Health Rising’s 2024 BIG (little) End of the Year Donation Drive



The last blog  on Dr.  Teitelbaum showed that some  people love him and others really, really don’t.  He’s a different breed from the Klimas’s, the Lapp’s,  the Bateman’s and the other ME/CFS experts  many of us are  most familiar with.

1,000 new Fibromyalgia  and ME/CFS  practitioners  - what  do you think?

1,000 new Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS practitioners – what do you think?

He doesn’t do CFSAC and doesn’t seem to have participated in the IACFS/ME; instead he writes books and gets on mainstream  media. His book “From Fatigued to Fantastic”  sounds like  fluff  but is a very comprehensive treatment  guide to ME/CFS and  FM treatment.  He has very high fees but he also provides a free electronic survey that can help  you pinpoint possible issues  (and use his supplements to fix them).  He’s an interesting  blend of physician and marketer.

Now he’s creating an ME/CFS  and FM doctor network that could fulfill a big  need – and make him some money at the same time. The network aims to

  • educate a 1,000  practitioners of all sorts about how to  treat these confusing illnesses
  • provide  a social networking  hub they can swap  ideas on
  • do research studies using alternative  treatments

Along the way he’s going  to provide

  • the opportunity for the practitioners to enroll in an 8-hour $695 course on his SHINE protocol
  • the opportunity to buy supplements through a portal on his site
  • a doctors referral  list
PAN hopes to bring together traditional  and alternative approaches to treating   ME/CFS

PAN hopes to bring together traditional and alternative approaches to treating ME/CFS

You could see this FM and ME/CFS practitioner network as nothing other than a clever way to make money by selling the online SHINE  course and  supplements.  You could also see it as a  real opportunity to educate  doctors and expand treatment options for two very misunderstood disorders.

I think  the  network will,  if it works,  fulfill a big  need.  I think nutritionists should be talking to MD’s. I  think  naturopaths have a place in the treatment of these disorders for some people.  I don’t think  the  SHINE  protocol  is the answer  but I know it  treats ME/CFS very seriously and it’s light-years  ahead of what  most doctors  know about these  disorders.  Basically I love the idea of an ME/CFS and FM  physician network.

But that’s me.

Let us know what you think.  Is spreading the SHINE protocol a good thing? Would you want your doctor to be in a group of diverse practitioners? Would you ask your doctor to  take the SHINE course?

Dr. Teitelbaum believes that traditional medicine now only provides about  15%  of what’s useful in treating  ME/CFS and FM while alternative  medicine (nutrition, chiropractic, etc. provides about  85%. Do you think think that’s true?

Take the poll below or leave your comments and let us know.

From Dr. Teitelbaum

Dear Readers,

Sometimes it seems to me that health practitioners in different fields are very much like clerics in the various religions — they usually don’t talk to one another! Hindu Brahmins don’t talk to Jewish rabbis who don’t talk to Muslim Mullahs who don’t talk to Christian priests. And I mean really talk — a conversation of cooperation and mutual respect, aimed at learning from each other. Likewise, in the area of health, medical doctors don’t talk to chiropractors who don’t talk to naturopaths, and on and on. When they do get together, they talk about anything but health and healing.

The result is that no one group really knows what the other groups are doing to diagnose, treat and heal disease. And therefore healing options are limited, with people who need help continuing to suffer.


Well, I’ve spent the past year creating a new organization to change all that — the Practitioners Alliance NetworkSM, or PAN. PAN is a network of health practitioners from widely diverse backgrounds who get together to teach and learn. Members share their ideas through an online social platform — a virtual meeting place not unlike Facebook — and by doing so gain insights on alternative ways to improve care for a broad range of health conditions.

So how does building such a community lead to more CFS/FMS trained practitioners? Because in addition to the many benefits practitioners receive by joining PAN, I’ve created special online training that members can take to give them expertise in treating CFS and fibromyalgia. I am also available to answer practitioner questions and mentor them on how to better help people. Our goal? To create a worldwide network of 500-1,000 well-trained CFS/FMS practitioners by 2017!

