Health Rising’s 2024 BIG (little) End of the Year Donation Drive


Lots of organizations from National Public Radio to the Canary in a Coal Mine film are asking for support these days, but we’re  different – because we’re asking for so little.

We’re enjoyed our five-dollar a month November challenge to keep Health Rising going and growing so much that we’re keeping it running through December.

AdvocacyWe think its a good investment.  We’re putting out almost five blogs a week – on everything from new treatment approaches to the latest research to compelling stories. With thousands of page views a day, the website has grown substantially, and we’re on our third hosting upgrade to handle all the traffic… and we’ll be adding new programs shortly.

Our First Staff Person

We’re excited that we’ve been able to bring on board our first staff member, a past ME/CFS patient Stavya Grover, (read his story here), who is using his web programming and social media skills to help us grow.

The jist is that we’re moving up and we’re asking your help to maintain and expand Health Rising.

If you think you know Health Rising – you haven’t seen anything yet.

Recurring Donors


Recurring donors provide the foundation for everything Health Rising does.

To become a recurring donor simply go the right sidebar of any page and enter Option #1 in the Do It Monthly section  and hit the Subscribe button…

Our recurring donors – you know who you are – are like gold to us. They provide a foundation for everything we do.

We’ve gathered $335 in new recurring donations and we’re aiming for $400.

Please consider being a five dollar a month recurring donor.

Thanks to everyone who helped Health Rising bring in about $75 from our sales last month – more than doubling our total from prior months :).  With the holiday shopping season coming up (here now?) we hope for even better sales.

Health Rising gets from 4-10% of every purchase you make on through our search boxes for the U.S., the U.K. and Canada.  Simple enter the product you want to buy in any of the search boxes found on the right hand side of the every page on the website (or on our shopping page) and you’ll be earning money for Health Rising while you shop.

Volunteers – Bloggers

Become part of the Health Rising team

Become part of the Health Rising team

Website Assistance – Want to get help create a transformative  health website? Got PHP or WordPress skills? Got some ideas?  Let us know if any of the above apply to you – we’d love t0 talk.  Contact us using our  contact page. 

Bloggers – Got something you’re burning to share? How about a treatment that really worked for you? Or maybe you have a theory. Maybe you know (probably you do) something we don’t – something that’s not getting out there.  Let us know. We’re interested in research and treatment blogs, your success stories, essays on living with ME/CFS, advocacy, etc.

We offer editing help.  Don’t hide your light under a bushel! Contact us using our  contact page. 




Keep the information flowing! Support Health Rising during our end of the year fundraising drive. Click here for more.

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