Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Book Series


Check out chapter-by-chapter overviews of books on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Health. Interested in blogging about a book you found valuable?  Contact us!

The Last Best Cure by Donna Jackson Nakazawa

The Last Best Cure chronicles the efforts of a person with a severe autoimmune disorder to, over one year, regain her joy in life and some of her health through meditation, mindfulness and acupuncture. Thanks to Donna Jackson Nakazawa for allowing Health Rising to present overviews of the chapters in her book.

Fibromyalgia: How Stress Turns into Pain

Dr. Martinez-Lavin provides an overview of Fibromyalgia, how it’s diagnosed and treated, as well as his theory that autonomic  nervous system problems underlie the disorder.

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