"How I Got Approved for Social Security Disability for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome"

"How I Got Approved for Social Security Disability for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome"

Twenty one success stories from people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Also take a look at: How to Apply for Disability for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Buttercup Makes the Best Application Ever Seen
My mom was right: you have to do everything yourself.

Marigold Gets Approved in Six Months (without a lawyer!)
Seven steps Marigold took to win her claim

Jasmine Gets Approved in Six Months (without a lawyer!)
We put ten things in one envelope. Six months later, I got approved

Cherry Blossom Finds Secret Medical Records
I thought I had seen all my medical records. I was wrong.

Peony Wins Her Case Despite “Normal” Test Results
You don’t have to prove you are sick. You have to prove you can’t work. It seems like a small shift in perspective, but it is significant

Daisy Wins Her Case with a Doctor's Letter
Two weeks before my hearing, I met my attorney and he told me that I needed a doctor's letter to make my case stronger. (He was right!).

Violet Wins Her Case with a Function Form
When I got to court, the lawyer said I had the best documentation she had seen all month.

Poppy Wins Her Reconsideration in 5 Easy Steps
Only 7% of Requests for Reconsideration are approved. Here's how Poppy did it.

Belladonna Turns Water into Wine
My doctor said she would not fill out disability paperwork. I was so upset.

Jasmine Wins Her Case Despite "Normal" Test Results
Like many people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, nearly all of my tests and blood work came back normal, and I could not afford any fancy testing

Dahlia Finds a Surprise in Her Medical Records
Why were my friend's records so different than mine? I guess I will never know the answer, but I have a theory.

Lavender Solves the Problem of the CPET
The CPET is a great test to help your disability case. But there's a problem!

Zinnia Uses the Social Security Ruling for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Zinnia’s doctor had never heard of the Social Security Ruling for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Hibiscus Applies for Disability While in School
I was able to live off the student loans until my disability was approved

Rosemary Makes a Medical Outline
Everyone told Rosemary there was no way she would ever get approved.

Employer Disability
LTD is disability offered through your employer. It is different than Social Security.

Peony Appeals (and wins!) Her LTD Case
Peony won her claim for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Dahlia Appeals (and win!) Her LTD Case
Dahlia won her claim for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Iris Gets Tested
Iris got five different tests while applying. It worked.
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