Preventing Sleep Apnea Therapy was Miracle Cure for Me

Resource Preventing Sleep Apnea Therapy was Miracle Cure for Me

Mary Jane Reyes

New Member
Mary Jane Reyes submitted a new resource:

Provent Sleep Apnea Therapy was miracle cure for me - My self-diagnosed ME was perhaps entirely due to sleep apnea

I was not formally diagnosed with ME but carefully followed the information on Health Rising because ME seemed to explain the group of my symptoms. I recently underwent a sleep study and the sleep doctor sold to me a product called "Provent" which is a treatment for sleep apnea (for those who cannot sleep with a CPAP and others.) In only a few days of using these "nostril Band-aids with valves" all of my symptoms disappeared. If others on Health Rising find this is a "miracle cure"...

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Who Me?

Well-Known Member
So then you misdiagnosed yourself and in fact you have apnea and not ME?

It can be bought OTC so anyone can try it.
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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Mary Jane Reyes submitted a new resource:

Provent Sleep Apnea Therapy was miracle cure for me - My self-diagnosed ME was perhaps entirely due to sleep apnea

Read more about this resource...
That's amazing. It's definite worth a try....You're not the first to find that sleep apnea either contributed enormously to your ME/CFS or was causing your health problems.

Here's a story about an ME/CFS patient who got great health benefits after sleep apnea was diagnosed. Her ME/CFS expert thought she had a heart condition - she actually had sleep apnea!
Check out How to Use Your Smartphone to Detect Sleep Apnea
Check out Health Rising's Sleep Resources section here
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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I just cured my apnea in a week of the Dr Terry Wahl's autoimmune paleo diet.
Really? I didn't know it could be diet related but given the enormous number of symptoms that allergies and sensitivities that foods can produce I guess it's not that surprising that that could happen.

What foods did you eliminate on the diet?


Active Member
All grains apart from one serving twice a week, adding a huge amount of vegetables excluding potatoes, and grass fed meat. I think it was the low carbs that did it.


Well-Known Member
Dairy was causing my apnea (diagnosed in a sleep lab). It makes the back of my throat swell just enough to cause obstruction lying down.

Mary Jane Reyes

New Member
So then you misdiagnosed yourself and in fact you have apnea and not ME?

It can be bought OTC so anyone can try it.
Just saw sleep doctor and she said it might not have cured my sleep apnea but having positive sinus pressure while sleeping helped. I did not find it on sale OTC - will have to check on this! Thank you.


Well-Known Member
What a great story! Wouldn't we all love to find out we didn't have ME, but had a relatively easily treated condition instead? It's the thing of PWME dreams. :D

@Mary Jane Reyes, would you mind listing your ME-like symptoms -- the ones that cleared up with this sleep apnea treatment?
That might help other patients in your situation assess whether sleep apnea may be their major problem. In addition, ME patients with sleep apnea could see which of their symptoms might clear up with this kind of therapy.

ETA: A more careful read of the resource lists the symptoms that completely cleared up with this treatment: (let me know if I got any of this wrong)
  • brain fog
  • mold sensitivity
  • daytime sleepiness
  • exhaustion
  • short-term memory problems
  • head pressure
Except for the mold sensitivity, these are pretty common poor sleep symptoms, so sleep apnea as a cause makes sense. I'm sorry your GP didn't have the wits to suggest sleep apnea with those symptoms rather than leaving you struggling for years thinking you had a serious, very difficult to treat disease. Sheesh!
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Who Me?

Well-Known Member
I've been searching, and every vendor in my Google hits requires a prescription. Offshore pharmacies don't carry it.
Let me see if I can find it. I thought I saw one that said no rx necessary. If I forget remind me.

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