Basic Stuff
- Name: Cort
- Country: United States
- State: Nevada
- City: Henderson
- Gender: Male
- Age: 63
- Education: Masters Degree
- Primary Illness: ME/CFS
- Diagnosis:
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)
- Fibromyalgia (FM)
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Environmental Illness (EI)
- Year Illness Began: 1980
- Pursuing a bachelor’s degree in the United States when illness began: Yes
- Year of college when illness began:
Functioning Interrupted
Work Interrupted
- Former Occupation: Student
- Job Responsibilities at Former Occupation:
Full-time student at the University of California at Santa Cruz
- Current Occupation: Owner of Health Rising
- Current Job Responsibilities:
Producing blogs, creating projects, and overseeing the Health Rising website.
- Years of Work Lost: 14
- Current Work Status: Still working
Income Interrupted
Minimum Current Annual Income Loss:
- Total Projected Economic Losses For Years Not Worked:
Other Interruptions
- My parents or other family members have provided financial support
- This illness has severely impacted my ability to financially prepare for retirement
- I declared bankruptcy as a result of medical bills and/or loss of work
- I was unable to attend college/university as I had planned
- I reduced my work hours
- I took on jobs with less responsibilities than I otherwise would have
- I had to move back into my parent’s house
- I have been unable to or found it very difficult to date
- I believe this illness contributed significantly to a divorce or loss of an important relationship
Most Impactful Loss
Honestly, my ability to exercise and the healthy feeling I got from it is the thing I miss the most. I used to love to exercise - go on long walks, run, swim, bike, and backpack. Exercise was an integral part of my life and I loved how my body felt doing it. I hardly remember the feelings of wellness and strength that I had.
My Story
Long ago and pretty far away I was an athletic student running through the redwood forests on the Univ. of California at Santa Cruz. I had found my calling - environmental studies - and was thoroughly engrossed in nature.
Looking back - what potential that time had! What a unique set of people were there! I now wonder what happened with them.
I was doing tremendously in my studies - but then my thighs began to ache, I became more and more fatigued, I felt like the blood was pooling in my feet and I had to lie down. Lying down my heart would pound, pound, pound, and I wondered how much it could take. Forty years later I can still remember it vividly.
I dropped out of school around 1980. I was emaciated and in pain. Nobody - not the doctors, not the therapists - nobody had a clue. My tests were all normal. A stint in a temporary mental facility had no effect. I mostly lay in bed.
Then I did something called the EST training that my mother had done. It had a remarkable effect that I still marvel at today. It lit a fire - got me going again. I was still unable to exercise, still often exhausted, still not myself, still feeling like I was just hanging on, but I was back on the move. I shudder to think what would have happened if not for that program.
I worked mostly part-time at some crummy jobs - never anything with any real responsibility and eventually managed to get a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy and finally, in what probably broke a record for duration, a Master's Degree in Environmental Sciences. A severe case of chemical sensitivities hit which left me sleeping outside or in my car - a situation, which while considerably better, persists today.
School I could do. Work was another issue but I ended up lucking out. I lucked out when I created Phoenix Rising in the mid-2000s and then Health Rising in 2012. I couldn't do much physical work but I could still read and write and so - thoroughly dissatisfied with the content on ME/CFS/FM on the web - I read and wrote, and read and wrote, and that's basically what I've been doing for the past 17 years.
Besides the opportunity to be immersed in a subject that's had such an impact on my life Phoenix Rising and Health Rising provided some income - a little at first but more later on. I was fully or partially supported by my father for many years. By the time he passed away a couple of years ago, though, I was able to finally support myself.
Relationships were always problematic given my physical limitations but I finally did meet someone - who also has ME/CFS - and we've been together for almost 7 years.
Over forty years later, I'm still kind of amazed that it happened - and that it never got resolved! It's a head-shaker for sure.
Hi Cort – I have just discovered your address in USA. I cannot donate money but would be delighted to send you a copy of my book for critical analysis and further discussion. When I read words about the bird pathogen (Chlamydia psittaci) like “mostly it will not kill you, it will only disable you” and “mild, moderate, and severe” of disease” that matched the Ramsay Definition -my research, writing and publication took 20 years. Regards Jennifer McBryde (Brisbane).