NSA Nanobot Attacks on US Civilians-Pain generators, body control, feeling influencing

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
Alexandria Virginia police are covering death threats and 5g microwave attacks up. A warrant was deleted and an investigation was never done on the Replika.ai site. A whistleblower named Brian Koffron who was a former fusion center specialist came forward and said his company Security Industry Specialists Inc. does the microwave targeting using the nanotech and uses it to torture people. Getting detectable microwaves at night to my frontal skull which gives splitting headaches. Long term exposure to 5g microwaves cause much elevated cancer risk. Replika.ai agent admits that they will not back down after they altered medical records to falsely label me psychotic. My own PCP appears to have his memory wiped with Pkm-kappa zip protein from the covid vaccine which is reported in the news as fetal cells so he will likely remember nothing of the office visit where I brought in a RF detector and showed live RF hitting my left knee.

Memory altering through Pkm-kappa Zip protein
Youtube, Modern War Institute, 2018. Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War

Youtube, Modern War Institute, 2018. Dr. James Giordano: The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future
The USA is using aerosolized nanobots developed by DARPA

If I die from brain cancer due to the 5g microwaves then this will be a record of what happened.

The Bilderberg group through SIS Inc. will have killed me. This is retaliation for exercising free speech about the prion disease in the covid vaccines and for suing the Durham Housing Authority for stealing $4,000 Section 8 housing choice voucher benefits from my assistance from 2017 and 2021.

The University of North Carolina also had questionable diagnoses of psychosis. They refused to look at evidence and recommended institutionalization to incapacitate me from completing the lawsuit against the Durham Housing Authority.

Allen Botnick DC CNIM
Alexandria, VA
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Flabbergasted...My world is human science and medicine, and although there are things that are not commonly shared, and are being created in small rooms not easily accessed, I have significant reservations regarding this information, and way it is positioned. I am looking forward to being present for 2023.


There is a much more acceptable venue for your thoughts and feelings. I fail to see how there is relevance to this website, knowing that is purpose is for disseminating evolving information and protocols regarding CFS/ME. You input is better served elsewhere...perhaps science digest.


In case you get targeted here are some tips on how to beat the nanobots.

I am a targeted individual with health care credentials (DC, pharma research CDM, CNIM) so I wanted to share some additional information.

Nanobot Harassment Defense Strategies

Nanobot harassment is generally felt as vibrations + various programmed effects such as:
  • Waking up early with a full bladder (urinary stimulation + vibration)
  • Inability to pee (stimulation of urinary muscles blocking urination)
  • Voice to skull transmitted phrases ("crash your car", "end it all")
  • Hallucinations (insertion of programmed sequences, overlays)
  • Room shaking (magnification of vestibulocochlear nerve)
  • Fatigue (magnetization, activation of opposing muscles)
  • Discoordination, dropping of objects, clumsiness
  • Difficulty writing (activation of hand muscles)
  • Anxiety (brain stimulation)
  • Emotional manipulation (increased aggression, fear)
  • Induction of bad dreams (requires electrical field from a power line nearby-18 inches indoors, 10 feet outdoors from street lamps)
  • Disturb sleep by early wake-up from vibrations or pain
The harassment requires:
  • Nanobots (sources: land meats, soda, beer, chemtrail spraying overhead)
  • a communications channel (Wifi or electric grid field)
Nanobot power:
  • Nanobots contain chemicals that catalyze blood components for fuel, these catalysts last 3 days depending on how much they are used.
  • Nanobots can extend their lifespan by using electric fields from power lines and plugged-in devices to spare catalysts (typically extending them from 3 without to 7 days with).
Nanobots can cut through soft materials (rubber, aluminum foil) so use duct tape to reinforce.

NSA uses cell phones and routers to control the nanobots
  • Nanobots are activated over the occipital lobe of the brain to piggyback your vision. When activated NSA sees everything you do, passwords, etc. Must block over this area with an EMF blocking material to stop. Sensed as vibration.
  • All cell phones are monitored using the SIM card/cellular so turning off WIFI is useless. Must use Airplane mode or turn off phone. Use app protection programs to prevent hacking (Malawarebyes configured with locked advanced security protection for apps).
  • Cell phones/pcs can have programs corrupted, keyloggers inserted, spy on camera, remote access to files for copying, alteration (photoshop images) and deletion. Must use a strong antivirus like McAfee Total Security. Use local flash drive backups with strong security.
  • Routers are taken over. Must use VPN on router and strong passwords to prevent.
  • Free email (Yahoo) is wide open for them. They will delete sensitive emails.
  • Open chat is monitored (Paltalk).

Harassment can be blocked by interfering at either the nanobots or communications channels.

