
David Tuller has dug deeper into chronic  fatigue syndrome than any other journalist. He’s covered the CDC, the Pace trial, XMRV and others. When asked by Julie Rehmeyer what got him started he said this.

Memory-chronic-fatigue-syndI had a friend who was diagnosed with CFS about 20 years ago. I knew him before he developed CFS and I watched him all these years. He got me interested in XMRV [the virus that for some time appeared to be a possible cause of CFS—a link that has now been discredited]. The more I looked into it, the more interesting and complicated it was as an issue.

Getting articles published on ME/CFS  in the major media outlets  is not easy, but Tuller boiled the recent brain findings down nicely on a post published on the New York Times website.

Please check it out  – give it some hits and a comment -and let the most influential newspaper in the U.S. know this is a hot subject they should publish more on.

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