Vegan Doctors


Well-Known Member
Side Note: Not only did I cut out all oil, I cut out high fat wholefoods too like avocado, nuts and seeds. I am not sure if you are supposed to do this but this got me these results. Obviously changing hormones, removing the chewing gum in the lock, unsticking the blood cells and cleaning the blood.

I am not really sure how to gauge how much of these food items to add back in over time and it may cause other issues if I do not. The reason I have no cravings for fat or much of any cravings is because I am eating high carb and unlimited calories. This does not make you fat. For the first time ever, I feel I have underpinned the issues and that this diet is now

I think I transitioned over very slowly, just beginning to add a little raw food to every meal, shredded carrot, apple, celery, sauerkraut etc. Then I increased the raw. The frustrating thing was by doing this, there are no seeming results, but by doing it too quick it gave me a relapse. The other problem I had was not eating enough calories and so I would be craving fat and junk.


Well-Known Member
I do use kelp. I have a thyroid tumor and find it helps with my thyroid functioning. I have issues with T3 conversion.

As for fat. You need a certain amount or you will find your skin will get over dry, you may have more brain fog. The brain is made up of fat. We need the right kinds to function properly. When I first started this way of living, I was just as strict as you are. Now I'm adding back some fats. My doc said the whole food, good fats - we don't need to worry about counting. Everything in moderation. Just saturated fats and animal fats are what are really no's.

Olive oil isn't a whole food. Olives are. So if it is in its whole form, in moderation - it's good. I did add a DHA supplement from an algae source. It really made a difference for brain fog. I also find coconut milk to be very helpful. If you don't have enough fat, I found I stayed hungry. Despite using my leptin helper supplement - Integra Lean.

I have recently discovered I do horrible with grains. This is going to be another challenge. To be a vegan without grains. I've been listening to an Alzheimmers summit. Very enlightening. There was a common conclusion from all the speakers. There are 3 things that must go in the diet - grains, sugar and dairy. The other thing that is a must is to keep moving - exercising if only 10 minute walks at a time. Helps keep blood flows to brain better. Having watched, and caregiving for, my parents die with dementia - I don't want it. Diet is key.



Well-Known Member
There is fat in all food, eg 2-3% in potatoes. 1% in bananas I think. I am just sticking to this for now and steering away from the fatty wholefoods, temporarily to see if I can push things more in my favour. And re-set the balance.

My brain is feeling clearer, since going low fat. I think it is loving all the sugar. I am firmly in the sugar camp now. I have had no problems with candida at all and consume tons of sugar, I believe again this is because I am low fat. Sugar plus fat is the really bad combo imo.

But trying to be aware, so that I can add in stuff if needed. I do not crave fat unless I let myself get hungry and eat too little calories. I eat between 1900-2500 calories a day and since I am not doing much physical exercise, that is ample. Occassionally I am having not much in a day at all. I consider that a fast type day.

People who have been starving themselves (I think the WHO says around under 2100 calories is starvation for females) and eat this way, seem to gain some weight initially, but that is because the body is in fear of lack mode. When it calms down, knowing that plenty of nutritional calories will be provided consistently, then the weight falls off.

How much kelp do you use @Issie? The video just refers to how easy it is to overdose on kelp/kombu.
At the same time some people recommend very high iodine?

I must say that when I had these seacake muesli bites, I felt really good, many times daily recommended allowance of iodine but then followed a crash. I would love to feel that again though - lovely creamy voice, and smooth feeling in my throat replaced the throbbing.

I should probably get an ultrasound of the thyroid done, if I can't improve it.

Quinoa is a seed, not a grain and its got very high nutritional content and maybe a good grain replacer... ?


Well-Known Member
I use 1 cap kelp a day. I have a new one I plan to add from Supreme Nutrition. I really like everything I have used of theirs.

That seminar I've been listening to said that the things normally used as gluten free alternative has similar proteins. If someone has issues with gluten, they could have issues with the other grains too. It has to do with the type of proteins in them and the body's inability to metabolize them properly. I'm not a big fan of quinoa. But, thanks for the suggestion.



Well-Known Member
My brain is feeling clearer, since going low fat. I think it is loving all the sugar
The brain loves glucose! I have added much more fruit to my diet. I hardly ate any fruit before because of the candida/fruit scare which I don't believe in anymore.


Well-Known Member
I'm really starting to question -----low fat. I think it may cause issues long term with cognitive function. It may help in one area, but may cause issues with the brain.

I still believe that being vegan is good. But not so much cutting out or severely limiting good whole fats.

I also am starting to question using grains. Most are either GMO or have pesticides on them. With so many having gluten intolerance makes me question what the impure forms are doing to the body. The body doesn't know what to do with them.