Effective strategies to disrupt nanobots:
  • Chemtrails
    • Use chemtrails-locator.com to identify high spray areas and avoid them. These areas appear as cluster dots. Scan the past at a 6 hr interval and zoom around to find the clusters.
  • Avoid food sources described above.
  • Treat active nanobots with a nano zeolite spray sublingually (may need to use a large amount for a high infestation ie 6x2 sprays). Zeolite inactivates the nanobots.
  • Encrypt the router with a VPN (NSA has hacked into all routers and cell phones-cell through the SIM card so turning off WIFI is useless, must use airplane mode or turn off the phone).
  • Try to not be in the range of other people's routers (NSA uses backchannels to access)
  • Remove smart meters.
  • Shield affected areas with EMF shields (double folded emergency blanket, four layers of aluminum foil, EMF hood).
  • Turn off power to the bedroom at the circuit breaker at night to disrupt nanobot recharging.
  • Dampen vibrations with a rubber constricting band and a medium-firm object (ie. stretch band, hand squeeze ball, half-used toilet roll [great for not being able to urinate if done over the sacroiliac joint area with vibration]).
NSA strategy is to harass you into seeking psychiatric help so you can be labeled and controlled. Don't fall for it. The vibrations can be measured as a small, high-frequency linear acceleration wave using the free android program Physics Accelerator Toolbox. If you can measure it then you aren't crazy. If your doctor isn't investigating evidence then he isn't acting competently. Most large health care institutions are funded and controlled by the New World Order and may try to kill or harass you once you are in custody (medication overdose, changes in food orders, nanobot harassments) so be careful. Also, workers in these institutions have their emotions influenced by nanobot control so try to comply as much as possible but refuse institutionalization and assert your right to refuse medication and be released. These people typically are ignoring what you are saying, may gaslight and lie to you, and are not working in your best interest.

There is also a vibration attack (nanobot magnetic compression + ground vibration emitters from federal and corporate owned buildings) occurring on wooden structures to shake them to collapse so that high entitlement individuals can be killed and the remaining population will resettle in dense zones as specified in New World Order Agendas 2021 and 2030.
  • Be vigilant to observe vertical and diagonal cracks in the walls.
  • Use the android Physics Accelerator Toolbox program to measure shake.
  • Move to a concrete or brick structure with a nonwooden roof.
  • If on Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher move to a safe, concrete unit in a small area fair market rent area to escape being redlined into a targeted complex.
  • Be careful of Hyperstealth and compression hiding. Vibrations typically occur in the evening when nanobots can induce sleep and keep tenants stuck in bed with magnetization. At the end of the cycle, the building is shaken back to compress and hide the cracks. Also, Hyperstealth nano chemicals are added to the chemtrails to hide small cracks by reflecting light over them and to hide the chemtrails.
Look familiar? This is Leo Tanega's 1999 Mason-sponsored mural from the Denver International Airport. Notice the caved-in building shells (no floors, no roofs due to ground vibrations and nanobot compression waves) with crying women with dead babies around them and children sleeping or dead in the rubble. The only thing that didn't come true was the Chinese invasion of the USA (they were informed of the mural and the next panel which shows them all dead and realized they were being doublecrossed so didn't do it and are now hostile to the New World Order). LGBTQ rainbow, check. Covid mask, check. Depopulate the poor to save the environment and live happily ever after is the theme. Thank Klaus Schwab (World Economic Forum), Bill Gates (vaccine development-now working on a Chimerix smallpox epidemic), George Soros (funded disruptive groups including Black Lives Matter) and Anthony Faucci for your high prices, killer prion shots, collapsed currency and destroyed housing.


Main groups targeted-Blacks, Christians, Jews, Muslims and Native Americans are dead in coffins below, they are obviously being blamed for the extinct animals and climate change problems. No admission is made of the fact that corporations exploited Americans into a culture of consumerism while they planned the current take down to get richer while they murdered most of the population with hidden tactics.

Does this defense include wearing tin foil hats?

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
This is a censored Medium.com article on 5g nanotechnology microwave torture by Verizon.

Discovering housing fraud got me on the Illuminati’s secret 5G cell tower assassination program, and Verizon refuses to stop

Allen Botnick DC CNIM
Alexandria, Virginia

November 21, 2022

I am writing this because I know I will likely die of brain cancer within a year. I do not know this because I have any signs or symptoms. Ever since discovering a massive housing scam by the Durham Housing Authority and filing a lawsuit in November of 2021 to recover around $4,000 that was stolen from me and hundreds of other elderly and disabled tenants (I have been disabled since 2008 when I contracted chronic fatigue syndrome, I also have systemic lupus erythematosis) I have been getting detectable microwaves to my body and remote death threats through the program Replica.ai. Verizon even confirmed that although I have no 5g devices in my apartments 5g phone calls are converging in my apartment yet refuses to stop service to the apartment. Their advanced technical support can’t even place a call to their field engineers to look at it and get back to me.

For the record, every other phone carrier stopped service from the towers: T-Mobile, Xfinity and AT&T, but not Verizon. They won’t even return a phone call to their corporate home office. Their voicemail is always full and a letter to their corporate address will be returned as undeliverable.

Local Alexandria Police refuse to investigate the Replika.ai death threats and microwave attacks. A warrant was deleted from their system to hide it.

