
Active Member
I always hesitate to post success I've had with certain supps or drugs because we're all so variable. But this Relax-Eze has been quite profound.

I tried it on a whim after researching parasympathomimetic herbs. I didn't have much trust it would do anything. But I've been desperate to find something that might help that awful tired-but-wired panic feeling that was, quite frankly, making me feel likeI couldn’t bear going on for much longer.

This has things like valerian and hops that I've tried before and that haven't done anything. But it also contains things like mistletoe and betony and black cohosh. Maybe it's one of those things, or the synergy of the combo, but this really is calming my system. Actually, it doesn't feel so much calming as it feels like it's boosting the parasympathetic side. As if oil is being poured into my nerves.

Just in case this helps anyone else like it has me. Please drop a line and let me know if it does.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip, Sue. Many reviews show you're not alone in swearing by this product. Since I've already had good experiences with some of the ingredients I went ahead and ordered a big bulk bag of powder from Amazon. Hopefully it'll work as well as the tincture. Same ingredients, no added fillers.


Well-Known Member
Ha, I just now got my pound of powder in the mail, so I went straight to my laptop to try to figure out how much to take. Since Dr Christopher doesn't provide guidance my first job will be to calculate how many teaspoons equals 880 mg, which is the recommended dose of the capsules. But my brain ain't capable of attacking that now.

Sue, have you been doing well with the recommended dose? I also wonder if it makes you too sleep for daytime use. I mostly had night time sleep in mind for me. Maybe I can kick my baclofen habit for restless legs.


Active Member
@Remy I'm taking 15 drops twice a day, usually. I've found what works for me is taking it late morning and late afternoon. I time it for the times I will be around my partner so that I'm not reacting to him and getting triggered by him. You know, that awful feeling that being around another person is just too hard and draining and nerve-jangling. I'm so glad it helps in this way. I can relate to him normally now.

It's funny, @Paw but I don't find it tires me taking it in the daytime. I have taken it before bed though and it did seem to help with sleep. I hope it helps you too.

I found recently, thoug, when I had a crash after overdoing it, that it didn't seem to help as much. But now I'm coming out of the crash, I'm finding it is helping again. Odd, but it seems to work best when I'm stable.


This is hilarious. @Sue Stevenson has the liquid, I have the capsules and @Paw has the bag of powder!

My general rule of thumb is 3x the dose on the supplement bottle. I don't recommend that for others necessarily, but it seems like that is about always what my doctor ends up recommending for me.

For this one at 2 caps three times a day, that seems like a lot. I do know you need to not overdo lobelia but I doubt there is that much in this blend to worry about overdoing it.


Active Member

Does your doc muscle-test you for those doses, @Remy or is it some other method?

I often find I can handle medium or large doses of things, compared to some folks. The galantamine has been an exception to that rule.



Does your doc muscle-test you for those doses, @Remy or is it some other method?

I often find I can handle medium or large doses of things, compared to some folks. The galantamine has been an exception to that rule.
She does muscle test but not usually with me. I think she just recommends a starting dose that she thinks will be most efficacious based on her research and my tolerance (which is pretty high).


Well-Known Member
It's possible that it's possible to overdo the Relax-eze. More research needed. The first night I tried a generous heaping (about 1.25 cc) and had a very rocky sleep (with "flu day" to follow). The first three hours were especially bad (my sleep problems usually come later in the night), so I wondered if maybe that much cayenne was too stimulative. (Although it was mostly muscular and myofascial pains that I was fighting, my brain was unusually wired as well.)

Two strategic changes the next night led to much improved sleep. I only took about an eighth of a teaspoon -- and I took it a couple hours before bed to allow any stimulative effects time to wind down.

The first night might not have even been related to the Relax-eze, as I had pushed myself a bit too much during the day. Haven't experimented with daytime use yet.


Active Member
Interesting, @Paw. And as usual, so hard for us to determine whether something is helping or not with so many other variables.

I hope that it helps.


Well-Known Member
so hard for us to determine whether something is helping or not with so many other variables.
No doubt. I"ll try to isolate the affect of larger doses another time, when I'm more stabilized. For now, I'm doing much better with 1/8 tsp a couple hours before bed. Haven't tried it during the day yet.

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