Does anyone here have psoriasis?
Hi Croatoan,
I've had a few major psoriasis outbreaks throughout my life, and occasional small outbreaks in between the major ones. Blood cleansing teas were very helpful in clearing them up (most effective was Jason Winters Herbal Tea).
Recently, while doing fairly extensive research on iodine, I've been running across a number of testimonials of iodine supplementation clearing up psoriasis. I just did a quick search, and found this on Curezone:
Psoriasis Cured Story
There are lots of other stories out there besides this one. The good news is that if your psoriasis responds favorably to iodine supplementation, your body will likely respond favorably in a thousand and one other ways, as iodine is critical to so many functions in the body.
Best, Wayne
Hi Croatoan,
I've had a few major psoriasis outbreaks throughout my life, and occasional small outbreaks in between the major ones. Blood cleansing teas were very helpful in clearing them up (most effective was Jason Winters Herbal Tea).
Recently, while doing fairly extensive research on iodine, I've been running across a number of testimonials of iodine supplementation clearing up psoriasis. I just did a quick search, and found this on Curezone:
Psoriasis Cured Story
There are lots of other stories out there besides this one. The good news is that if your psoriasis responds favorably to iodine supplementation, your body will likely respond favorably in a thousand and one other ways, as iodine is critical to so many functions in the body.
Best, Wayne
I don't have psoriasis, but I have had a couple of types of skin problems over the years. The one I have right now is flaking of skin on my face. It gets the worst on the upper eyelid and spreads up to my eyebrows.
Do anyone with psoriasis also have arthritic complaints? I had read in a book about uric acid that psoriasis can accompany arthritic complaints.
I have tried potassium iodide in the past, and while it helped for a while, it had a big backlash. Something mentioned in the book that I read about uric acid might explain why potassium iodide helps, it clears uric acid from the blood stream. But it causes precipitation of it in other places. I don't know if it clears other things temporarily from the blood stream or not.
There are lots of other stories out there besides this one.
Oh, I see, you meant topical. I see at that site it mentions not to let the iodine on the new skin. This makes me think that the potassium iodide burns the psoriasis off. I didn't come to that conclusion by myself, I was telling a neighbor more intelligent than me about Simoncini's cancer protocol of sodium bicarbonate and potassium iodide, and she said, I see, you burn it out.PSORIASIS HOME TREATMENT @
One individual wrote in the chat board for the psoriasis organization about his experience with iodine. He had chronic psoriasis on his elbows, upper arms, and lower legs for more than twenty years. He was embarassed to go to public swimming pools because his skin was so unsightly.
He started applying tincture of iodine and found that his condition was basically nonexistent in ten days. He applied the tincture several times a day for 4 to 5 days until the thickened scabs peeled off showing healthy skin below. The delicate, new skin took time to recover.
If you chose to use this treatment, it is important to let the skin peel by itself naturally. He found that a long, warm bath helped with the peeling process which softened the thick scabs and allowed them to release naturally. Repeated treatment may be needed for tougher areas.
This individual gladly reported that the condition disappeared.
He reported that Povidone solution is not effective. The classic tincture worked the best.
One individual wrote in the chat board for the psoriasis organization about his experience with iodine. He had chronic psoriasis on his elbows, upper arms, and lower legs for more than twenty years. He was embarassed to go to public swimming pools because his skin was so unsightly.
He started applying tincture of iodine and found that his condition was basically nonexistent in ten days. He applied the tincture several times a day for 4 to 5 days until the thickened scabs peeled off showing healthy skin below. The delicate, new skin took time to recover.
If you chose to use this treatment, it is important to let the skin peel by itself naturally. He found that a long, warm bath helped with the peeling process which softened the thick scabs and allowed them to release naturally. Repeated treatment may be needed for tougher areas.
This individual gladly reported that the condition disappeared.
He reported that Povidone solution is not effective. The classic tincture worked the best.
RuthAnn, would you mind listing all the things you are taking right now? What you have on your face is like what I used to get as well. High dose Biotin, I feel will clear that right up. I take 5000mcg 2x a day, sometime 3x.
I am not consistent with very many things but I will try to list what I am taking and the frequency.
B2 or FMN 25-75mg almost every day for a couple of years
B5 500mg most days
B6 50mg once or twice a week
1g taurine ~ 4 times a week
1g beta alanine ~ 4 times a week
reishi `~2 gms a day am working up to 3
sometimes chaga, 1/4 tsp extract
I can't think of anything else, except that I take MegaFood zinc when something cuts on my skin aren't healing
occassional retinol palmitate, which I took consistently for over a year
I took choline bitartrate for a couple of years with good success, not too often lately
Drank tulsi tea for a little over a week
Drank licorice root tea for a little of a week most recently
Everything got much worse after eating a high fat medium protein low carb for about 6 weeks starting last December into early January. That's when the area over my eyes became very swollen and the skin peeling again. I can't eat eggs or potatoes now without that getting really bad, and as I said earlier, it's back again this morning. When I eat potatoes my whole face has white flaking skin all over it! I'm not sure if white rice was causing that, too, I just quit it last week and am back to eating white unbleached unbromated flour for carbs. Dairy for protein. Yesterday started adding in some salads, don't know if that will bother me, so far so good.
Thank you
I put a lot of of butter on the potatoes. Is butter bad? I didn't read the lipid article yet.Yes, the high fat. with the potatoes, were they plain or did they have a fat on them?
Before I go on, did you take the B6 and or the B5 yesterday?