
Health Rising has had a good year. Traffic has almost doubled and our subscriptions have more than doubled. We’ve published almost 400 blogs since Health Rising started in December 2012.  Just in the past month  or so some of the blogs we’ve published include

You can’t get this kind of information anywhere else on the internet.  Nobody provides the kind of information, week in and week out, that we do.

Recurring Donation Drive  


A lot of people giving small donations monthly would make a huge difference for Health Rising

We’re asking you to support that information flow with a $5 (or $10 or more?) a month recurring donation.  You’ll hardly  notice it – a little blip in your budget – but your donation can produce miracles for Health Rising. One hundred people out of the thousands that visit Health Rising every day giving $5 a month would bring $500/month more for us. That’s pretty darn big money for us.

Think about this. We’ll be at  5,000 subscribers soon.  A thousand people giving just $5/month would bring in $5,000/month. Our budget would quintuple, Health Rising would be self-supporting and you would very quickly have a slew of  website programs that would help you find better  treatments faster, hook up  with people in  your local  community, find good doctors, etc.

It’s all about the numbers.

Please participate.  You’ll hardly notice it but Health Rising will….

To become a recurring donor simply go the right sidebar of any page and enter Option #1 in the Do It Monthly section and hit the Subscribe button…  (Please note that hitting the Donate will  not work for recurring donations – you must hit the Subscribe button.)

Already a Recurring  Donor? Want to increase your donation? Simply send me an email stating that and I will stop your current donation and you can restart it. We’ve added more payment options. You can now be a monthly donor at $5, $10, $15, $20, $25, $50, $100, $150, $250 and yes, $500! :))

Can’t Find Our Donation Widget on  Your Table or Cell Phone? – If you have a cell phone or tablet and the donation widget is not showing up you can now sign up for recurring donation or give one-time donations on this page.

(Health Rising never provides your email address or personal information to outside parties.)


We expected several projects (Forums, Community Rising, Physician Review, Lives Interrupted, new website) would be done by now but they had to put off.  Several are expected to be done soon. They, too, are part of this fundraising drive.

Other Ways to Support Health Rising


With the holiday shopping season coming up please keep in mind our Amazon.com store. Health Rising gets from 4-10% of every purchase you make on Amazon.com through our Amazon.com search boxes for the U.S., the U.K. and Canada.  Simple enter the product you want to buy in any of the search boxes found on the right hand side of the every page on the website (or on our Amazon.com shopping page) and you’ll be earning money for Health Rising while you shop.

To become a recurring donor simply go the right sidebar of any page and enter Option #1 in the Do It Monthly section  and hit the Subscribe button…

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