
A recent Australian study suggested an already FDA approved drug can revive the not so killer natural killer cells found in ME/CFS in the lab.

solution NK cell problem ME/CFS

Has a potential solution to the longstanding NK cell problems been found? Time will tell

If that finding translates to humans we’ll have a breakthrough in the one verified immune hole in ME/CFS – one which plays an important role in protecting us against pathogens.

The drug in question, interestingly enough, is naltrexone – the big brother of low dose naltrexone .Find out more in this Simmaron Research Foundation sponsored blog

Finally Found – A Natural Killer Cell Enhancer for ME/CFS?

HR Fundraising Drive Update

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Every bit helps! (Image-by-USA-Reiseblogger-from-Pixabay)

Thanks to the over 170 people who have plunked down everything from $3 to donations in the four figures, HR has now raised over $20,000 bringing us over 40% of the way to our goal.

HR has published on LDN extensively. We also broke the news on Mestinon, Cortene, vagus nerve stimulation, and numerous other potential treatments. If that kind of information is valuable to you please support in a way that works for you.

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