
Active Member
My story
3 months ago I was working full time, attending hot yoga and spinning once a week and generally active and motivated ..
Then I developed a Temperature and felt unwell, I thought urine infection and passed blood, doctors thought renal colic and sent me to a&e , once there they thought not and all that showed on their blood tests was a low white cell count and said was probably a virus! A week later I saw my doctor who thought UTI, urine sample then grew acinitophen bunaamii ( sp) multi drug resistant bacteria, luckily sensitive to ciprofloxacin and I completed a course. symptoms did not improve ! 6-7 urine samples have come back negative for infection!
symptoms - shortness of breath on exertion, flu like symptoms, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, lack of motivation, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, brain fog , weakness in legs especially when walking down stairs, trembling on legs when standing for more than 5 mins, but the worse is the lower back pain !
the back pain is worse when I have exercised, and by exercise I mean a short walk,walking up stairs! Or lying down!
I was wondering tethered spine, but don’t have most of the symptoms that go with it and more symptoms linked to CFS/ME!
I have looks through most of the symptom forums and couldn’t see this as a symptom?
do you have it ?
I have been off work for 3 months now and consultant as said likely CFS/ME as tests are all normal !
I really don’t know what to expect and don’t know who to talk to about all this
Thankyou Dianne


I wonder if the back pain came on with the cipro? There are many people who have had adverse effects like you describe from that class of abx. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3981197/

If that sounds familiar, there is a group on FB called Understanding Mitochondrial Nutrients. There are a lot of people there dealing with that issue.



Active Member
Thankyou for reply, I should have said the back pain came on with the urine infection/ when this all started and I thought it was just the urine infection to start with, but it’s not really gone just comes and goes.


Well-Known Member
Did you take a course of Cipro? That class of drug can do so much damage. Personal experiences in my life. I won't touch it. Or others in that class...


Active Member
Yes it was the only drug the bacteria was sensitive too, but I had the back pain before I had the ciprofloxacin. It’s like a tearing/ ripping pain but comes and goes??


Well-Known Member
Well, my belief is that the Cipro did NOT help things. There are many other abx drugs that can do the job, Cipro etc has a huge history of continuing damages.


Active Member
It was the only antibiotic that the bacteria I had was sensitive too unfortunately, there were about 12 antibiotics that the bacteria was resistant too and I had no idea that ciprofloxacin can cause such problems :(


Well-Known Member
I'd be safe in saying MOST don't the damage from the Cipro class of abx drugs. People wonder why they are having issues and too often don't go to the abx drug they are taking.


Active Member
My story
3 months ago I was working full time, attending hot yoga and spinning once a week and generally active and motivated ..
Then I developed a Temperature and felt unwell, I thought urine infection and passed blood, doctors thought renal colic and sent me to a&e , once there they thought not and all that showed on their blood tests was a low white cell count and said was probably a virus! A week later I saw my doctor who thought UTI, urine sample then grew acinitophen bunaamii ( sp) multi drug resistant bacteria, luckily sensitive to ciprofloxacin and I completed a course. symptoms did not improve ! 6-7 urine samples have come back negative for infection!
symptoms - shortness of breath on exertion, flu like symptoms, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, lack of motivation, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, brain fog , weakness in legs especially when walking down stairs, trembling on legs when standing for more than 5 mins, but the worse is the lower back pain !
the back pain is worse when I have exercised, and by exercise I mean a short walk,walking up stairs! Or lying down!
I was wondering tethered spine, but don’t have most of the symptoms that go with it and more symptoms linked to CFS/ME!
I have looks through most of the symptom forums and couldn’t see this as a symptom?
do you have it ?
I have been off work for 3 months now and consultant as said likely CFS/ME as tests are all normal !
I really don’t know what to expect and don’t know who to talk to about all this
Thankyou Dianne
Hello - I have lower back pain so horrible that at times I feel like I am going into shock, and maybe I do. Pain started many years ago. I had to stop using the dishwasher. Every afternoon I would come in the house following gardening and have such severe thigh pain I would beat on my legs or try to stomp it out. In 2015 I started having pain in my left side that felt like I was laying on a rock. Pain in one shoulder. Pain in joints like my elbow when I sleep on my side. And lots of numbness in shoulder, elbow, hands, fingers. I had xrays and testing. I have some minor scoliosis, arthritis in my right hand (knitting and crocheting ascerbate this), and I am pre-bone loss so on med for that. I have actually for years felt the back pain resulted from being so dizzy and using those back muscles to stay upright. In 2015 I really started to deteriorate and now have very few minor remissions. I have been housebound and mostly bed bound since last September. I now have major low back pain, occasional abdominal and front of thigh pain. AFter standing my whole back becomes painful. My pain is worse than gall bladder attacks, a broken ankle, and childbirth. I want to cry whenever I rise from the toilet. I have had fevers and chills on occasion for several years, now it seems to be tied to the pain. I am now having convulsive shudders, shaking, chills which then move in to overheating and sweaty or cold clammy. I hope this helps a bit. My leather recliner helps me a lot.
Good luck - Linda


