The Keto Summit: Could You Benefit from a Ketogenic / Paleo Type Diet?


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Now this is a Summit I can really get behind.

I started my own version of a paleo/ketogenic diet about a month ago. A self confessed carbohydrate junkie - who didn't eat all that many carbs but when I did - watch out! - I had my doubts about my ability to do the high protein/fat/vegie diet. Would I be able to resist those mid-afternoon protein bars or my favorite dinner - cereal with granola, nuts and nut milk? THAT always knocked me out....

I knew sweets were a problem; I had to be careful with them but giving them up entirely? That seemed a hill too high to climb.

[/fright]Except that with some encouragement I did it and it has helped. I'm not bouncing off the walls but earlier this week I woke up without that awful bludgeoned feeling I usually have. I feel a bit clearer, I have a bit more energy; it's not dramatic but it's definitely there and I truly expect it to improve. I'm definitely not going back to my carb days and, most surprisingly, have no desire to.

Based on mine and other's experiences with this approach, I think it is probably helpful for a substantial number of people with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

The Twelve-day Keto Summit (Sept 25th - Oct 6th) promises to answer the following questions:
  1. How your hunger is driven by the way that you fuel your body.
  2. Simple, easy ways to test whether or not your body is burning fat and ketones.
  3. Things you MUST do properly on a Keto Diet in order to avoid common problems.
  4. Effective strategies for breaking through weight-loss and energy plateaus.
  5. How your mood is rooted in the food you eat. Almost nobody talks about this.
  6. Supplements that can help you get into ketosis (and feel better).
  7. Is Keto just a "hack" or "fad" - what the science REALLY says about it.
  8. The real cause of weight gain and fatigue...and why mainstream doctors don't talk about this.
  9. Why Keto diets work better in the long run, and how to make sure it works for you.
  10. How to make simple Keto meals and snacks that taste great and supercharge your body
It also includes two cooking classes. Some of the talks I'm interested in include:
  • The Practical Keto talk by Maria Emmerich
  • What to Do if the Keto Approach is Not Working
  • Cognitive and Neurological Decline: How to Slow and Reverse Aging - (Keto diets appear to be helpful in Alzheimer's)
  • Major Keto Pitfalls, Inflammation, & Supplements for Mental Performance
  • A Deep Dive into Metabolism, Energy, Phosphorylation, and Thermodynamics
  • Oxidative Stress, Meal Frequency, & Minimizing Risk of Chronic Illnesses
  • Should You Eat Carbs at All? How to Build Better Metabolic Flexibility
  • Weight Loss: What Works, What Doesn't, and When to Use or Not Use a Keto Diet
  • Healing and Protecting Your Gut Health: Prebiotics, Veggies, & More
  • Breaking Down Keto Myths: How to Use a Keto Diet for Any Health Goals
  • Neuro-Degenerative Diseases, Supplements, & Keto Disease Prevention
The Summit started yesterday, but some of the videos are going to be available for two days after the Summit. Registration, as always, with these Summits, is free, and gives you the ability to watch the video's on the day they are presented. If you purchase the Summit you get a download of all the presentations that you can keep.

Health Rising is an affiliate of this Summit. If you register please do it through this link, and if you buy the Summit through this link, you'll help Health Rising out.

Happy Summiting! Please tell us if you find the Summit valuable or not.
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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Now this is a Summit I can really get behind. I started my own version of a paleo/ketogenic diet about a month ago. A self confessed carbohydrate junkie - who didn't eat all that many carbs but when I did - watch out! - I had my doubts about my ability to do the high protein/fat/vegie diet. Would I be able to resist those mid-afternoon protein bars or my favorite dinner - cereal (always high quality...) with granola and nut milk? THAT always knocked me out....I knew sweets were a problem; I had to be careful with them but giving them up entirely. That seemed a hill too high to climb.

<a href=" "><img src="" alt="Keto Summit" title="Keto Summit"></a>Except that with some encouragement I did it and it has helped. I'm not bouncing off the walls but earlier this week I woke up without that awful bludgeoned feeling I usually have. I feel a bit clearer, I have a bit more energy....It's not dramatic but it's definitely there and I expect it to improve. I'm definitely not going bak to my carb days and have no desire to.

