Rodger Murphree

Dr. Murphree is a longtime fibromyalgia and ME/CFS doctor and author.

If you’re into alternative ways of treating fibromyalgia, Dr. Roger Murphree’s second Fibromyalgia Summit from May 16th-22nd might be the ticket. Murphree is a longtime fibromyalgia (FM) doctor and author of the well-reviewed Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Treating and Beating Anxiety and Depression With Orthomolecular Medicine. Murphree isn’t a slave to dogma and is willing to look outside well-trod channels to find help for his patients. With almost 50 presentations this year, Murphree appears to be casting his net a bit wider.

The focus, of course, is on natural ways to heal. Dr. Ginerva Liptan  MD, the author of The FibroManual: A Complete Fibromyalgia Treatment Guide for You and Your Doctor“, and a person with FM herself, knows from experience the limits of pain drugs. Her “Rest-Repair-Rebalance-Reduce” protocol seeks to calm the overactive stress response and return the patient to health.

Jacob Teitelbaum, the author of the encyclopedia of ME/CFS and FM treatments, “From Fatigued to Fantastic! Fourth Edition: A Clinically Proven Program to Regain Vibrant Health and Overcome Chronic Fatigue”, has been doing this for a long time”. A curious (in the best sense of the word) doctor, Teitelbaum is one of the few alternative health doctors to actually engage in clinical trials, and just published a study on the use of a ginseng formulation in ME/CFS. Teitelbaum will talk on a topic near and dear to my heart and health – getting consistently good, restorative sleep. Right now I would be happy to get good, restorative sleep once or twice a week.

restorative sleep

Several talks will focus on how to get deep, restorative sleep.

Speaking of sleep, one of Dr. Murphree’s 4 “Jumpstart Protocol” talks is on getting deep, refreshing sleep, and four talks in the Summit focus on sleep. Murphree’s three other protocol talks are on optimal nutrition, healing the gut, and replenishing your stress coping glands.

In one of my favorite parts of the Summit – and one, which appears so far as I can tell, unique to his Summits – Dr. Murphree also talks with several of his patients about their unique journeys. Nobody has a lock on how to treat FM or ME/CFS, and Dr. Murphree readily admits there are some patients he just can’t help (he’s still looking for ways), but he can help many to reach healthier and higher-quality lives.

I was glad to see a presentation on a painful bladder condition called interstitial cystitis is on tap this year, as studies have shown that gynecological issues are greatly increased in ME/CFS/FM, and interstitial cystitis is poorly diagnosed.

Speaking of hormonal issues, alternative health-minded doctors often try to treat things like pain, depression, sleep and gut issues naturally, but the situation changes when it comes to hormones. Alternative health doctors are often much more forward-leaning when it comes to using hormones than traditional MDs. They tend to do a lot more testing and seem to have a more sophisticated view overall of the role hormones play in our health. They present a rich, if still quite controversial, treatment arena. Five talks focus on the hormones in this Summit.

The Thyroid Question in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)

The role stress – and our jacked-up fight or flight systems – play in the fatigue, sleep, gut, and cognitive problems we experience is getting ever more attention. Brain imaging studies showing problems in the stress-driving limbic system and its regulator, the prefrontal cortex, seem to routinely come out, and many people are turning – some successfully – to mind/body techniques for help. Four talks in the Summit focus on this field of health.

The Fibro SummitOther talks focus on the gut (3), mycotoxins and mold (2), viruses (2), and the mitochondria (1). I will be talking about fibromyalgia, long COVID, and upcoming treatment possibilities.

The Fibromyalgia Summit works like all the online Summits do: you can register for free and watch all the presentations on the day they’re presented, or you can buy the package and download the talks and watch them at your leisure.

Simply registering gives you access to several talks as well as ebooks on Gut Health Remedies, Treating and Beating Adrenal Stress, and Deep Restorative Sleep.

You can register for the May Summit and/or buy the package here. Please note that Health Rising is an affiliate, and if you buy the package, Health Rising will benefit.

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