
Herpesviruses are different; once you get infected – and everybody has been infected with them – you’re pretty much stuck with them for life. Usually they’re humbled by the immune system but if they roar back into life those bugs can cause enormous damage. Some researchers and physicians believe they play a key role in ME/CFS.


A novel approach to fighting herpesviruses could put an end to long and expensive antiviral treatments

Little wonder, then, that the scientific world stood up and took notice when an entirely new and more effective way of fighting these problematic pathogens was found.

Excitingly, the new approach could hit herpesviruses at just the place where they’re causing the most trouble in ME/CFS. That was enough for ME/CFS herpesvirus specialist, Dr. Martin Lerner to state

“I think this work has great promise in effectively inhibiting many herpesviruses.”

No more long and expensive antiviral regimens? Find out more below and please consider supporting Simmaron Research’s commitment to scientifically redefining how this disorder is treated and researched.



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