I therefore think the Paleo/Ketogenic diet approach is helpful and this Summit can help. It's got the usual mix speakers; some apply to ME/CFS and fibromyalgia and others don't. Some of the talks I'm interested in include:
  • Practical Keto talk by Maria Emmerich
  • What to Do if the Keto Approach is Not Working
  • Cognitive and Neurological Decline: How to Slow and Reverse Aging - (Keto diets appear to be helpful in Alzheimer's)
  • Major Keto Pitfalls, Inflammation, & Supplements for Mental Performance
  • A Deep Dive into Metabolism, Energy, Phosphorylation, and Thermodynamics
  • Oxidative Stress, Meal Frequency, & Minimizing Risk of Chronic Illnesses
  • Should You Eat Carbs at All? How to Build Better Metabolic Flexibility
  • Weight Loss: What Works, What Doesn't, and When to Use or Not Use a Keto Diet
The Summit started yesterday, but some of the video's are going to be available for two days after the Summit. Registration, as always, with these Summits is free. Registration gives you the ability to watch the video's on the day they are presented. If you purchase the Summit you get a download of all the presentations.

Health Rising is an affiliate of this Summit. If you register please do it through this link ,and if you buy the Summit through this link, you'll help Health Rising out.

Happy Summiting! Please tell us if you find the Summit valuable or not.


Well-Known Member
I recently did the Wahls Protocol which is a modified paleo diet, however, I didn't notice any improvement at all. :mad:


I recently did the Wahls Protocol which is a modified paleo diet, however, I didn't notice any improvement at all. :mad:
Paleo isn't the same as a ketotic diet. Lots of people are Paleo but not ketotic.

Wahls makes a point to say that one must be in ketosis...but if you don't measure, you won't know for sure when your body makes the switch.

My experience is that it is harder for our population to get into hard ketosis than the average. Too many veggies could be a problem even if non-starchy, especially at first.

November Girl

Active Member
Can people with low blood sugar issues handle this diet? I presently eat a small amount of protein and carbs every 3 to 4 hours.


Can people with low blood sugar issues handle this diet? I presently eat a small amount of protein and carbs every 3 to 4 hours.
Yes. It will actually help you regulate your blood sugar better and prevent the lows better than a carbohydrate heavy diet. Think of it as steady energy vs a roller coaster.


New Member
Pardon my inexperience at posting, in 4/16 I started a nutritional cleansing system that has changed my PWC life. I've had this disease almost half my life, at 66 yrs old I'm amazed how this nutritional eating (very Paleo--but shakes as complete meals). You won't see it advertized, but I'm partnered in it because of the difference It has made in how I feel, I sleep better, have gone from 20% to at least 80%, I still have ME/CFS so it's not a cure but really close . Nutritional Cleansing!!!! Contact me if you want.


Active Member
Ok, I'm going to have to do more research on a ketogenic diet.

As a former nurse it definitely worries me when somebody is in ketosis-very dangerous as the body becomes more acidic-especially dangerous for a diabetic (diabetic comas are often caused by ketosis)

I had a friend years ago who often went into ketosis (you could smell the sweetness on his breath) and he really was very unhealthy-used to cycle everyday often until he hit a "wall" and couldn't go further.

So, I'll do a bit of research. I did stop many grains and gluten and rarely have sweets anymore because I just don't crave them. It's the start of the "diet" that's the hardest-once you get past 3-4 days it becomes practically easy as the cravings go away.
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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Can people with low blood sugar issues handle this diet? I presently eat a small amount of protein and carbs every 3 to 4 hours.
I would think it would be good for low blood sugar. I'm pretty sure I have low blood sugar - I get spacey if I don't eat regularly and I seem to be doing better with that. If you replace carbs with fat I would think it would better...


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Pardon my inexperience at posting, in 4/16 I started a nutritional cleansing system that has changed my PWC life. I've had this disease almost half my life, at 66 yrs old I'm amazed how this nutritional eating (very Paleo--but shakes as complete meals). You won't see it advertized, but I'm partnered in it because of the difference It has made in how I feel, I sleep better, have gone from 20% to at least 80%, I still have ME/CFS so it's not a cure but really close . Nutritional Cleansing!!!! Contact me if you want.

