Health Rising’s 2024 BIG (little) End of the Year Donation Drive


There’s nothing like  to make your holiday shopping easy. requires no traveling, no busy stores or overstimulating malls, no traffic to negotiate, just place your order, and the gifts go whizzing to your door.

Health Rising loves because Amazon gives back 4-8% of the price of every purchase made through Health Rising’s Amazon search bar. (See it on the right lower hand of every page.) Simply enter the product or type of product you want to buy in the search bar and HR will get a cut when you buy it. (Be sure, though, not to put the product in your cart before you search using HR’s bar. HR does not get credit for those purchases.)

Some  Holiday Suggestions (:))

But what to get family, friends (or yourself)? Here are some things I’m mulling over for er….myself.

The Bed

This  year I’m focusing on building an healthier environment –  and what better way to start that off than with a good bed (and I mean a good one) – I’ve got my eye on the Mountain Air Organic Joy Bed.

Organic Joy!

OK, so maybe about 4K for a bed seems like a bit much, but it’s entirely  organic and has no formaldehyde or glues. Besides, isn’t a good nights sleep “priceless”?  Plus at about 4K that’s about $200 coming back to Health Rising (ka ching!).

Calming Down – My Way

It’s tough for me to get to sleep or enjoy my new bed when my mind is racing. But how to calm that down?

Some people meditate but I’m thinking the Allwood 7 person barrel sauna might just do the trick.. 

 I’m a big guy and this 7 person sauna would allow me to stretch out and have a couple of people over. Besides, how many people have a big barrel sauna in their backyard? Plus, at about $8,000 (whoa!) it would net a nice $400 for Health Rising.

The Air I Breathe

With the sauna and the bed I’m in good shape for a good nights sleep with one exception – the air. There’s no way I’m going to sleep like a babe without good air, but I think the Amaircare 10000 HEPA Air Filtration System (TriHEPA) would do just fine.

Yes, its a little expensive (4K) but this is the air I breathe  – plus that’s about another $200 for Health Rising.


Those are just things I’m mulling over this  year; you’re probably thinking of something entirely different. Whatever you buy on HR’s Amazon page makes a difference for HR.

Enjoy your shopping!

Keep the information flowing! Support Health Rising during our end of the year fundraising drive. Click here for more.

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