

On this third and last day we’re almost at the, er, summit of the Fibromyalgia Summit. Check out today’s speakers below and click here to go to the Summit.

Today’s presentations are available for free today. To be able to download them and the background information associated with them order the entire summit for $69.


Toni Bernhard – the author of three books on how to mindfully manage having a chronic illness, Toni Bernhard will give five tips for handling chronic pain and how to not let unsympathetic family members and friends ruin your day, (or month or year.)

John Dempster – is a Canadian naturopath who will talk on the gut/mental health connection and where the brain fog in FM comes from.

Dr. Ginerva Liptan – a doctor with fibromyalgia, Dr. Liptan has written two books on treating FM. She’ll be speaking on the oh so important subject of hypothyroidism in FM, why the tests most doctors use miss it, and how to diagnose it properly.

Glen Depke – a naturopath, Glen Depke cured a decade long bout with epilepsy using natural health and mindfulness practices. He will be speaking on inflammation and pain, and how to overcome weight issues and reduce the frustration that comes with FM.

Julie Ryan is the popular fibromyalgia “Counting My Spoons”  blogger who has used diet, pacing and self-awareness to improve her health. She’ll be talking on how to use diet and pacing to get better.

Robert Hedaya – is a psychiatrist who uses functional medicine protocols in his practice. He will talk about how to use herbs to reduce pain.

Sue Hitzman – after being intractable pain, Sue Hitzman developed the MELT method, a manual, self-treatment method of getting out of pain. A manual therapist and exercise physiologist Sue also wrote “The MELT Method” She’ll be talking on her “breakthrough self-treatment system that reduces chronic pain”.

Dr. Rodger Murphree (MD)–  is a doctor and functional medicine specialist, author and public speaker. He will talk about “stress-coping-savings accounts” and how to detox safely.

Cort Johnson – I will be talking about five new drugs that may get approved for FM in the next couple of years, new drugs and therapies being developed to treat chronic pain, and what fibromyalgia needs next.

Chris Cade –  Chris Cade helps people to transform mindsets that keep them stuck. He will be talking on how to face and overcome the fear, anxiety, shame and guilt that often comes with a chronic illness.

Adrienne Delwho – this popular fibromyalgia blogger will speak on “Tips for living a dynamic passionate life despite chronic illness.”

Joe Steck  – was a prominent businessman until he came down with a debilitating case of fibromyalgia. He will speak on  how to have better relationships and how to successfully transition from an active life to a less active one.

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