Energy Drain: Could an African Virus Tell Us Much about ME/CFS, Long COVID and other Postviral Illnesses?

Energy Drain: Could an African Virus Tell Us Much about ME/CFS, Long COVID and other Postviral Illnesses?

Check out Geoff’s narration The GIST The Blog   A blog on Tick-borne Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) might not be what you expect on a chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia (FM), long COVID website. While CCHFV is a major problem in...
The Nath Intramural ME/CFS Study Pt. II: Missed Opportunities, Misreadings and… Success (?)

The Nath Intramural ME/CFS Study Pt. II: Missed Opportunities, Misreadings and… Success (?)

The second part of a 3-part series of blogs on the “Deep phenotyping of post-infectious myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome” study looks at who was in the study and how they were selected, how severely the study was truncated by the pandemic (quite...

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