Insect borne illnesses were on the table at Tea Time for Simmaron

Insect borne illnesses were on the table at Tea Time for Simmaron

Clusters or outbreaks first put ME/CFS on the map over twenty years ago. The clusters are still occurring – every infectious outbreak from Giardia to SARS leaves behind a set of ME/CFS-like patients – but they’ve rarely been studied in ME/CFS.

The Simmaron Research Institute is putting clusters back on the map with a study examining clusters of insect triggered ME/CFS. The study is driven by the recognition that insect borne illnesses are rarely tested for but can often cause long term ME/CFS-like illnesses.

Could your ME/CFS have been triggered by a mosquito or tick bite? Could you have an undiagnosed but possibly treatable infection? The lead investigator, Konstance Knox, thinks the answers will surprise. Find out more in


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