Congrats! I love dietary/supplement solutions to ME/CFS - they're so much more accessible:)

Hey why don't you give us a link and tell us anything else that you've done and how it went for you. It's fine to put a link or two out there so that people can check it out.

If you feel that you're really stable then feel free to put your story down in the recovery stories section in Diet and Gut Section - - it doesn't take long.


As a former nurse it definitely worries me when somebody is in ketosis-very dangerous as the body becomes more acidic-especially dangerous for a diabetic (diabetic comas are often caused by ketosis)
This is a common misconception but nutritional ketosis and diabetic ketoacidosis are not the same thing at all despite similar sounding names. It's not possible to get life threatening ketoacidosis so long as you are still making insulin.
After reading the report from Dr. Robert K. Naviaux that our bodies were in a "hibernation" state and possibly a diet, supplements & prescription would help. After 18 yrs. I'm desperate. Easy enough to try the diet and supplements. Easier than flying to Haiti to see a well know witch doctor. I thought that I had tried just about every diet out there but Dr. Google introduced me to a new ketogenic diet. I ordered Maria Emmerich cookbook, Ketone test strips & MCT oil ( all on Amazon).

6 days into the diet of about 50 carbs. per day and I haven't seen any change or lost weight. Yesterday the test strip said that I was not in a state ketosis.
For supplements I have no clue but trying SAMe, MitoQ with vitamin B.
The summit should be interesting.


6 days into the diet of about 50 carbs. per day and I haven't seen any change or lost weight. Yesterday the test strip said that I was not in a state ketosis.
For supplements I have no clue but trying SAMe, MitoQ with vitamin B.
The summit should be interesting.

I had to go down to <20g of carbs/day for almost 3 weeks to get into ketosis. This is unusual but keep it in mind. It may not be possible for you to get into ketosis on 50g of carbs a day. It may be possible again later as you adjust to fat burning but things are different in the beginning and require a stricter diet.

Even Atkins induction is less than 20g for two weeks for a reason (but I'm not advocating his diet).


I haven't actually read up on ketosis (mainly because I spend almost no time on health matters these days) but each time I go grain/dairy/legume free, the change to my mood, lethargy, FM pain AND energy is massive. I mean REALLY massive. I'm referring to the Paleo diet (in principle). I've taken a Calcium complete supplement (a balance of Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc , Vit K1, Vit D3 and Horsetail - Equisetum ravens) for about the last 35 years (every since I mostly gave up dairy 97% or more). I never liked a glass of milk as a child and was always pale, skinny with dark circles under my eyes from the age of 7.

I was taking about 500mg of Calcium Complete originally back 35 years ago and then increased it to 750mg when I was 45. I am 62 now. And I've always done some sort of walking (except when I had foot/ankle trouble). years of stretching (for my back problems) and even stretching fingers (for example when my fingers get painful).

Around May 2002, I went to a new Chiropractor who did a complete set of spinal X-rays before touching me. The reporting Doctor/technician said I had osteoporosis, so a Sports Physician who was looking after me (for an unrelated elbow problem) sent me off for a proper bone density scan. The result......not only did I NOT have osteoporosis, I had a bone density of 94% - far higher than the usual for a middle-aged caucasian female (which usually drops to about 85% by middle age).

My diet does have some calcium as well.

If you're going to change your diet dramatically, check with your doctor first as it may impact on other health conditions, ensure you take supplements/calcium to cover the missing nutrients in a modern diet and do some sort of exercise and get some sort of exposure to sun for at least 15 minutes per day (Vit D).

I try to always eat fresh food - very, very rarely any kind of processed food.