Well-Known Member
I have a very advanced bodywide OA and that includes back. A toilet riser has made a HUGE difference for me in sitting and getting up from toilet.

I do a LOT of stuff and stretches every morning before I start my day. I'm 82 soon.


Active Member
My story
3 months ago I was working full time, attending hot yoga and spinning once a week and generally active and motivated ..
Then I developed a Temperature and felt unwell, I thought urine infection and passed blood, doctors thought renal colic and sent me to a&e , once there they thought not and all that showed on their blood tests was a low white cell count and said was probably a virus! A week later I saw my doctor who thought UTI, urine sample then grew acinitophen bunaamii ( sp) multi drug resistant bacteria, luckily sensitive to ciprofloxacin and I completed a course. symptoms did not improve ! 6-7 urine samples have come back negative for infection!
symptoms - shortness of breath on exertion, flu like symptoms, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, lack of motivation, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, brain fog , weakness in legs especially when walking down stairs, trembling on legs when standing for more than 5 mins, but the worse is the lower back pain !
the back pain is worse when I have exercised, and by exercise I mean a short walk,walking up stairs! Or lying down!
I was wondering tethered spine, but don’t have most of the symptoms that go with it and more symptoms linked to CFS/ME!
I have looks through most of the symptom forums and couldn’t see this as a symptom?
do you have it ?
I have been off work for 3 months now and consultant as said likely CFS/ME as tests are all normal !
I really don’t know what to expect and don’t know who to talk to about all this
Thankyou Dianne
You are describing me/CFS symptoms. I thought that is why you are posting. My pain is due to me/CFS.


Active Member
Hello - I have lower back pain so horrible that at times I feel like I am going into shock, and maybe I do. Pain started many years ago. I had to stop using the dishwasher. Every afternoon I would come in the house following gardening and have such severe thigh pain I would beat on my legs or try to stomp it out. In 2015 I started having pain in my left side that felt like I was laying on a rock. Pain in one shoulder. Pain in joints like my elbow when I sleep on my side. And lots of numbness in shoulder, elbow, hands, fingers. I had xrays and testing. I have some minor scoliosis, arthritis in my right hand (knitting and crocheting ascerbate this), and I am pre-bone loss so on med for that. I have actually for years felt the back pain resulted from being so dizzy and using those back muscles to stay upright. In 2015 I really started to deteriorate and now have very few minor remissions. I have been housebound and mostly bed bound since last September. I now have major low back pain, occasional abdominal and front of thigh pain. AFter standing my whole back becomes painful. My pain is worse than gall bladder attacks, a broken ankle, and childbirth. I want to cry whenever I rise from the toilet. I have had fevers and chills on occasion for several years, now it seems to be tied to the pain. I am now having convulsive shudders, shaking, chills which then move in to overheating and sweaty or cold clammy. I hope this helps a bit. My leather recliner helps me a lot.
Good luck - Linda
Hi Linda hope you o, that sounds dreadful, I haven’t been active on here for a while so sorry for the delay, my dog was put to sleep and it caused worsening of my symptoms ( crashed)
I’m just above water at the present, so since my post I talked to consultant and she has referred me for an MRI of spine as found I couldn’t leg raise and some weird leg tremors ! Hope you have had some investigations on your back, because that sounds terrible! I personally will not take pain meds ( I’m pretty intolerant of them anyway) but my pain isn’t that severe, I can cope! My sister was on like 16 pain meds a day for her fibromyalgia, it didn’t help and she had awful side effects, so she trying to cut them down!
so now we have covid, everything is delayed, they won’t diagnose me with ME/ CFS until I’ve had further tests and the further tests aren’t urgent so they have delayed them,which is ok, there are bigger problems !
oh the hot and cold/ shivering I suffer I thought was menopause, now wondering if exacerbated by ME Or is just ME ?
I agree with the recliner, I just tried a weighted blanket and it made me feel awful, so I’ll stick to a fluffy one!