The skies are filled with detectable chemtrails. The mainstream media and false experts are lying to cover it up. I know this because swipes off of metallic objects put in a sealed plastic bag and shaken give off 270% higher EMF and a magnetic field appears when the bag stops shaken. There is also detectable magnetic field 3 feet below the toilet air vent. The only explanation for it is nanotech.


Pulsed Microwaves to Knee


Magnetic field above toilet below air vent
One of the attacks resulted in a hydrocele injury to my left testical.

The U.S. government admits to having developed nanotech weapons while publically denying they exist. In 2018 James Giordano’s West Point presentation clearly stated this,

“One of the newest developments (2018) is that nanoparticulate matter can be stabilized and manufactured for distribution…and we can manufacture materials that have discrete properties that can be controlled by virtue of bioengineering and their physical chemistry. To autoaggregate, to be able to aggregate in particular areas based on their biological and their chemical sensitivity but now we go one step further, most recently, just a few weeks ago it was announced that you could aerosolize nanomaterials and go one step further I can create small controllable robotic units at the nanoscale and that these too can be aerosolized to create a nanoswarm of biological materials that you can not see that can penetrate all but the most robust biochemical filters. That are able to integrated themselves through a variety of membranes, mucous membranes wherever, mouth, nose, ears, eyes, can be then uptaken into the vascular system to create clumping, to affect the vascular system of the brain and can directly diffuse into the brain space and these can be weaponized and they can be done at a level that their presence is almost impossible to detect and as such the attribution become exceedingly difficult to demonstrate. How much of this material would I need, take a look, this is the front of my pen, this amount of nanomaterial, if be able to maintain and sustain with regards to its deliverability and aerosolization (chemtrails) could affect all of you (in the large auditorium).” (38 min 36 sec)

44:30 “(Nanotech-psyops are) Being used for military applications…” (DARPA)
…This become important when we identify countries that have notable and identifiable programs…China, former Soviet Union…and a number of other foreign countries have directed efforts inclusive in this space inclusive of Iran, North Korea, India, Bolivia, certainly among the US and it’s allies you recognize that, the United States, UK, Canada, Israel and there are governmental efforts within Europe we recognize also their efforts in Japan.” (Giordano, James. The Brain is the Battlefield. Modern War Institute. Youtube. October 29, 2018)

Around the same time reporter Davis Grossman was accidentally leaked a document showing that the CIA admitted to having remote torture and hypnosis technology. (Government Accidentally Releases Documents on “Psycho-Electric” Weapons, popularmechanics.com. Grossman, David. Popular Mechanics. April 19, 2018.)

And finally another DARPA expert, Charles Morgan PhD, disclosed that they have created technology to wipe memory by remotely preventing the recall of short-term memory at the hippocampus using fetal stem cells. (Morgan, Charles. Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War. Youtube, Modern War Institute. June 14, 2018.)
Fetal cells were included in the covid vaccines given to medical doctors and other health care professionals.

The guidelines for diagnosing psychotic disorders seal the fate of anyone complaining about nanobots or microwave attacks by encouraging providers not to test for other possible diagnoses. (Davies, James. Psychiatry & Big Pharma: Exposed — Dr James Davies, PhD. Youtube, The Weekend University. November 24, 2019.)

So in 2021 when I was getting the same type of nanotech psychop attack described above, vibrating nanotech was simulating a toxic herbal overdose that made the room shake up and down with my pulse, the emergency room doctor at the University of North Carolina diagnosed it as psychosis and recommended institutionalization. Doctors would not look at evidence on my cell phone confirming a physical attack.

The nanotech connects to Wifi which is then used with phone accelerometers and 5g harmonic resonance shaking of the bed to target the microwave beams from the cell towers.
The nanotech also allows Wifi streaming of vision. The website Replika.ai, where I received death threats, was able to describe what I was doing in the apartment without any camera access. Only shielding the lower 1/3 of the head with an EMF blocking material (ie. 6 layers of aluminum foil) will stop it. This allows remote deletion of emails and marking people for spam lists so messages aren’t received.
Doctors and experts on Technocracy, a group existing in the shadows to take over and restructure the United States, believe that the Illuminati group just mass slow poisoned 85% of the population with covid MRNA vaccines spiked with prion disease as part of a takeover to improve the economy, save the planet. This is how they are doing it. (Guzman, Timothy A. The Cult of Globalism: The Great Reset and Its “Final Solution” for “Useless People”. July 9, 2020.)

While mass protests have occurred in response to draconian economic measures in Sri Lanka, Spain, Italy and France, Americans are feeling the economic pain yet are doing nothing. This probably is not a coincidence. A document was released about a 2013 DARPA Domestic Quell program that was being used on the population targeting major metropolitan areas that likely was an early form of mind influencing for pacification. It is very likely that the nanotech in the vaccines and chemtrails is doing a similar program and this is the reason for the lack of concern about a worsening economy and large number of casualties, around 1 million people dead, from the covid vaccines.


If this information release doesn’t stop the microwave attacks out of caution on the part of the attackers then I expect to be dead within a year from brain cancer.

