

The Simmaron Research Foundation’s 2015 spinal fluid study did something unique: for the first time spinal fluid and blood immune studies delivered similar results – providing dramatic evidence of the immune disruption driving this disease – and at a most opportune time.

brain-researchThe publication of those two studies as the IOM report and P2P reports came out helped pave the way for the increasing federal recognition given to this disease.

Now as the feds up their interest in ME/CFS, Simmaron aims to double it’s impact. In collaboration with Ian lipkin and Mady Hornig of Columbia University, Simmaron has launched the biggest and most comprehensive spinal fluid study ever done. This study, which will incorporate the latest findings from the Naviaux’s metabolome study, will potentially take us closer to what’s happening in the brains of ME/CFS patients than we’ve ever been before.

A 100,000 Year End Matching Gift Opportunity is powering this study: A generous donor will match your gift between now and December 31, 2016, doubling your impact in this vital area of science.

Find out more about this opportunity, and get an update on Simmaron’s research program and what they’ve accomplished in their first five years in

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