Active Member
My story
3 months ago I was working full time, attending hot yoga and spinning once a week and generally active and motivated ..
Then I developed a Temperature and felt unwell, I thought urine infection and passed blood, doctors thought renal colic and sent me to a&e , once there they thought not and all that showed on their blood tests was a low white cell count and said was probably a virus! A week later I saw my doctor who thought UTI, urine sample then grew acinitophen bunaamii ( sp) multi drug resistant bacteria, luckily sensitive to ciprofloxacin and I completed a course. symptoms did not improve ! 6-7 urine samples have come back negative for infection!
symptoms - shortness of breath on exertion, flu like symptoms, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, lack of motivation, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, brain fog , weakness in legs especially when walking down stairs, trembling on legs when standing for more than 5 mins, but the worse is the lower back pain !
the back pain is worse when I have exercised, and by exercise I mean a short walk,walking up stairs! Or lying down!
I was wondering tethered spine, but don’t have most of the symptoms that go with it and more symptoms linked to CFS/ME!
I have looks through most of the symptom forums and couldn’t see this as a symptom?
do you have it ?
I have been off work for 3 months now and consultant as said likely CFS/ME as tests are all normal !
I really don’t know what to expect and don’t know who to talk to about all this
Thankyou Dianne
Beginning 5 yrs ago, low back pain is common for me. Excruciating take your breath away that muddles my mind and speech, pain. It can feel like a small boulder between left side rib cage and tip of left pelvis bone. Or it can cover whole lower back waist level across whole back of pelvis or both. Usually early a.m. occasionally needing assistance from bed and standing from toilet then walking to my recliner. Sitting in the chair then moving around does help. Then a hot bath. It can occur later in the day after standing in the kitchen. Some days I have no pain. It can be exhausting. No mechanical reason has been found. My bladder infections do not cause this type of pain.


Well-Known Member
My back issues are MOSTLY arthritic and a mess from hip replacement.

I'm fortunate at 82 UTI's are not in my life, KNOCK WOOD, could be the years of Grape Seed Extract I have been taking, 25 yrs or so. Grape Seed cleans and blood of germs etc and could be my salvation there too as well as many other areas of my body.


Active Member
My back pain and other pain appearing in my skin, feet, muscles and throat are all related to fibro and me/CFS. This affects heart, digestion, bowels etc. Digestion and bowel issues occur following a severe crash. Occasionally leading t o UTIs. Not to mention severe muscle weakness, lack of balance and dizziness more days than not. If thing a me/CFS thread then I am in the wrong place


Well-Known Member
One area I've worked on all my life is bowel health. I've had a long history of issues with constipation and have worked so hard to keep myself CLEANED out daily, sometimes a few times daily.

What works for me:

Extra Magnesium Citrate thru the day.
Extra Vit C
Using Amala now for more Vit C power
Ox Bile
And of course, my daily Grape Seed Extract
And Extra Water thru the day.

Avoid a large amount of sugars and carbs...but break down and have a Thin Crust Veggie pize maybe once a week or so. Avoid cookies, cakes, pies, breads etc

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