
Mouse models could rapidly increase our understanding and the development of treatment options for ME/CFS and allied diseases.

The thousands of mouse models that have been produced have played a critical role in understanding and developing drugs for diseases.

Guess which disease, though, does not have one? That’s right it’s ME/CFS. For 40 years it’s been missing a critical component of any disease infrastructure.

Currently, though, two mouse models are under development. You might think they must be coming from a major lab, but no. When Gunnar Gottschalk returned to Simmaron with his Ph.D. in hand, he brought with him Chief Scientific offer, Avik Roy, Ph.D.

Together, they’ve brought new vigor and creativity to this field – and are on their way to developing the first mouse model for ME/CFS – a model that is already producing potential insights regarding the energy production problems in this disease.

Find out more in

Seeing ME/CFS: Creating the First Mouse Models for the Disease



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