


Amazon-iconThe seventh busiest website on the internet, Amazon.com is truly Amazonian in its reach. You can buy almost anything on Amazon.com, and do so knowing that Amazon.com regularly sits atop the ratings for excellent customer service. It’s a great place to shop, or  if you’re an Amazon.com prime subscriber, to watch online movies and TV shows. Amazon.com is a huge  marketing ecosystem….

Because Amazon.com provides Health Rising  4-8% of the price of every product purchased through its Health Rising stores, the possibilities it presents  for a small website like Health Rising are huge.

Right now we get about $15 a month from Amazon.com.  If a small percentage of the 20,000 or so monthly  Health Rising visitors used our Amazon.com stores we could up that to $100 or $200 or more a month. That would be a big win for us but we could do even better.  Businesses buying on Amazon.com could lift that to $1,000 or more a month. I’ve seen it happen.

So when you shop on Amazon.com we request that you do it through Health Rising’s Amazon.com stores. To easily do that simply bookmark the Amazon.com store you want to do your shopping in (see below) and click.  Contact me here if you have questions or ideas.

Regular Amazon.com Shoppers and Businesses – We Want You!

Your Own Amazon.com Store

If you shop regularly on Amazon.com we’ll create a store specifically for you.  Simply go to that link, click on the products you want and you’re done. When you want to change products just let us know and we’ll change them for you.

Please contact us here if you’d like to try out your own personal  and private Amazon.com store on Health Rising.

Health Rising’s Amazon.com Stores

Thanks for your time and your support.



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