ATTENTION ME/CFS COMMUNITY We the “FDA Team” are asking you to send the message below to the FDA and to listed members of Congress. The recent patient-focused drug development meeting held by the FDA was a start – but only a start. The FDA stated...
“What we need in CFS is what I call the development of an innovation supply chain.” Bernard Munos started off Day II of the FDA Stakeholders Meeting on Chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Bernard Munos is not an FDA guy – he’s an independent...
“There’s an unmet medical need right here and there has been for a long time” Bob Miller The first day of the FDA Stakeholders Meeting was like an patient/FDA roundtable session focusing on what symptoms are worst and what treatments worked best....
Today is the last day for patients to register or provide comments to the FDA Stakeholder Meeting on April 25th/26. This meeting is turning out to be a bigger deal than we knew. Not only will it light a fire under the FDA to get moving on chronic fatigue syndrome but...
(This is unusual…the ME/CFS community has been so good at supporting advocacy efforts that it’s shocking when it doesn’t happen. Last December, for instance, the ME/CFS Community so swamped the FDA during the Ampligen Advisory hearing that they...
The FDA has somehow missed the fact that Dr. Daniel Peterson is an ME/CFS expert clinician/researcher. For over 30 years now, Dr. Peterson has been treating ME/CFS patients in Incline Village, Nevada, with a variety of treatments. Earlier today ME/CFS patients were...
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