
Tom Hennessy and International Advocacy/Awareness Day

Tom Hennessy created International ME/CFS/FM Advocacy day over 30 years ago. A fierce and creative fighter, Tom’s advocacy career was unfortunately curtailed by a tremendously difficult case of ME/CFS. To this day I wonder how much further we would have been along if only Tom had remained healthier. Tom died in 2013. Read a tribute to him on the day he started.

‘My Brother By Choice’ – A Good-bye to Tom Hennessy – Fierce Advocate: Memorial Tomorrow

Participate with #MEAction 

#MEAction, as always, has a full list of things to do to celebrate ME/CFS, spread awareness and make a difference.

Participate in the Bateman Horne Center’s Hour of Hope (11 am MDT)

  • Welcome and ME/CFS and FM Status Update
  • Poem reading: “Sometimes Fibromyalgia Feels Like”
  • Moderated Discussion with Drs. Bateman, Yellman, and Vernon
  • Messages of Hope Video
  • Live Interactive Messages of Hope (Bring Your Sign and Shoes!)
  • Message to the Community
  • Believing the Patient/Loved One, by Meredith Mehner
  • Poem reading: “It Takes Courage”
  • BHC’s Messages of Hope to You

Register here

Check out Rivka Solomon’s “Brief But Spectacular Take”

Rivka’s “Brief But Spectacular Take” on ME/CFS has been picked up by major media outlets.

Rivka followed that up with a moving editorial in the Washington Post:

Check out Whitney Dafoe’s Stuff

You could very fruitfully spend Awareness Day by simply checking out what Whitney Dafoe has done since his re-emergence after taking Abilify. He has been on a tear, writing trenchant Facebook posts, creating inspiring protest playlists, and telling his story in intimate fashion in a published journal. Plus, check out Tracie White’s book on Ron Davis’s search for a cure for Whitney – see below.

  • Facebook Posts – the overriding theme is to come together and support each other. Check out his trenchant and provocative posts including: What to call ME/CFS (April 12th), The Naked Self (March 31st), New Romantic Adventures (March 11th, March 25th) and others.
  • Extremely Severe ME/CFS—A Personal Account (mdpi.com) – Whitney’s intimate, and I think important, portrayal of the experience of being severely ill, published in a medical journal.

Check out Whitney’s Story

Invisible Illness – Stories of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – YouTube

Whitney’s ME/CFS Protest Playlist! – is “meant to take you on a journey from suffering, to protest, to resolve. Enjoy and get fired up!”

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