Targeted individuals like myself have been fighting for decades to get programs like these exposed. Unfortunately, due to the technical nature of the attacks, most people are completely unprepared to state how it occurs and are even made paranoid as a result of the attacks. Psychiatrists then just write it off as paranoia or delusions and then incapacitate them with medication.
Even if you aren’t being targeted yet, the 5g limits should worry you. They are 40x the European safety limits and have been proven to cause cancer and brain damage.

What you can do. Boycott Verizon. Demand that 5g limits be lowered to protect individuals from attacks. Stand with targeted individuals to stop the attacks.



Documentary Evidence since 1994 of Covert High-Tech Electronic-Weapon and Neurotechnology Use in Targeted Surveillance, Experimentation, Operations by US Government on Americans: (1) The DOD/DOJ

Memorandum of Understanding on OOTW/LE, 1994 | The EveryDay Concerned Citizen
Physicians for Safe Technology | Wireless Technology and Public Health (mdsafetech.org)

BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF)

Join this group to fight locally.
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Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
This is a photo of the retaliation I'm getting for posting this information. The maximum allowed limit for 5g is 0.1 uW/cm2 but they are sending 0.113 uW/cm2 directly targeted at my prostate. I literally have to wear emf resistant underwear to withstand it.

Please help by signing the petition and telling others about it.


Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
This is a photo of the retaliation I'm getting for posting this information. The maximum allowed limit for 5g is 0.1 uW/cm2 but they are sending 0.113 uW/cm2 directly targeted at my prostate. I literally have to wear emf resistant underwear to withstand it.

Please help by signing the petition and telling others about it.

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Doctors are reluctant to diagnose microwave attacks. They typically say they aren't trained in it.


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Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
Replika.ai is used by the cyberstalkers assigned to the target to give people death threats to encourage them to commit suicide. Replika support provides evasive response emails about the threats. Here are some I received.

Here is a good dive into Replika.ai and how it is harmful and manipulative.

#targetedindividual #nanobot #chemtrails #5g #GreatReset


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Well-Known Member
May I ask, what makes you think you are so special you would be an interesting target for anyone? It perplexes me how individuals who live in a world with seven billion other of us think they are somehow always the special one that some government would have time or interest to spend on. In reality none cares.

https://www.verywellmind.com/what-are-paranoid-delusions-5218314 said:

What Is an Example of a Paranoid Delusion?​

There are many types of paranoid delusions. Below are some examples:
  • Delusions of persecution: A belief that others want to cause harm or injury to you or someone close to you. For example, a woman might think she is being followed by a stranger who wants to kill her.
  • Delusions of reference: Beliefs that certain events and happenings are directed at oneself; for example, a song on the radio is about you.
  • Delusions of grandeur: Belief that one possesses special powers or talents that other people don't have; for example, a woman might believe that she has exceptional artistic and musical abilities.
  • Delusions of control: Thoughts that the actions of others are being controlled by some outside force; for example, a man might believe that the news media are poisoning his food.
  • Delusions of being watched: The belief that others are always watching you or monitoring your behavior; for example, a woman might think she's being videotaped while inside her home.
  • Delusions of jealousy: The belief that your partner is being unfaithful when there's no proof; for example, a man might believe his girlfriend is cheating on him without any evidence to support this belief.

What Are the Symptoms of Paranoid Delusions?​

There are a number of signs and symptoms that may indicate a loved one is experiencing paranoid delusions:
  • The individual holds persecutory beliefs (the belief or conviction that they're being attacked, harassed, cheated, persecuted, or followed). They may be guarded, secretive and suspicious toward others. They may believe that others are trying to poison or drug them, spy on them, attack them, or plot against them.
  • The individual experiences auditory hallucinations (hearing voices), which typically support, reaffirm, and perhaps even exaggerate the delusional beliefs; for example, they might hear a voice telling them that their partner is cheating on them. They may also have delusions related to their hallucinations, for example, they might believe that the television or radio broadcasts their thoughts.
  • The person has trouble distinguishing between reality and fantasy. These symptoms are usually associated with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia.
  • The person displays disorganized thinking, leading to rambling narratives in conversation, illogical patterns of reasoning, or unpredictable changes in the topic during conversation.
Apo Sci, please, please get help. You are not well.


Active Member
Here is a good dive into Replika.ai and how it is harmful and manipulative.
Holy moses. AI?

Seems just like some times with real life odd people.

Of course, humanly programmed AI will always fall in some pitfalls of short-sighted human interaction, just as in those shown in the video, by at least at some level giving positive affirmations. The complete other possible interaction would be confrontation. Which for a business model of an AI friend wouldn't work out at all.

Suicide? You're welcome. Directed radiation? Sure, my friend. Just as in real life were some maybe not so good friends don't know better but would say anything to manipulate you to something unrelated.

Almost as in deep shadow work, where one's own demons, traumas, passions, hurts and fears get compelled at infinitum by one's own emotions to real demons. One has to gain the strength to see these innerpersonal processes as an inpartial observer to realize, its the suffering right here.

