Health Rising’s 2024 BIG (little) End of the Year Donation Drive

NOva Southeastern offered Dr. Klimas an opportunity she jumped at...

NSU’s opportunity to combine chronic fatigue syndrome and Gulf War Illness research, treatment and education efforts under one roof was too good to pass up…


Dr. Klimas’ New Opportunity

Stating that she was offered ‘an opportunity of a lifetime’, Dr. Klimas announced she was moving to Nova Southeastern to create an  Institute for Neuro-Immune Medicine in December of last year.  NSU  had made her an offer – a commitment to build a framework for success that integrating research, treatment and education  – she couldn’t refuse.

Recently I asked her how, after a year, it was going and she said she was ‘thrilled’ at Nova’s commitment to her work stating

“Who knew that the support of the institution could make such a great difference! No regrets for my move, I am very happy with the transition.”

She’s recruiting a senior clinical scientist to fill a donor endowed fellowship, is wooing a systems biologist and is looking an animal modeler’s way. (Animal modeling plays a integral role in much disease research;  having an animal for ME/CFS would enable research to progress much more quickly.

With no less 13 studies on her projects board  (four of them fully enrolled and underway) Dr. Klimas, as usual,  is busy and engaged. Somehow both of the DOD Gulf War illness  consortium grants Dr. Klimas helped to develop were funded and she is working out an agreement to get that work shifted to the Nova Southeastern sites.

Dr. Klimas, of course, partnered with the Chronic Fatigue Illness Initiative on their big pathogen study. She reported that patient recruitment is done and  they’re concentrating on analyzing their samples with that state of art technology.  Talk about a consequential study.

Her Miami clinic has doubled in size and a new clinic is opening up in Fort Lauderdale this month.

Now she’s celebrating a year of organization, work and accomplishment with a kickoff event sponsored by Nova Southeastern on the 26th.

Dr. Klimas's Coming Out Party is January 26th...

Dr. Klimas’s Coming Out Party is January 26th…

CFS/ME and Gulf War Illness: A Celebration of Hope and Progress

Titled  CFS/ME and Gulf War Illness 2013 – A Celebration of Hope and Progress, Dr. Klimas’s first public conference will place on Jan 26th in Fort Lauderdale, Fl. It’s got a hot lineup featuring Dr. Peterson, Dr. Broderick, Dr. Mady Hornig and Scott Carlson of the Chronic Fatigue Initiative (CFI), Dr. Levine and some military brass (Gulf War Illness) . Expect to hear some interesting news to come out of the day..

Let’s check out who’s speaking and on what in nice, warm Southern Florida (it could be in the 80’s :)) on the 26th

Mady Hornig, MD –  ‘The Role of Pathogens in Autoimmunity and Chronic Illness’

The lead researcher in the Chronic Fatigue Initiatives big pathogen study will speak on ‘The Role of Pathogens in Autoimmunity and Chronic Illness’. Dr. Hornig topic – autoimmunity – is intriguing given that  only one of her 50 plus studies have been on autoimmune issues, which of course, makes one wonder if we’ll be hearing some insights into that aspect of ME/CFS.

Dr Hornig has done research in another very complex disorder, autism, and her bornavirus research indicated that virus did not play a role in schizophrenia and major depression – as had been conjectured.  She’s also, interestingly enough, done research on the same toll-like receptor Ampligen effects.

Given her work on the CFI’s pathogen study it’ll be interesting indeed to hear her speak on the ties between pathogen and chronic illnesses.

Connie Sole had her own brush with ME/CFS years. Now she's an exercise physiologist working with Dr. Klimas

Connie Sole had her own brush with ME/CFS years. Now she’s an exercise physiologist working with Dr. Klimas

Connie Sol MS – ‘Reconditioning Safely’

Dr. Klimas’  exercise physiologist will speak on ‘reconditioning safely’.  Measuring aerobic capacity has played a major role in Dr. Klimas clinical practice and in her research efforts. Dr. Unger of the CDC recently visited Dr. Klimas’s clinic to learned about the role exercise physiology plays in her work and was reportedly impressed. Check out an open discussion Dr. Klimas and Connie Sol will have with the CDC on the January 14th from 3-4pm EST. Call this number 800-619-4306 and use this Participant Code: 6023819 to listen in.

