International Awareness day is a day for many things – to push for more awareness, to celebrate the advances we are making, and to remember and honor those fighting to bring an end to ME/CFS.

Remembering Tom

For me it’s inevitably a day to remember Tom Hennessy. Tom started International Awareness day decades ago, was ahead of his time in many ways, and struggled with a horrendously painful case of ME/CFS. Tom took his life six years ago… 
Ron Davis

Ron Davis – taken from the CNN Story (https://edition.cnn.com/2019/05/12/health/stanford-geneticist-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-trnd/index.html?no-st=1557647877)

Spreading Our Story

Tom would have absolutely loved to see Ryan Prior get his powerful and exquisitely shot story on Ron Davis, Janet Dafoe and their ill son Whitney “He pioneered technology that fueled the Human Genome Project. Now his greatest challenge is curing his own son” onto a major media outlet on this day.

Share, share, share this up close look at Ron, Janet and Whitney on social media and with friends and family. You never know who you might touch and what difference they might make.

Advocacy Makes Strides

Advocacy pays off as ME/CFS takes steps forward in halls of Congress in our long fight to gain better funding. Find out more about that from Emily Taylor and the SMCI

Millions Missing

check out live video’s from MEAction’s Millions Missing demonstrations across the world on their Facebook site. 

Faces of ME/CFS

Finally, check out a slideshow put together of the many faces of ME/CFS put together for International Awareness day by the Open Medicine Foundation. 


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