a block indent feature and get it in there :)

Good to see you!

It's interesting about iodine. I hardly ever hear about it but I just posted comments on supplements that helped people sleep and one person reported that
  • Iodine protocol (high dose), melatonin cream helped him/her
I hope we hear more about your protocol.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
Is there a contraindication to iodine? Excuse my dumbness but doesn't it impact the thyroid? Can you dumb it down for me?


Well-Known Member
I'm getting interested in iodine to share your dosage and experience? Perhaps in a dedicated new thread?

Iodine is a pretty vast subject, but I'll try to get started on that soon. There are whole online forums dedicated to its nuances and intricacies, and the critical role it plays in thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, and all-round endocrine health. Since it's necessary for every cell in the body, it can impact our health in an extraordinary variety of ways. I'm convinced it's a big factor for many with ME/CFS, and for the population at large.

Iodine Literature Medical Doctors (ILMDs) estimate that >90% of the general population is iodine deficient, most of them severely. Most of them also believe, given how our environment is saturated with iodine antagonists, that it's almost impossible to get enough of it through diet, including using seaweeds, or normal low-dose iodine supplementation.


Iodine is a pretty vast subject, but I'll try to get started on that soon. There are whole online forums dedicated to its nuances and intricacies, and the critical role it plays in thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, and all-round endocrine health. Since it's necessary for every cell in the body, it can impact our health in an extraordinary variety of ways. I'm convinced it's a big factor for many with ME/CFS, and for the population at large. Iodine Literature Medical Doctors (ILMDs) estimate that >90% of the general population is iodine deficient, most of them severely.
Ok, so just cut to the much do you take? ;)


Well-Known Member
Ok, so just cut to the much do you take? ;)

Just so you know, cutting to the chase is normally my specialty (thus part of my problem at PR lol). My journey so far has been waaay too haphazard, as I didn't realize how many mg I was getting from an old bottle I had of SSKI (50 mg. / drop). I was taking 5 drops a day, felt something was too intense, took a few days off, started on 5 drops again, and again had to drop back.

I good amount to start with is more like 1-2 mg /day, and gradually build up from there. A lot of people plateau at 50 mg; others take more because of a serious need, like breast or ovarian cancer, or other various endocrine or other issues. So now to cut to the chase....:) I only found out about my dosage a couple days ago, and haven't taken any since--and won't until all my detox symptoms are gone.

That actually seems to be the case today. I've read that when others take a 2-day break from supplementation, they can often experience feeling better than when they supplemented every day. Today has been that kind of experience, and is a good day for me! I'm actually heading off for a walk in the sunshine right now. Hooray!
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I didn't realize how many mg I was getting from an old bottle I had of SSKI (50 mg. / drop). I was taking 5 drops a day
So...250 mg a day! Wow...yes, a break.
I have a bottle of pills here. I think they are 12.5 mg each.


So record for today, 2/17, 20 minutes, temp range from 97-113. Sweat quite profusely. Forgot to take detox supplements prior. Hydrated with green tea and Oral IV.

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