I do eat a gluten-free rice cereal for breakfast to act as a carrier for the other ingredients in my breakfast. I choose the lowest sugar gluten-free cereal I can find. I inherited Diabetes from my Father's side of the family and was diagnosed about 4-5 years ago. I have been in total remission from Diabetes for 2 1/2 years now - probably a result of diet & lifestyle. If I can't go outdoors much in winter, I try to keep on the move and do a little more housework. Move it, or Lose it, is my mantra. If you're housebound or bed bound, just try to lift arms, legs and move as much as possible. Exercise doesn't have to be formal exercises or going to a gym. Just move regularly throughout the day.

Obviously there are some ME/CFS/FM people who are bed bound 24/7 and need carers so it would be impossible to do this.

I sincerely believe diet or protein shakes may help you in the short-term, but they're expensive and as soon as you go back to your old way of lifestyle, the benefit to your health is lost. If you can't eat much (for any reason) you need to ensure you eat small portions - this will help.

You need to change the way you eat 24/7 forever. You need to change your portion sizes forever. You need to change your soluble fibre intake forever. You need to drink plenty of clean water each day..... forever.

I am currently moving house and for convenience and to keep my cupboards/fridge empty on moving day I have been eating a little bread and other forbidden food for convenience sake. I feel the worst I've felt in years and keep falling asleep. I'm not sleeping well, moving well or thinking clearly.
Excellent, Cort. Glad you are proving this for yourself. I think it is a key factor in the improvement I have made from FM.

I think "Paleo" has benefits too, but of a different kind to actually going into Ketosis. It is the reduction in toxin intake, that would make "Paleo" help with some people. Also, some people may go into Ketosis without having to cut carbs as low as others.

There can be consequences needing to be addressed, from eating this way for long. My own coping approach, includes using flax seeds in recipes, and using Konjac noodles, to get adequate fibre with low GI; and also I could not do without Hair Mineral Analysis to guide supplementation. Addressing mineral imbalances intelligently makes a significant difference between "getting worse" in some ways while getting better in others, and "getting better in every way". I kept having to increase magnesium dose, for example, got terrible cramp attacks at times until this came right. And existing toxins stored in fat and the renal system, are likely to cause all sorts of flare-ups and ongoing imbalances. Hair mineral analysis showed cadmium poisoning was a problem for me, which explained a lot - and high doses of sulphur are a long-term help in this case. Everyone's experience will be different.


Excellent, Cort. Glad you are proving this for yourself. I think it is a key factor in the improvement I have made from FM.

I think "Paleo" has benefits too, but of a different kind to actually going into Ketosis. It is the reduction in toxin intake, that would make "Paleo" help with some people. Also, some people may go into Ketosis without having to cut carbs as low as others.

There can be consequences needing to be addressed, from eating this way for long. My own coping approach, includes using flax seeds in recipes, and using Konjac noodles, to get adequate fibre with low GI; and also I could not do without Hair Mineral Analysis to guide supplementation. Addressing mineral imbalances intelligently makes a significant difference between "getting worse" in some ways while getting better in others, and "getting better in every way". I kept having to increase magnesium dose, for example, got terrible cramp attacks at times until this came right. And existing toxins stored in fat and the renal system, are likely to cause all sorts of flare-ups and ongoing imbalances. Hair mineral analysis showed cadmium poisoning was a problem for me, which explained a lot - and high doses of sulphur are a long-term help in this case. Everyone's experience will be different.

I agree with you. Everyone's experience is different and you need to find out what works for you (as an individual). I've had to increase my Magnesium intake a couple of weeks ago because I was getting severe cramps in the middle of the night, but this may be merely a less-than-optimal diet due to moving house and clearing out the fridge, freezer and cupboards.


New Member
Pardon my inexperience at posting, in 4/16 I started a nutritional cleansing system that has changed my PWC life. I've had this disease almost half my life, at 66 yrs old I'm amazed how this nutritional eating (very Paleo--but shakes as complete meals). You won't see it advertized, but I'm partnered in it because of the difference It has made in how I feel, I sleep better, have gone from 20% to at least 80%, I still have ME/CFS so it's not a cure but really close . Nutritional Cleansing!!!! Contact me if you want.
Message me of FaceBook...Merry Anderson I'll discuss it one on one


New Member
I have also cut out most sugar, red meat & glutin free...still feel wonderful...message me on FB