Gordon Broderick, PhD – ‘Modeling Complex Illness for Treatment Targets

A frequent research collaborator of Dr. Klimas’s, Dr. Broderick will speak on ‘Modeling Complex Illness for Treatment Targets’. Dr. Broderick uses large databases involving multiple systems of the body and complex calculations to flush out results. His cutting-edge  techniques aren’t entirely understood or accepted by everyone but his talk suggests he’s beginning to hone in on very specific treatment targets. High levels of molecules or compounds, for instance, building up in up our systems could conceivably adjusted downward with drugs.  Hopefully we’ll hear more about the specific targets  and possibly future treatment options in his talk.

Dr. Peterson's talk on 'the Latest Interventions on Trials' suggests we'll be hearing something ne on the treatment end.

Dr. Peterson’s talk on ‘the Latest Interventions on Trials’ suggests we’ll be hearing something ne on the treatment end.

Dan Peterson, MD – Latest Interventions in Trial

Besides his extensive  ME/CFS clinical background dating back over 25 years,  Dr. Peterson  has recently worked on research studies  with the Chronic Fatigue Initiative, Dr. Jay Levy, Dr. Ian Lipkin,  the PHANU group in Australia and with the Open Medicine Institute.  Dr. Peterson created the Simmaron Foundation to support  research into ME/CFS and related neuro-immune conditions in late 2010.

A good part of this conference will be about going from ‘the bench to the bedside’; ie from translating research findings and insights into new treatment options and that’s what Dr. Peterson appears to be talking about in his Dr.  Latest Interventions in Trial’ talk. As that work starts to unfold  its  truly worth a celebration.

Delores Perdoma, PhD

Will speak on Chronic Illness and Marriage.

Voices of Recovery and Hope Panel Discussion

A Panel discussion called  Voices of Recovery and Hope will involve a panel of CFS/ME and GWI patients discussing  ways they’ve improved.

That’s a big lineup for one day and there’s a reception afterwards…Tickets are $25, and, of course, go to support the Institutes work. Dan Moricoli of the CFS Knowledge Center will be videotaping the proceedings for further dissemination.




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Health Rising's End of the Year Fundraising Drive

If getting the latest news on cutting-edge research and treatments in ME/CFS, fibromyalgia, long COVID, and related diseases supports you, please support Health Rising in it's end of the year fundraising drive. We are entirely community supported.

Paypal, checks, Amazon gift cards, and bitcoin work for us.

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Just in…the Complete Agenda

9:00 registration,  coffee/tea, set up sponsor and advocacy tables

9:30  Welcome and Introducing the INIM  Anthony Silvagni, DO PharmD, Dean NSU College of Osteopathic Medicine

9:45  INIM’s  Big Plan: finding Effective Therapy for GWI , CFS/ME and Complex Medical Illnesses  Nancy Klimas, Director INIM , Chair Clinical Immunology and Professor of Medicine, NSU COM

10:15  Voices of Hope:  Patients with GWI, CFS/ME with stories of recovery

10:45 break

Current Strategies in Treatment

11:00  The basics: treating CFS/ME and GWI    Irma, Rey, MD,  Director of Medical Education INIM , COM, NSU

11:30  Understanding your limits, a key to restoring fitness   Connie Sol, MA Exercise Physiologist, INIM COM, NSU

12:00  The Important Role Family and partners Play in Coping with Chronic illness  Delores Perdomo, PhD , LCSW University of Miami

12:30  lunch – seating in interest groups (e.g.:  teens, men with CFS/ME, spouses, etc)

Models that Lead to Treatment

1:30  Introducing the new GWI Consortium Gordon Broderick, Mary Ann Fletcher:

2:00 Infection, Autoimmunity and Illness Mady Hornig, MD  Columbia University, Principle Investigator, Pathogen Discovery Project, sponsored by the Chronic Fatigue Initiative.

2:30 New Understandings, New Treatments Dan Peterson, MD

3:00  break

3:15  Leading Yourself to a Healthier YOU!    Lynn Lafferty, Pharm D, Director COM Alternative Medicine Program, and Rebecca Halstead, fmr Brigadier General , US Army

3:45 Panel Discussion: Is the Future Bright?  The Direction of Research and Care Sue Levine, MD, Director Levine Clinic, NYC, Chair ( All Speakers)

4:30  Closing Remarks  Kathy Assaf,  Chair INIM Development Committee,

5:00   Tour and refreshments, NSU COM Institute for Neuro Immune Medicine

Keep the information flowing! Support Health Rising during our end of the year fundraising drive. Click here for more.

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