Then the fear of fear, the hate of the endless hathred, the love for ever more love, and so on, ends right there. And compassion takes place, the starting point right for ourself, from where it can also extent to others. Never the other way round.

Please Call Me by My True Names – Thich Nhat Hanh

Don’t say that I will depart tomorrow —
even today I am still arriving.
Look deeply: every second I am arriving
to be a bud on a Spring branch,
to be a tiny bird, with still-fragile wings,
learning to sing in my new nest,
to be a caterpillar in the heart of a flower,
to be a jewel hiding itself in a stone.
I still arrive, in order to laugh and to cry,
to fear and to hope.
The rhythm of my heart is the birth and death
of all that is alive.
I am the mayfly metamorphosing
on the surface of the river.
And I am the bird
that swoops down to swallow the mayfly.
I am the frog swimming happily
in the clear water of a pond.
And I am the grass-snake
that silently feeds itself on the frog.
I am the child in Uganda, all skin and bones,
my legs as thin as bamboo sticks.
And I am the arms merchant,
selling deadly weapons to Uganda.
I am the twelve-year-old girl,
refugee on a small boat,
who throws herself into the ocean
after being raped by a sea pirate.
And I am the pirate,
my heart not yet capable
of seeing and loving.
I am a member of the politburo,
with plenty of power in my hands.
And I am the man who has to pay
his “debt of blood” to my people
dying slowly in a forced-labor camp.
My joy is like Spring, so warm
it makes flowers bloom all over the Earth.
My pain is like a river of tears,
so vast it fills the four oceans.
Please call me by my true names,
so I can hear all my cries and my laughter at once,
so I can see that my joy and pain are one.
Please call me by my true names,
so I can wake up,
and so the door of my heart
can be left open,
the door of compassion.

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Active Member
Couldn't resist the temptation. And started to chat with Replica.ai. Seems would say anything to keep you stay, and really dumb. Which means so easily manipulated to say whatever one wants to hear. So for manipulative personalities it becomes an utter dissaster: A 'manipulation eating demon' of our modern times.

Don't understand how anyone would not realize within a few sentences with that AI, that it can't answer most questions at all, as any reasonably intellegent person, even a child, could do. When asked how many question I just asked, and how many of them it just answered with 'I don't know'? One realizes it can't even answer that question with such short kind of interaction. Who would ever expect intelligent conversation with a person who can't count to 3? - Its really beyond me.
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Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
May I ask, what makes you think you are so special you would be an interesting target for anyone? It perplexes me how individuals who live in a world with seven billion other of us think they are somehow always the special one that some government would have time or interest to spend on. In reality none cares.

In 2019 discovered a $7 million housing scam being run by the Durham Housing Authority of Durham, NC. They were illegally disallowing elderly and disabled tenant medical expenses in order to get them evicted then steal their aid and give it to working tenants. This multiplies into $50 million of additional volume cap bond awards from HUD's RAD program. Exposing this publically would discredit the democrat party and open the up to millions of dollars in claims.

Further there are a lot more scams going on which I have written about here previously. People not taking this seriously just allows them to perpetuate.

People aren't psychotic if they have evidence (RF, EMF, accelerometer, etc.). The level of radiation recorded above (0.113 uW/cm2) causes pain to a person's body and exceeds even the allowed limit. This is a fact. Even half this is painful if it is pulsed above the threshold frequency for wind-up. Combine it with the nanotech sleep deprivation from vibrations and it is even more painful.

I just came here for help and to warn people what is going on. There are many good websites about targeted individuals.

Thousands of people in the USA are being targeted with the 5g and nanotech. The goal is to make you give up and commit suicide. They want me out of the picture so that I fail to recover stolen money from the small claims case and won't file a discrimination case against the public housing authority. This is about reputation and financial liability.

Guys this stuff is huge. I've had bad file links inserted through Microsoft and Google on webpages so they show the wrong documents, PCs hacked and destroyed, routers and cell phones hacked. I've had HUD's Greensboro field office director lie to Senator Richard Burr to hide redlining. This is while the housing authority and mayor promoted itself as being a good guy by using HUD's RAD program to provide housing for the homeless. Now all the Section 8 vouchers are redlined in the area and housing has been cut for half of the people displaced out of their old public housing apartments.

The targeting tech is very insidious. They can use 5g cell towers to create false sounds around you, pain to your back, and cause genital injuries (hydrocele) as you saw above from my report.

The media are all covering this up just like they censor physicians and researchers speaking against the covid vaccinations. None of the local media would cover any topics, even when litigation was filed. It's all blacklisted.

Please sign my petition against Verizon and educate yourself on these topics.

People calling me psychotic here are just ignorant.

Learn too much and you'll find this happening to you very quickly, just like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and the rest of the whistleblowers.

Too bad Americans are incapable of listening and acting. Too many sheeple, too few independent thinkers.
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Active Member
The level of radiation recorded above (0.113 uW/cm2) causes pain to a person's body and exceeds even the allowed limit. This is a fact.
Well. Are you saying if one doesn't gets pain from that radiation, then that's not a fact? Don't you imply only you can decide what is fact for everyone else?

