Financial Statements

Health Rising is not a non-profit organization but because it receives almost all its money from donations in practice it is very much like one. Because Health Rising is community supported, HR is doing what non-profits do – making public how much Health Rising brings in, and how it spends its money.


Year Total Income Donations Online Health Talks
2018 84,036 82,315 1121 598
2017 55,935 54,417 726 792
2016 41,534 39,129 1,538 866
2015 27,884 27,031 0 853
2014 27,046 26,434 0 612
2013 13,470 13,075 0 395


Year Total Expenses Cort’s Salary Website Maintenance and Improvement Software, Hardware, Hosting, Images, Newsletters, etc. Travel, Vehicle, Education, Food*  Fees (Paypal, Acct, Nevada Business) Federal Income Taxes
2018 74.067 20,100 6,000 6,080 27,512 5875 8500
2017 45,208 14,987 6,800 4,191 11,357 5797 7000
2016 39,658 14,284 5,450 3,972 5,669 5140 5140
2015 28,237 13,465 4.055 3735 2,665 4317
2014 * * * * * *
2013 * 7,100 * * * *

*includes car insurance, repairs, set aside for next car, car emergency fund, paying off car loan.

Health Rising An NEID Support Org LLC is registered in the state of Nevada

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