Over 250 practitioners have already become PAN members, and we’re growing quickly. Part of our mission is to conduct research studies. Our first, which we’re starting this week, will be to combine treatment approaches from multiple diverse healthcare disciplines to treat Alzheimer’s and dementia. Do you know someone with these conditions who might be interested in being a participating subject? My bet is they can improve considerably, and being in the study is a good way for them to get what will likely be about $5,000 in free care as well (call (410) 573-5389 for more information)!

Here’s what you need to know about PAN, and how it can help benefit your care — and your cure!

What Medical Doctors Really Know (Not As Much as They Think They Do!)

When I graduated medical school (back in the Jurassic Period, when men in white coats ruled the earth, or at least the universities and hospitals), I thought that MDs knew 95% of what could help people who were ill, and that the other 5% was a mix of vitamins, herbs and other cute “secondary” techniques. Now I know better. Way better.

My impression now? Standard MD-type medicine comprises about 15% of what is useful. The other 85% of preventive and curative wisdom resides with non-holistic MD practitioners, like naturopaths, chiropractors, nutritionists, herbalists, homeopaths, energy workers, structural therapists, and acupuncturists.

PAN is about having access to 100 percent of the world’s healing wisdom. Instead of having only two tools in the toolkit — the drugs and scalpels of MDs — PAN practitioners will have hundreds of tools. In fact, they’ll be the first group of practitioners who actually talk to one another, developing and using healing options outside their otherwise limited areas of training and expertise.

Those doctors can also refer their patients to a practitioner who might have a better, more successful approach to treatment. For instance, an MD might refer a patient with back pain to a chiropractor. That’s a huge difference from common medical practice, where MDs typically don’t refer their patients to a non-MD practitioner — because they’re afraid of being seen as a quack.

The Holistic Hologram

One way to think about PAN is that it’s a kind of hologram of medicine. Let me explain…

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Health Rising's End of the Year Fundraising Drive

If getting the latest news on cutting-edge research and treatments in ME/CFS, fibromyalgia, long COVID, and related diseases supports you, please support Health Rising in it's end of the year fundraising drive. We are entirely community supported.

Paypal, checks, Amazon gift cards, and bitcoin work for us.

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A hologram is a 3-D image suspended in space. If you smash the holographic plate that projects the image, every single piece can still project the entire image. Only the image won’t be very clear. The more pieces you add back, the clearer the image you see. In the same way, PAN provides the clearest image of healing for the best treatment outcome. Because it includes all the pieces!

Another way to think of PAN is that it’s like a Facebook page for health practitioners. A place where they can come together to share what they know, learn from others, and use others as resources. I’m also on the page, so I can answer practitioner questions, and mentor those who are just starting to develop their integrative skills. (By “integrative,” I mean medicine that uses the best of all options, whether it’s drugs and surgery, or vitamins and massage.) Right now, we have over 250 practitioners in PAN — and the number is increasing daily!

Click here to learn more about PAN, including how to invite your health practitioner to join for free.

1,000 New Fibromyalgia Practitioners, and How You Can Help

But what about those 1,000 new fibromyalgia practitioners? Well, as part of PAN, I’m offering an 8-hour online workshop to make practitioners experts in treating CFS/FMS, using the S.H.I.N.E. protocol (Sleep, Hormones, Infections, Nutritional supplements, Exercise). Practitioners can take the course at their own pace, and the cost is $695.

If you have CFS/FMS, please consider letting your primary healthcare provider know about the course. In fact, you can give them a special discount code, “patient2practitioner450,” that will get them a $245 discount off the course for a net price of $450. This way, you can guarantee that your practitioner is providing you with the best care. We think you’re worth it! (Please note this code will expire August 15, 2014.)

Another advantage of this new initiative is that we’re using the graduates of the CFS/FMS online course to build an all-new list of qualified CFS/FMS practitioners, so that everybody with the condition can find a top-notch practitioner nearby. Our goal is to get 1,000 well-trained CFS/FMS practitioners by 2017. Let’s do it — together!

(Health Rising is not affiliated with or receive any funding  from PAN or Dr. Teitelbaum. )

Keep the information flowing! Support Health Rising during our end of the year fundraising drive. Click here for more.

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