(If you came to this page from Facebook my apologies for the circuitous route to the blog. You have to click on one more link to get to the blog…Facebook blocked our link to the blog on the Forums)
The clinicians were using a variety of protocols- some of which, the study suggested, were not very effective.
The Gottfries Clinic in Sweden is a bright spot in Scandanavia. With it’s six doctors it sees about 2,500 chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) patients a year.
It recently examined one of the most intriguing but poorly studied treatment questions in chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia: how to effectively use B12 and folic acid.
Check out what they found in our blog appearing on the Health Rising Forums.
Note, not everyone of us tolerate these treatments. I’ve tried protocols with high dose B12 injections several times (and different kinds of B12 as well), and every time had adverse reactions. So, it’s not just «no effect» versus «improvement», be ware that you may also get worse. No treatment is for everybody, that’s for sure.
Amen to that! Some people get better with B12 and Folate, but others get worse. It caused really bad insomnia for me and a wired but tired state. I got better after I discontinued taking those supplements.
Be very careful!
B-12 made me worse as well. It was one of the few things that did (lol)
B12 injections frequently have more in them than just B12. Amino Acids and whatnot, so its not clear what exactly is causing the agitation. Also, there are different types of B12 and the stuff in the injection might not agree with you (cyanocobalamin, usually). I also felt wired and had insomnia for days after getting an injection. Totally didn’t help.
However, I do have the MTHFR gene variation and definitely feel better with methlyfolate and HydroxB12 or methylB12 supplementation. You have to start with low doses of methyfolate and work up to higher. It takes time for the body to adjust and if you go too fast then relapse is possible.