Health Rising earns from 4-10% on every purchase you make in its Amazon.com store

Health Rising earns from 4-10% on every purchase you make in its Amazon.com store

The Holiday season is here! Forget dragging yourself out to the stores, you can do virtually all your shopping on Amazon.com – and support Health Rising at the same time. Amazon.com will provide Health Rising 4-10% of every purchase you make through our U.S., Canadian or U.K. stores.

The easiest way to shop is by using Amazon.com search box. Simply type the product you want into the search box of the country you live in below, click go and start shopping! Everything you buy during that shopping session will be credited to Health Rising.

(Please note that items already in your shopping cart must be taken out and then added through our search box in order for them to count ย for Health Rising).

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The deals are out there and the money can really add up. Here’s some stuff I’m looking at.



Leave it on top of the car and drive away – it will survive!

If you value secure luggage – something you can plop on the top of the car ย in a spate of brain fog, say, and drive off with (as I did) – ย without worrying that it’s going to blast apart, I heartily recommend the Halliburton carbon fiber attache at $2,500 ($200 to Health Rising). That’s the kind of bullet-proof luggage I need. Besides I love the red leather interior.

I'll take better care of this one

I’ll take better care of this one

Then, there’s the Hasselblad-H5D-50c-Digital Camera. My last years camera is getting a bit long in the tooth (I kept losing the lense caps and the camera took a good tumble when I slung it around my neck – without wrapping it ย around my neck first) so it’s probably time for a new one. The ย Hasselblad at 30K ($2,500 to Health Rising) is looking pretty good right now.


No more damaged Matisse’s!

Then, there’s $30,000 off on a late period Rauschenberg Waxworks for only $140,000 ($12,000). ย He’s not my favorite, but that blank spot in the hallway has been nagging me. (After I accidentally put my hand through the Matisse there I’m not going to put any more masters in that spot!). Plus the color fits – and the price is right.

There’s also the Family Estates First Vintageย setย of wines (87-89) ย – “intended for those who seek the inimitable” – for a mere $2,250 ($170 – Health Rising). ย I’ve always regretted the missing their late 80’s vintages, and after leaving their latest sitting in the car for two weeks in Vegas last summer I’m feeling a little guilty ย – it definitely didn’t deserve that.

But that’s me – anything you buy supports Health Rising… and we’re grateful for it.

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