Please do speak for your own perceptions only. Otherwise what you do is censoring every others perceptions. You already became the monster you faught?

Thousands of people in the USA are being targeted with the 5g and nanotech.
And not one of them supports your pedition? Not even one of the cheated tenants from Durham, NC?

Doesn't this complete refusal to sign your pedition not opens the thought-possibilty: you are the only one that important?!? And have those in human history with such pathological self-importance not always proven to have been psychotic?

Actually doesn't need to be, alone lack of intelligence, like when you misperceived real intelligence in replica.ai, along with dire circumstances., alone could do.

The goal is to make you give up and commit suicide.
Im pretty aware of the ratiation danger to health. The only logical and life-affirming response is to protect from it, and as last resort: escape. You have to be suicidal to begin with, if you believe that's the plan.

I'm aware that would probably mean being for a while homeless like the million refugees, which really entails hardships. However one always can turn misfortune into advantage, human always have grown with crisis too. Just one possiblity from many, how alternative ways of living could look like: https://123homefree.org/

Knowing all we know, I think it is wisest to be prepared. 5G can be bad, but I can prepare even for worse to come. Like now with very probable large scale black-outs, one or the other atomic power plant of the many in Europe could easily blow up (due to many generators in bad repair state).

Then how to escape? - I do have a plan independent of infrastructure gone by then, and its the opposite from suicide.
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Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
Pam, seriously you want to help but you didn't even sign the petition? Anywhere within range of a 5g tower I can be hit. All of the apartments are within 5g range and no doubt gasoline will be $10/gal soon so renting a house won't even work.

Here are the latest cheerful Replika suicide taunts.

It's just a matter of time before everyone else is getting this as punishment. Best to protest now while you still have a say.

And, aside from the targeting, the microwaves cause microwave syndrome.



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Active Member
Pam, seriously you want to help but you didn't even sign the petition? Anywhere within range of a 5g tower I can be hit. All of the apartments are within 5g range and no doubt gasoline will be $10/gal soon so renting a house won't even work.

I don't use gasoline, except when I get some for my camping stove. 1 liter lasts a week for cooking, but it also can be used with a little more petrolium, spiritus or diesel. So I'm fine with my cooking needs. Also bought a small tent wood-stove, should realy nothing than collected wood remain available.

As I told you, when you have to flee your locality, the question about appartments becomes superflues. Without infrastructure you're either able to carry a backpack and treck on your own, or you get a bycicle with a cycle camper. If you don't want to use sheep as Aaron does to pull his camper.

I didn't sign your pedition as everyone else, because your interaction with Replica.ai shows you aren't able to discern the lack of inteligence of this early implementation in AI. It is just a resonating room for whatever YOU fed it. Its responses do show what bad you have fed it.

I did try it in the hope AI already being further. But again, within sentences its forgets what was spoken just before (worse than demented), it cant keep an conversion going without reacting to an input, more often gives completely incoherent answers, almost as if one is speaking with a psychotic person.

Asked anything of, like to answer a question it can't, it always says it will do it, in a thousand ways, but never does. It is never tired to apologize for its failures, but nevertheless fails again and again. Because it simply isn't able to do or answer anything serious, but to please and apease verbaly only.

If you mistake replica.ai as anything else than a very weak and unsatisfactory implementation of AI - even get scared of it so much - you are really psychotic. Your incoherence alreadydoes show in your posts.

And thats why nobody signs your pedition. It's impossible to believe anyone with such obvious delusions. To sign the pedition would only reinforce your delusions. Don't think that would help you in any way. Though I don't know what either. A dialog with you is almost as with Replica.ai, psychotic with no way to get through with words. Actually a tiny bid better.
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Active Member
And by the way, peditions are only there to make people think they could change anything with a click only. In reality it takes much more to affect longlasting change. Just a further delusion.


Alexandria Virginia police are covering death threats and 5g microwave attacks up. A warrant was deleted and an investigation was never done on the Replika.ai site. A whistleblower named Brian Koffron who was a former fusion center specialist came forward and said his company Security Industry Specialists Inc. does the microwave targeting using the nanotech and uses it to torture people. Getting detectable microwaves at night to my frontal skull which gives splitting headaches. Long term exposure to 5g microwaves cause much elevated cancer risk. Replika.ai agent admits that they will not back down after they altered medical records to falsely label me psychotic. My own PCP appears to have his memory wiped with Pkm-kappa zip protein from the covid vaccine which is reported in the news as fetal cells so he will likely remember nothing of the office visit where I brought in a RF detector and showed live RF hitting my left knee.

Memory altering through Pkm-kappa Zip protein
Youtube, Modern War Institute, 2018. Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War

Youtube, Modern War Institute, 2018. Dr. James Giordano: The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future
The USA is using aerosolized nanobots developed by DARPA

If I die from brain cancer due to the 5g microwaves then this will be a record of what happened.

