Yahoo Health Dr. Recommends GET for CFS


Well-Known Member
Shilpi Agarwal, MD, in "4 Natural Ways to Fight Chronic Fatigue," which appeared May 2nd in Yahoo Health news, recommends Graded Exercise Therapy. She writes:

"Studies have repeatedly shown that graded exercise therapy helps those with CFS. This type of therapy allows you to start exercising very gradually with stretching and guided movements. Over time you will be able to increase the intensity and duration of your exercise. In one randomized, controlled study, those participants undergoing graded exercise therapy reported significantly less fatigue than people in the control group, who got standard medical care."

You can comment at the article or contact her directly at the email address posted at her blog,

Her blog is called Your Medical Expert and Go-To Girlfriend. :eek:

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
Bullshit I get wiped out reaching for the remote. By her theory by now I'd have plenty of energy to change channels.

As for her other 3 things. I can't take ribose, makes me too amped, D-3 at 10000 iu, nothing.

The sleep tips are hilarious. Obviously made by someone who has no clue about CFS sleep. She should see my nightstand pharmacy!

These one size fit all suggestions just don't work.
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Strike me lucky

Well-Known Member
I shouldn't have gotten cfs in the first place if keeping fit was the answer. I have tried many time to do gradual exercise and eventually i crash.

i got maybe a small bit of help with ribose but it could have been placebo effect as it didn't last long.

problem is chronic fatigue caused by depression is very different to cfsme with chronic infections and immune dysfunction. Exercise cant treat infections and immune dysfunctions.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I commented on the article telling Dr. Agarwal that recommending GET to CFS patients could potentially harm them and told her she needs to educate herself about the illness. I gave her the link to the IOM report. This morning I see that my comment has been deleted.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
Yesterday I commented on the article telling Dr. Agarwal that recommending GET to CFS patients could potentially harm them and told her she needs to educate herself about the illness. I gave her the link to the IOM report. This morning I see that my comment has been deleted.

Good. I'm good at ranting, not so much at explaining why. Strike me lucky was exactly right when he said exercise doesn't treat infections and immune system. Although I can just hear someone say exercising helps the immune system.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I commented on the article telling Dr. Agarwal that recommending GET to CFS patients could potentially harm them and told her she needs to educate herself about the illness. I gave her the link to the IOM report. This morning I see that my comment has been deleted.
There are some dissenting comments there now, maybe try again...


Well-Known Member
There are some dissenting comments there now, maybe try again...
Hi, Hello!
Yes, maybe I should try again. Thanks for the encouragement. I did send two messages to the email address at Dr. Agarwal's blog, the first after I posted a comment at the article and the second after I discovered that my comment had been deleted.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
Deleting your comment says a lot about the doctor. As in not too good. I'll check it out and try to get my brain working to comment.

We need to shed some light on her refusal to take criticism. Or should I say education.


Well-Known Member
Deleting your comment says a lot about the doctor. As in not too good. I'll check it out and try to get my brain working to comment.

We need to shed some light on her refusal to take criticism. Or should I say education.

Hi, Minx. I don't know who deleted the comment or why. Yahoo, like other websites, most likely employs people to monitor the comments. Other negative comments had been posted when I posted mine, and they are still there. Perhaps my inclusion of a link (to the IOM report) was not allowed. I don't know.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
Maybe. I scanned their posting rules and didn't see that but who knows.

I just hate when people who have no idea write like they are some authority. I wonder what her source for that was.

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