Well-Known Member
I applaud anyone trying this. I just tried strict Keto diet for FM for two weeks, hated it, went against my 68 years of continuous grazing. I was in ketosis the last five days, screwed up by eating 0 fiber and carbs and ended up with almost obstructed bowel and nasty consequences. Constipation is a real problem with this diet IMO. I had been trying to drink a lot and take magnesium but did not help. My new Keto cookbook arrived right after I got back from the ER, off the diet! Since all of my inflammation markers have always been near zero, I didn't really expect diet to work for FM pain relief anyway. I am chronically underweight so losing five more pounds, probably water, was also a bad effect. The only good news for me was that by simultaneously giving up gluten and carbs on the diet with no impact, I determined I can eat as much crap as I want without apparently affecting FM symptoms because they continued awful on the diet. Next week, hypnotherapy trial for pain, then will try float therapy, last option before unwanted OxyContin.:(
Now this is a Summit I can really get behind.

I started my own version of a paleo/ketogenic diet about a month ago. A self confessed carbohydrate junkie - who didn't eat all that many carbs but when I did - watch out! - I had my doubts about my ability to do the high protein/fat/vegie diet. Would I be able to resist those mid-afternoon protein bars or my favorite dinner - cereal with granola, nuts and nut milk? THAT always knocked me out....

I knew sweets were a problem; I had to be careful with them but giving them up entirely? That seemed a hill too high to climb.

[fright]View attachment 2059 [/fright]Except that with some encouragement I did it and it has helped. I'm not bouncing off the walls but earlier this week I woke up without that awful bludgeoned feeling I usually have. I feel a bit clearer, I have a bit more energy; it's not dramatic but it's definitely there and I truly expect it to improve. I'm definitely not going back to my carb days and, most surprisingly, have no desire to.

Based on mine and other's experiences with this approach, I think it is probably helpful for a substantial number of people with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

The Twelve-day Keto Summit (Sept 25th - Oct 6th) promises to answer the following questions:
  1. How your hunger is driven by the way that you fuel your body.
  2. Simple, easy ways to test whether or not your body is burning fat and ketones.
  3. Things you MUST do properly on a Keto Diet in order to avoid common problems.
  4. Effective strategies for breaking through weight-loss and energy plateaus.
  5. How your mood is rooted in the food you eat. Almost nobody talks about this.
  6. Supplements that can help you get into ketosis (and feel better).
  7. Is Keto just a "hack" or "fad" - what the science REALLY says about it.
  8. The real cause of weight gain and fatigue...and why mainstream doctors don't talk about this.
  9. Why Keto diets work better in the long run, and how to make sure it works for you.
  10. How to make simple Keto meals and snacks that taste great and supercharge your body
It also includes two cooking classes. Some of the talks I'm interested in include:
  • The Practical Keto talk by Maria Emmerich
  • What to Do if the Keto Approach is Not Working
  • Cognitive and Neurological Decline: How to Slow and Reverse Aging - (Keto diets appear to be helpful in Alzheimer's)
  • Major Keto Pitfalls, Inflammation, & Supplements for Mental Performance
  • A Deep Dive into Metabolism, Energy, Phosphorylation, and Thermodynamics
  • Oxidative Stress, Meal Frequency, & Minimizing Risk of Chronic Illnesses
  • Should You Eat Carbs at All? How to Build Better Metabolic Flexibility
  • Weight Loss: What Works, What Doesn't, and When to Use or Not Use a Keto Diet
  • Healing and Protecting Your Gut Health: Prebiotics, Veggies, & More
  • Breaking Down Keto Myths: How to Use a Keto Diet for Any Health Goals
  • Neuro-Degenerative Diseases, Supplements, & Keto Disease Prevention
The Summit started yesterday, but some of the videos are going to be available for two days after the Summit. Registration, as always, with these Summits, is free, and gives you the ability to watch the video's on the day they are presented. If you purchase the Summit you get a download of all the presentations that you can keep.

Health Rising is an affiliate of this Summit. If you register please do it through this link, and if you buy the Summit through this link, you'll help Health Rising out.

Happy Summiting! Please tell us if you find the Summit valuable or not.

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