
Taking Stock – A Year Later

Traffic over time

Traffic over time

About a year ago Health Rising rose out of the ashes (:)) and began.  Two hundred and twenty blogs and over 200,000 visitors and 720,000 pageviews later, we can say it’s a pretty darn good year.

Traffic has steadily risen over time and we expect that to continue.

woman with bicep


ME/CFS Recovery Stories – Early next year we’ll begin a series of blogs on ME/CFS recovery stories as we dive into the over 100 recovery stories we’ve gathered over the past two years. Blogs were our focus last year. This year programs are going to be a focus.



The ‘Ask the Experts’ section will debut next year

Ask the Experts Section – the ME/CFS community will be able to ask a team of doctors and experts in various fields questions as our ‘Ask The Experts’ section debuts early next year.

Physician Review – The Physician Review program is moving forward. Several major fixes have been done and more are on the way. Once they’re done we will overhaul the presentation and get it out. It’s probably 80% done.

Watch your local community bloom with Community Rising

Watch your local community bloom with Community Rising

Community Rising – The Community Rising program will allow people to put themselves, doctors, support groups, clinical trials, events, etc. on a map and communicate with each other, is about 60% done. Once this program is up you’ll be able to  find friends and support in your community you didn’t know were there.

Lives Interrupted – This program will show the costs, both in years and dollars lost, that people with ME/CFS have incurred over the years in dramatic fashion. It will also show just who gets ME/CFS. It’s going to be an eye opener.

Forums, finding good practitioners, (avoiding bad ones :)), asking experts, building local communities, documenting the costs of ME/CFS …The next year is going to be exciting. Please consider investing in these projects and supporting Health Rising.

Make an Impact – Invest in Health Rising!


Many thanks arWithout my father’s support none of this; Phoenix Rising or Health Rising would have occurred. The Simmaron Research Foundation and Courtney and Bob Miller have and continue to provide incredibly vital support for Health Rising. Without their support at a crucial time Health Rising might not exist. Thanks to Rich Carson and Prohealth for his support as a friend and Prohealth’s financial support over the past year and a half in particular.

Thank-You-30466235Thanks to two donors who have been providing significant monthly support since early in 2010, and to everyone who supported HR financially this year with a special mention to Linda Reed and her husband.

Bloggers – Thanks to the many bloggers who contributed. In particular, thanks to Marco, with whom I’d just begun working with at Phoenix Rising, but who was willing to take a chance and publish his deeply researched Neuroinflammation Series on HR.  His work and his delightful sense of humor has been very gratifying. Special thanks to Carol Lefelt for poignant series of blogs, Ken Lassesen for his provocative gut blogs, Johannes Starke for his intriguing blogs and personal support, Corinne Blandino for the same (good luck, Corinne!), Niki Gratrix for opening my eyes to gluten, Christine McLaughlin and Tim Vaughn and others.

Jim Wright – I came across Jim when an email popped in from someone who was livid at the some of the grammatical errors he’d caught. He’s been HR’s editor ever since. Jim’s spent many hours scouring my and others blogs to ensure that they at least approximate good English. I and Health Rising are very lucky to have such a dedicated editor.  Jim’s wife has ME/CFS.

Dennis – without the research materials provided by Dennis I really don’t know how HR would exist :).

Stavya – thanks finally to Stavya for all his work on the tech end above and beyond the call. Stavya will be going back for the first time since he became ill to finish up his last semester of college. Good luck!

Make an Impact – Invest in Health Rising!

A BIG thanks to the 320 people who helped make Health Rising's fundraising drive a success!

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