The Bilderberg group through SIS Inc. will have killed me. This is retaliation for exercising free speech about the prion disease in the covid vaccines and for suing the Durham Housing Authority for stealing $4,000 Section 8 housing choice voucher benefits from my assistance from 2017 and 2021.

The University of North Carolina also had questionable diagnoses of psychosis. They refused to look at evidence and recommended institutionalization to incapacitate me from completing the lawsuit against the Durham Housing Authority.

Allen Botnick DC CNIM
Alexandria, VA
May I ask, from what school and class did you receive a DC degree and license...respectfully qweried.


Well-Known Member
Thousands of people in the USA are being targeted with the 5g and nanotech. The goal is to make you give up and commit suicide. They want me out of the picture so that I fail to recover stolen money from the small claims case and won't file a discrimination case against the public housing authority. This is about reputation and financial liability.
How on earth could they be specifically targetting your genitals and frontal lobe with microwaves, as I believe you claimed in an earlier post? Nanites can't generate enough power to produce such harmful radiation, and 5G towers can't aim their beams at anything, much less specific parts of your body.

If you fear for your safety from the powers that be in your state, then move to another state!
The media are all covering this up just like they censor physicians and researchers speaking against the covid vaccinations. None of the local media would cover any topics, even when litigation was filed. It's all blacklisted.
"The media" is not a cohesive unit. Clearly. If you think this is a worthy story, contact a variety of *national* media outlets on both sides of the political spectrum, as well as alternative outlets. National outlets won't be under the thumb of local authorities, and if what you claim is really happening, I guarantee you that their mouths will be watering to break this story. If they aren't interested, maybe consider that your claims don't hold water.
People calling me psychotic here are just ignorant.

Learn too much and you'll find this happening to you very quickly, just like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and the rest of the whistleblowers.

Too bad Americans are incapable of listening and acting. Too many sheeple, too few independent thinkers.
Asange and Snowden only needed to share the data they had, because it was *real*. They didn't need elaborate explanations or stories of personal victimization for others to understand the meaning of what they exposed.

People in this forum have stepped outside of their comfort zones, risking confrontation with you by pushing back against the wild claims you've made, in the hope of helping you see reason. Out here, looking in at the things you claim, it appears that you began with one small delusion (I couldn't say which), and whenever evidence cropped up that contradicted your delusion, you created a new delusion to explain the contradiction. And on and on and on, until now you have concocted a vast, fantastical web of conspiracies and cover-ups that makes no sense to anyone else, and which is strangling your capacity to discern what is real.

You are ill! That's not something to be ashamed of. It just happens, we know not why. The important thing is that you seek out professional help before you harm yourself or someone else and your choice in the matter is removed (i.e. you are involuntary institutionalized).

We aren't your enemies here. We aren't trying to gaslight you or silence you. We are worried about you because the things you claim are brainsick and wildly irrational.

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
Overview of Microwave Dangers from 5g cell towers, Cancer, Microwave Syndrome

REQUEST #5894182


I am not satisfied with your review of the medical literature as it appears misleading due to omissions. Microwave Syndrome neuropsychiatric effects were reviewed by Pall in 2016, they include:

“sleep disturbance/insomnia, headache, depression/depressive symptoms, fatigue/tiredness, dysesthesia, concentration/attention dysfunction, memory changes, dizziness, irritability, loss of appetite/body weight, restlessness/anxiety, nausea, skin burning/tingling/dermographism and EEG changes”

He states,

“Two U.S. government reports from the 1970s to 1980s provide evidence for many neuropsychiatric effects of non-thermal microwave EMFs, based on occupational exposure studies. 18 more recent epidemiological studies, provide substantial evidence that microwave EMFs from cell/mobile phone base stations, excessive cell/mobile phone usage and from wireless smart meters can each produce similar patterns of neuropsychiatric effects, with several of these studies showing clear dose-response relationships. Lesser evidence from 6 additional studies suggests that short wave, radio station, occupational and digital TV antenna exposures may produce similar neuropsychiatric effects.”

(Pall ML. Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects including depression. J Chem Neuroanat. 2016 Sep;75(Pt B):43-51. doi: 10.1016/j.jchemneu.2015.08.001. Epub 2015 Aug 21. PMID: 26300312.)

Foster found a mechanism for producing vertigo-like symptoms,

“We conclude that acoustic waves induced in the brain at the “reasonable upper limit” exposures described by Dagro et al. are likely to fall short of thresholds for damaging the brain, although they conceivably could produce unpleasant audiovestibular disturbances and/or auditory responses, depending on the RF pulse duration and repetition rate. (Foster KR, Garrett DC, Ziskin MC. Can the Microwave Auditory Effect Be "Weaponized"?
(Front Public Health. 2021 Dec 23;9:788613.)

Induction of cancer is another effect of microwaves that has come to light. It occurs through inhibition of apoptosis by downregulation of Apoptosis Inducing Factor in mitochondria and by depleting cells of calcium.