I have been such a big promoter of Dr McDougall and his diet the last few years.. ..but based on what my strict adherence to it is/has done..... good in some ways and not so good in others. I'm thinking I need to refine how I look at it and tweak it a little more for myself.

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Well-Known Member
@Issie I wish I had heard you promote McDougall over the last few years ! :) Completely missed these diet avenues...

Can you remind me what your calories per day and ratio is - so that I can try and compare? Although I think it is probably futile.

I aim for 2100-2500 calories and 811 but am looking to 955 now. Just as an experiment - for me. I do eat much more fruit than I think he suggests. And drinking quite a lot of fruit juice now too. Sugar is my favourite word, currently :) Not putting on any weight. No problems with it at all.

I was on a high fat diet, trialling even coconut oil in my smoothies and my cognitive function was worse than ever - so I can rule that out for me.

Tweaking is part of every process and so much more difficult with M.E.
I find it a bit frustrating not just being able to stick with something that works, forever! :)


Well-Known Member
I didn't really count calories strictly. I just tried to stay on the diet as recommended. I need to lose weight and at first lost some weight with cutting out meat and dairy. But then stopped losing. My doc said some have to go lower carbs to lose. So then went gluten free - but not grain free. A little more weight lost but not alot. Did help with how I felt.

It appears that according to what I'm learning about good fats, if you have high sugar or fructose the body won't burn fat but store it. You have to go low glycemic and lower sugar and up your good fats to lose weight. It's not completely necessary to have fats from animals and can be done as a vegan. Also going lower carbs by eliminating refined grains and sugars should help. More docs than not are saying this to be true. I'm still on the fence about it. I know doing the diet as McDougall said reversed my Chronic Kidney Disease - but I seem to be at a standstill in my weight and health. So trying something slightly different will be my new trial/experiment.



Well-Known Member
Yes, there are quite a few different vegan options including vegan ketosis.

Hope you start to see gains again soon whichever diet you try. :) I have found messing around with my diet to be sometimes harmful, 95% useless but for those 5% of finds - invaluable and life changing.

I don't think I am strictly McDougalling :) lol because I go heavy on the fruit (I think he recommends 3 pieces a day? and I currently and comfortably eat around 15-20 plus) and salads during the day and hit the grains, more in the evening. My greens have been low though and am trying for the recommended 5 cups a day. I aim now for 1000 calories in bananas (10) ,oranges or something 5-700calories and 500ish calories in my evening meal. I have been having a lot of pineapple juice lately.

I cut out grains for a while myself, but after a few weeks re-introduced them. I really don't know if I have a problem with them. It wasn't obvious to me like gluten, but do feel cleaner inside after eating them. Wish there was a way to be sure.


Well-Known Member

Interesting review on pomegranate.

Despite what it says there, I think I will alternate my juice each week because I tend to have either orange or pineapple. Next week I will start on a litre a day of pomegranate juice - just for fun. :)

Seeing more improvements, including cellulite melting away. This diet does feel like a form of "treatment".

Looking more into the effects of a low fat, high carb plant based diet.


Well-Known Member
The residue "bruise" feeling has now left, which was what remained from the gnawing pain, sometimes like a migraine pain, I discussed above located on my lower left back. It was very draining and just something I got used to putting up with.

I must have checked it a hundred of times yesterday and smiled every single time when it wasn't there lol.

Its a real novelty, getting results since usually I put in the work, put in the effort and my health decreases :)!

I had the best monthly cycle I have EVER experienced with hardly any PMT (only the day before and not one to two weeks of feeling way past a labour date, and NO pain at all and no pain in the knees either which also comes at the monthly time (otherwise I do not have knee pain). I think this can only be from the low fat part of the hclf. I am reminding myself here so that I don't go forgetting.

Being rather excited by this, other symptoms I want to see the back of :): red crescent at the back of my throat, which also worsens when I am more severe.

Intermittant throbbing, sore throat
Stiff neck.
If possible, PEM.
Swollen lymph nodes.
Foggy Brain etc.

The pain in my eyes/eye muscles went a couple maybe of years ago when I took large amounts of fruit, I think it was the vitamin C. I occasionally get a reminder of it, but it doesn't last long as I just eat more fruit.

I think I would really benefit from herbal medicine, now that my system is well enough, but there is just no-one in the UK who has the thorough knowledge of M.E/CFS and nutrition AND herbs!

So just carry on down the slow detox and re-nourish route.

Its whether it holds or not though isn't it.

Update: It is all holding. Third monthly cycle and no pain at all. It does feel like a miracle after so much pain and trauma over the years.

Seaweed is getting rid of the throbbing throat.
Can now do some proper yoga. Eta x2 week. Not everyday although I am stretching a lot.

Eta: link on how low fat effects hormones
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