
Our Weird Idea

NIH Serious about ME/CFS?History has shown that giving away information for free is a pretty lousy business plan, but that’s been the plan for the past fifteen years. Nobody with these diseases, in particular, should have to pay for information.

While Health Rising is provided for free, producing it is, however, not without cost.  Unlike many health focused blogs, Health Rising is not a hobby website or something that Stavya (our technical ace) or I do in our free time. HR provides the livelihoods for one full-time (myself) and one part-time person (Stavya).

Luckily, there is a way that you can pretty painlessly make a big difference with Health Rising. Simply sign up for a $5 or $10 (or more) recurring monthly donation and encourage others to do so. You’ll hardly notice it but that little bit – multiplied many times over –  provides a vital source of revenue. Fully a third of our support comes from recurring donations.

Those of you who can afford to, please consider taking the leap, jumping on in and embracing a painless way of  supporting good work. Begin a small recurring donation (and then probably just forget about it!). If you can’t afford it – Health Rising will be here for you as well (and you can thank those who gave for that :))

Just over the past month Health Rising:

health rising afloat

Your generosity keeps Health Rising afloat 🙂

Over the next couple of weeks we will finish the Cannabis series, post a long interview with Dr. Chedda, report on Dr. Klimas’s big win, illuminate some potential new ways to fight neuroinflammation, identify what appears to be becoming a new hub of ME/CFS research, and embark on a series of recovery stories.

To become a recurring donor, simply go below or to the right sidebar of any page and enter Option #1 in the Do It Monthly section and hit the Subscribe button…  (Please note that hitting the Donate button will not work for recurring donations – you must hit the Subscribe button.)

Or simply grace us with a one-time donation. We love those too! 🙂




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