ME/CFS – An Immune, Autonomic Nervous System, Brain and Gut Disease: A Talk with Dr. Avindra Nath and Dr. Vicky Whittemore
Bronc Brings a UK perspective to U.S. ME/CFS matters as he talks with Avindra Nath and Vickie Whittemore as he digs into the big intramural study and the road ahead for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Here in the UK, the...
Network Medicine for ME/CFS: Wenzhong Xiao and the Open Medicine Foundation’s Severe ME/CFS Big Data Study
Geoff's Narrations The GIST The Blog The OMF's Severe ME/CFS Big Data Study Remember the Open Medicine Foundation's Severe ME/CFS Big Data study? Initiated in 2015, it was one of three unusually large and expensive ME/CFS studies (Intramural Study NIH, CDC's...
Damaged Mitochondria – the Original Sin? The Recent Mitochondrial ME/CFS Studies
Geoff's Narrations The GIST The Blog The second of a series of blogs on recent findings on the mitochondria in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), long COVID, and fibromyalgia focuses on ME/CFS. The Mitochondria in Long COVID Pt....
Lorrie’s Healing Long COVID and ME/CFS Virtual Summit is Coming Up!
Lorrie Rivers is back with a 7-day "Long Covid and ME/CFS Holistic Healing Virtual Summit". Online summits are all over the place and Health Rising gets many requests to promote them, but we only promote a few and always promote Lorrie's. Why? Because Lorrie has...
Creatine – An Alternative Mitochondrial Energy Source for ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Long COVID?
Geoff's Narrations The GIST The Blog Thanks to Dr. Craig for providing more insights into diets and supplements that may be able to support people with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), long COVID, and allied diseases. Creatine - long known to sports...
The Mitochondria in Long COVID Pt. I: Are Core Problems Being Uncovered?
Geoff's Narrations The GIST The Blog Health Rising recently reported on studies suggesting that a hypermetabolic state that damages the mitochondria results in a hypometabolic state in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), long...
Something in the Blood in ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and Long COVID III: Evidence Builds that Something in the Blood is Causing These Diseases
Check out Geoff's Narrations The GIST The Blog The idea something in the blood of chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia (FM), and long-COVID (LC) patients is causing these diseases is so enticing! Uncover it and bang - you...
From Hyper to Hypo? Tracking down the Metabolic Dysfunction in ME/CFS and long COVID
Geoff's Narrations The GIST The Blog Many studies suggest something is up with the mitochondria in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and long COVID but the question remains: if the mitochondria are not functioning well how did...
Does the Brainstem Hold the Key to Understanding ME/CFS? The Renegade Research Webinar + the Spinal Treatment Poll
Check out Geoff's Narrations The GIST The Blog The GIST can be found near the bottom of the blog Check out the Spinal Treatment Poll at the end of the blog One sign that things are improving is simply an increase in activity, and that's what we are seeing on...