
Thanks to the almost 400 people who contributed $35,747 to Health Rising’s end-of-year fundraiser.  Raising almost 40% more funding from 70% more contributors than last year, it was an astounding success for us.  We also reached our 1000th contributor since the website opened in late 2014 (woo-woo!). Thanks to everyone!

Breaking through

Thanks to you, Health Rising exceeded its target, bringing in 38% more donations than it did during last year’s drive.

It’s a good thing, too, because we have lots planned for 2019.


Lives Interrupted – Designed to vividly display the costs of having ME/CFS, the Lives Interrupted program was (finally) ready to go until I decided to add a new feature – which threw a big wrench into the gears. We had to buy a different piece of software, which in turn required Stavya, Health Rising’s web ace, to come up with some major tweaks. Fingers crossed, it will be up this month.

Major New Program – Using the proceeds from the donation drive, Health Rising has made its first major purchase of a software program that will greatly enhance our ability to provide more comprehensive information on ME/CFS and FM. We’ll be announcing it shortly.

Q & A Program – We will also begin the ME/CFS Experts Q & A program. Unless it has fallen apart from disuse – which is a possibility – the program is complete and we’ll get it going.

Secret Program! – One more program, which builds on a component part of the Lives Interrupted program, is underway as well and will hopefully be ready in the first quarter of this year.

Website Organization – over the next week, I will finish organizing the over 1,000 articles on the website.

Thanks Again!

Thanks to everyone for their support during the year – the contributions, the encouraging words – they all make a difference. Thanks to the Open Medicine Foundation, the Simmaron Research Foundation, the HHV-6 Foundation, the Solve ME/CFS Initiative, and ProHealth for sponsoring Health Rising, and to Ethica.io for hosting it free of charge.

Particular thanks go to Marilyn and another editor for their rapid-fire editing of hundreds of articles – all done free of charge.  Thanks to the two individuals who stepped in to provide vitally needed research papers – Health Rising could not function without them.  Thanks to my family for providing their generous support. 

I wish I could tell them in words they would understand – but thanks to River and Skye for their affection and companionship. They are great road companions.

Finally, thanks to my partner for her undaunting support! My life has been much richer with you in it 🙂





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