Health Rising’s 2024 BIG (little) End of the Year Donation Drive


The renowned Stanford geneticist, Ron Davis Ph.D., who’s son Whitney has a very serious case of ME/CFS has opened a research foundation at Stanford to find answers to ME/CFS.  He’s also, on the foundations’ Facebook page, supplying answers to one question a week from the ME/CFS community.


Davis suggests an unusual strain of EBV could be present in ME/CFS

He’s done two questions thus far.  In the first question, we learned Davis suspects that the HLA genes that govern the immune response could be implicated in ME/CFS and he’s doing research to check that out. (These genes are super hard to measure; Davis is one of the few trying to do that.)

In the second question, Dr. Davis suggested that an unusual variant of the Epstein-Barr virus could be responsible for the high prevalence of mononucleosis-triggered ME/CFS patients. He also suggested that pathogens not normally associated with mono could be implicated as well and proposed how we could study that.

  • Check out his full answers and ask your own question here. 
  • Sign up for short reports on ME/CFS and FM matters with the ME/CFS and FM Buzz on  the right hand side of the page

Keep the information flowing! Support Health Rising during our end of the year fundraising drive. Click here for more.

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