
The FDA has somehow missed the fact that Dr. Daniel Peterson is an ME/CFS expert clinician/researcher. For over 30 years now, Dr. Peterson has been treating ME/CFS patients in Incline Village, Nevada, with a variety of treatments. Earlier today ME/CFS patients were told that FDA has not invited Dr. Daniel Peterson, because they state “he only uses/researches Ampligen” to treat ME/CFS patients.


The FDA’s misconception regarding Dr. Peterson suggests they’re not doing their homework…and that the Workshop may miss the experience of a physician uniquely focused on immune dysfunctional patients.

This is incorrect. Dr.Peterson uses a large variety of treatments for ME/CFS including Vistide, Valcyte, Anti-virals, Amino Acids, IV fluids as needed, beta-blockers, Ampligen and other secondary treatments he has found to be of benefit over a 30 year period of treating ME/CFS. It is why he has such a high success rate with ME/CFS patients.

Dr. Peterson brings more than experience with a wide variety of drugs to the table, though.  With his focus on natural killer cell (NKC) deficient patients Dr. Peterson would also bring a unique perspective to the Workshop.  The FDA acknowledges the need to parse out subsets; indeed, the subset question played a key role in Ampligen’s denial yet they’re ignoring the one physician who has focused on a particular subset of patients. (Ampligen was thought to be effective for a subset of patients.)

Besides, the statement that  Dr. Peterson ‘only uses Ampligen’ is startlingly ignorant and suggests the FDA is not doing the homework they need to do to find the most relevant experts. How many people do not know that Dr. Peterson focuses on immune dysfunctional patients? How could the FDA not know this?

All it takes is a phone call, and, if the FDA needs Dr. Peterson’s number – here it is (775-832-0989 call 8:00 am to 5:00 pm PST.)

If the FDA isn’t doing enough homework to know even the fundamentals of Dr. Peterson’s approach, it’s clear the patient community is going to have to be on top of them all the way to the meeting. As someone who’s benefited from Dr. Peterson after failing to do so with other practitioners (and many of his patients will say the same), I believe the FDA needs Dr. Peterson at the Workshop to fully understand the many different treatment options for this disorder.

If you believe the same then please “ACT NOW” by making Phone Calls to FDA’s Mary Gross at (301)-796-3519 and by Doing Daily emails  (Mary.Gross@fda.hhs.gov)

Please Explain to Mary Gross that FDA has it Wrong  and that the ME/CFS FDA Workshop needs his attendance to be comprehensive.

FDA has been polite when calling them, so please be polite as well.

FDA is supposed to be about facts and science, they have missed both regarding Dr. Peterson.

Thank you All,

Bob Miller & Team

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