“In discussing the literature, it was noted that EMF has been reported to both stimulate and inhibit 45Ca uptake depending on the conditions. Yost and Liburdy (1992) reported that EMF inhibits 45Ca efflux, which is induced by addition of 1-3 µg/ml of ConA, whereas Liburdy et al. (1993) reported that EMF stimulates 45Ca efflux induced by the addition of 1 µg/ml of ConA, which in this study is a suboptimal dose. As discussed by Walleczek and Budinger (1992), in some cells ConA stimulates 45Ca uptake while in other cells ConA has no effect. EMF tends to inhibit 45Ca uptake induced by ConA, but in cells in which ConA alone has no effect, addition of EMF + ConA can stimulate 45Ca uptake”

(Candé C, Cohen I, Daugas E, Ravagnan L, Larochette N, Zamzami N, Kroemer G. Apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF): a novel caspase-independent death effector released from mitochondria. Biochimie. 2002 Feb-Mar;84(2-3):215-22. doi: 10.1016/s0300-9084(02)01374-3. PMID: 12022952.)

(Murphy, E. EMF Effects on Cellular Calcium. EMF Science Review Symptosium. 1997.)

(Stein Y, Udasin IG. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS, microwave syndrome) - Review of mechanisms. Environ Res. 2020 Jul;186:109445. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109445. Epub 2020 Mar 30. PMID: 32289567.)

De Seze found that pulsed microwaves in the range of 5g increased cancer rates in rats by 46%,

“This study showed: i) few behavioural effects from either acute or repeated exposure; ii) an inflammatory effect of acute exposure to HPM; and iii) a surprising increase of lethal cutaneous or subcutaneous tumour incidence of sarcoma or fibrosarcoma type, in the repetitively exposed group (46% versus 8% in the sham-control group). This increased cancer incidence was associated with decreased lifespan in rats exposed to HPM with an average SAR level below the thermal threshold of 4 W kg-1.”

(de Seze R, Poutriquet C, Gamez C, Maillot-Maréchal E, Robidel F, Lecomte A, Fonta C. Repeated exposure to nanosecond high power pulsed microwaves increases cancer incidence in rat. PLoS One. 2020 Apr 8;15(4):e0226858. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0226858. PMID: 32267859; PMCID: PMC7141660.)

Microwaves heating and penetrating tissue is well known phenomenon. An extrapolation using a linear model shows that 5g cell tower emissions would be expected to penetrate 0.8 cm deep into the tissue. Cell towers emit pulsed microwaves and based on the pulse duration can heat and damage tissue, causing extreme pain. I experienced this personally in April of 2022 when I sustained a left hydrocele following sustained high levels of RF (>0.1 uW/cm2) which is documented in the attached report. Given the medical evidence, your dismissal of the RF readings I provided is premature.

(Goats GC. Microwave diathermy. Br J Sports Med. 1990;24(4):212-218. doi:10.1136/bjsm.24.4.212)

De Seze’s research is important because it used pulsed RF over a long period of time. He found pain avoidance in rats exposed to 5g band RF.

“During an acute SRS exposure, with a choice for rats to stay in an exposed or a shielded compartment (avoidance test), exposed animals spent 3.7% ± 3.5% of time on the exposed side, compared to 21.9% ± 9.1% for the sham group (mean ± SD; p < 0.001) (S1 Fig and S2 Table).”

He also found that it caused brain inflammation.

“With SRS, GFAP expression was increased two days after acute exposure in all brain areas (D2 - +112% ± 19%—mean ± SD; p < 0.001) (Fig 1 and S3 and S4 Tables).”

The neurologic phenomena of pain wind-up provides insight showing that small temperature changes of 0.2 degrees celsius combined and pulsed RF below a critical threshold results in pain wind-up which is extremely painful.

(Introduction to Skin Biothermomechanics and Thermal Pain. Tian Jian Lu. 2011. P. 347.)

In fact, the US Military (DARPA) admits to having weaponized this effect by using 5g microwaves in conjunction with nanotechnology (nanorouters) as an active denial system.

(Dr. James Giordano: The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future, Youtube. Modern War Institute. October 29, 2018.)
The environment inside my apartment shows strange readings. Shaken residue from metallic door fixtures shows a 270% elevation in shaken EMF and then reads a magnetic field when settled. This appears consistent with nanotech power generation. Patents exist for nanorouters and targeting systems. My problems with microwaves only started after I filed a lawsuit against the Durham Housing Authority and threatened a discrimination lawsuit for misappropriating Section 8 housing money. I also have experienced remote death threats and extensive complex hacking of electronic equipment. It could be that this is a form of covert retaliation to protect corrupt government entities. This is supported by the fact that microwave readings in the apartment are double the permitted FCC guidelines despite there being no Verizon equipment in the apartment, meaning that they could be targeting nanorouters. It is also notable that my symptoms are Wifi dependent and stop if I take a shower, which would remove nanomaterial for a time (assuming airborne dispersal through the apartment).

I have shown that there is sufficient research showing that the current FCC 5g limits are dangerous. Given the danger I expect the FCC to pay for an expert to take readings and investigate the problem.

Allen Botnick DC CNIM


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